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Ian Shaw

Apr 21, 2023, 9:07:06 PM4/21/23
to nodal - generative music software
Hi All,

I just bought Nodal after spending a few hours with the demo.
In this time I managed to re-create the mechanical working of an old toy my children used to have - essentially a tin with a handle on top which when rotated plays a 3 note sequence., in my case c#4, a3 & g3. The handle could also be turned anti-clockwise in which case it would repeat the last note played before reversing the sequence. 
I've been trying for years to do this with regular sequencer & arpeggiators but never quite managed to get to the point where I can play a random sequence of notes that follow the rules of this toy, but now I have managed it with Nodal.
I tweaked it a bit so that it doesn't play the same note over again forever.
Screenshot 2023-04-18 at 20.15.36.png
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