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NK Microservices Project

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Nicolas El Khoury

Aug 15, 2020, 8:15:30 PM8/15/20
to nodejs

I have created a small template project using the Microservices approach. The NK Microservices project serves as a pilot project and/or a reference to be used by anyone who wishes to write software using the Microservices approach. Indeed, Microservices is a software development methodology that is being adopted widely nowadays, especially with the advancement of the technology, and the adoption of cloud computing resources.

This project is basic, open source, and welcomes everyone who wishes to contribute to it, by enhacing it, adding new features, and suggesting recommendations.

I urge everyone wishing to learn and/or contribute to the project to check this documentation, and play around with the project. Any help is welcomed and appreciated.

Link to my Github Repository

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