Hi, i'm new to node js and trying to write something to receive a json post and then manipulate it.
I have created a server as such to listen over https to receive incoming requests,
const https = require("https"), |
helmet = require("helmet"); |
express = require("express"); |
key: fs.readFileSync("//Users/Documents/nodejs/pd_int/keys/server.key"), |
cert: fs.readFileSync("/Users/Documents/nodejs/pd_int/keys/server.crt") |
app.use(helmet()); // Add Helmet as a middleware to force https |
res.end("hello world\n"); |
createServer(options, app).
Not too sure however how to receive the post from the third party.
Any thoughts on how to ammend the above to receive the json post thus allowing me to further manipulate it with another piece of code I have ..? Appreciate any advice/assistance