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How to propertly configure the bindings of a node addon?

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Sep 27, 2020, 3:21:48 PM9/27/20
to nodejs

I'm having trouble on configuring the binds of a node add-on that posses dependencies.

The first step is to configure the binding.gyp, and set the sources. After that, you have to configure the bindings of the library, setting every dir and source.

Running the node-gyp configure and node-gyp causes an error saying that the that doenst have the library on the folder, wich is the build folder, that posses nothing.

Knowing that the firest step, bindings.gyp is propertly configured, and the source is set, the configure command should copy that source to the build folder, but nothing happens.

Here's a gist with the configurations of the bindings, so anyone can help with that problem.

Thanks in advance.

PS: The second file have the same name.

Sep 28, 2020, 3:08:38 PM9/28/20
to nodejs
On the build folder, should have something(like the library)? The first source is computed on node-gyp build command, but the libraries doesn't come together.

What I'm missing?
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