send notification to android/mobile device

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Giovanni Castania

Nov 16, 2016, 7:13:21 AM11/16/16
to Node-RED
Hi, I'm looking for a node/flow to send to my androids devices and mobile phones notification on event occurrance from NodeRed.
Ideally I'd like to have below features:
1) capable to handle limited amount of notifications to 3 or 4 devices (nomore than 10 notification per day per device in the worst scenario)
2) be able to send global notification (to all devices) or to a specific device only
3) possibly a free service (I can accept limitations to above) or with very low fee (I don't need enterprise like service!)
4) simples possible implementation, no need of complex install or setup
5) wish: devices being able to reply to notification for aknowledgment

I saw PushService but I believe it's too expensive for home needs like mine and more towards company/enterprise needs.
Any help or advice will be more than welcome!

Sebastian Barwe

Nov 16, 2016, 10:18:58 AM11/16/16
to Node-RED
Hey Giovanni,
I am exactly looking for the same solution especially with the ability to directly give feedback to the notification and to be able to update the notification. 
The use case is to the handle "questions to actions" with predefined answers to make the system interaction time for the users really short.

In general there are a lot of cloudbased "push-services". For example:
They normally are accessible via a restful HTTP-API - so integration into node-red should be easy if there is not an existing node already in the flow/node database.

I researched and evaluated a lot and didn't found a complete matching solution, so this is one project on the list of open source projects to start.
There are existing evaluations based on MQTT and the Eclipse Paho Framework, but unfortunately I didn't found a general App for this approach.
Its that I was looking for a MQTT-based notification which lets describe the complete notification behaviour (text, image, reply options etc.) by topic mesasges and the feedback to this notification is just dropped back on mqtt as well.

If somebody knows an open source implementation for a "private" push notification service for Android/iOS it would be great if you could drop me some lines. 


. Additonally I have the requirement to run it on-premises.

Julian Knight

Nov 16, 2016, 3:03:06 PM11/16/16
to Node-RED
I use Telegram these days and have Node-RED acting as a bot. With telegram you get clients for web, desktop, windows phone, ios and android. You also get 2-way messages. I use it to send alerts from my home automation server.

Not sure why you would want to run a service like that on-prem when you are pushing to the phone anyway. Node-RED becomes the on-prem bit and the cloud service is just a facilitator.

Sebastian Barwe

Nov 17, 2016, 5:24:44 AM11/17/16
to Node-RED
Hey Julian,
you are right - using telegram shall be fine because of all the different software clients. Looking commercially ,,,,
It is just that SaaS is still not easy to sell in Germany in a lot of markets (like health care). It starts with the bad infrastructure  and ends with data privacy concerns. 
And there is the requirement that the system shall be run in-house without beeing dependant on internet/provider (

Nevertheless with you mention of Telegram, I will have a look at the good old Jabber/XMPP ...  you are right that a messaging system is more advanced as multi media data be exchanged and it is bidirectional, has history, grouping etc.
I will check if the other requirements can be realized with it ...


Timur Fatykhov

Nov 17, 2016, 7:19:46 AM11/17/16
to Node-RED
For more custom solution you can check

Julian Knight

Nov 17, 2016, 7:34:28 AM11/17/16
to Node-RED
Trust me Sebastian, I know about the issues with SaaS, especially in healthcare as that is my current industry in the UK and I've been helping lead the efforts to move to the cloud here. Indeed I have a presentation tomorrow to give to UK health CIO's and a couple next year lined up to talk to Swiss healthcare execs and others.

I think what I was trying to get across was that you may be able to sell it based on the security some of the platforms exhibit as they are specifically designed to provide secure comms (actually some are far more secure than the voice channel) but also on the fact that you are simply using the service as the link from your on-prem processing to the phones. So you aren't processing in the cloud, that stays on-prem.

Sebastian Barwe

Nov 17, 2016, 10:49:56 AM11/17/16
to Node-RED
@Timur: thx, will have a look

@Julian: totally agree, honestly I believe that a professional and sensitive cared  cloud system  is more secure then a an inhouse infrastructure for 2000 employes managed by 2 busy admins also caring for the printers... but they dont want to loose work, decision makes rely on their estimations and even some spend more money at ones (because of yearly budgets) than annualy a lower fee optimized for their usage and size. Does not make sense, unfortunately real life here...  strategy is now to have start with on-prem but scalable to cloud ... god there is docker and co making this much more easy now... but problem stays the business model of SaaS does not really match to on-prem installation (though technology is the same)... so if you are facing same problems and have good arguments "to create more trust and a better feeling" would be interested in your slides :)

Julian Knight

Nov 17, 2016, 5:42:00 PM11/17/16
to Node-RED
Well, the presentation is written so we'll see how it goes down tomorrow in front of a load of sceptical CIO's :-}

Assuming I'm not torn to shreds I'll probably upload the presentation somewhere as I don't think there is anything sensitive in it. I'll let you know if I do.

The second of my talks next year might suitable for CISO or other security exec.

18th May 2017

Information and Cyber Security 600Minutes,


Attendees: CISO’s and Information Security Executives from across Europe

Giovanni Angoli

Nov 18, 2016, 11:52:50 AM11/18/16
I personally use via mqttwarn ( So basically my flows are likned to some mqtt out nodes with 'notifications/blabla' topic that is
configured in my mqttwarn ini file to match the correct notification plugin (mostly, as I said)

It's not 100% Node-red but it fits nicely (and adds a bit of separation, so you can have node-red, the mqtt broker, and the actual mqttwarn notifier on different hosts)

Hope this helps!

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Giovanni Angoli

Julian Knight

Nov 28, 2016, 9:56:51 AM11/28/16
to Node-RED
Hi Sebastian,

As I suggested earlier, I've now published the slides I used the other day. You can find them here:

On Thursday, 17 November 2016 15:49:56 UTC, Sebastian Barwe wrote:

Sebastian Barwe

Nov 29, 2016, 5:20:51 AM11/29/16
to Node-RED
Hi Julian,

thanks interesting slides!

Julian Knight

Nov 29, 2016, 7:07:19 AM11/29/16
to Node-RED
Thanks :)

Joe Morris

Jul 4, 2017, 9:26:21 AM7/4/17
to Node-RED
Hi Sebastian,

I know that this post is 1/2 year old already but I was wondering if you have found a local/intranet  solution? I am looking for the same capabilities.



Sujoy Roy

Jan 6, 2018, 6:18:49 PM1/6/18
to Node-RED
I use pushbullet on node red. Has worked like a charm and there are options for interacting with messages if you have the patience for learning how it works.

You can also integrate the chrome app do notifications also pop up on your desktop too!

Julian Knight

Jan 7, 2018, 9:59:57 AM1/7/18
to Node-RED
I had severe problems with the PushBullet clients and stopped using it in favour of Telegram which is a lot more featurefull and very simple to program bots for and doesn't suffer from the client problems, being able to cope with hundreds if not thousands of unread messages without collapsing. Useful when a bot goes wrong!
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