Dear colleagues, on 30th of November we will start 4 lesson about environment with Vandana Shiva
1 MEETING 30/11/2023 | We are Nature, We are Biodiversity - ONLINE At 17.00 pm Rome time |
2 MEETING 11/12/2023 | Soil Not Oil : From the age of oil petrodent and plastics is the age of Terre Matrie by Earth, by Soil - ONLINE At 17.00 pm Rome time |
3 MEETING 19/01/2024 | The Planet, Health is one Health : How food connects the soil,Biodiversity and climate - ONLINE At 17.00 pm Rome time |
4 MEETING 20/02/2024 | Earth Democracy : Liberation for all beings – fake news about environment - ONLINE At 17.00 pm Rome time |
to register:
-- Stefano COBELLO Ph.D Sociology of Inclusion Coordinator of the European Pole of Knowledge / Italy National Network of Educational Institutions Mobile:+39 3482681898