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english for the environment

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Stefano Cobello

Sep 28, 2023, 9:13:20 AM9/28/23

 image.png Dear participants,
I'd like to inform you that our next meeting of the "English for the Environment" course will be held today Thursday September 28th, 2023 at 5.00 pm (Rome time)

To take part in the meeting, please, click on the following link:

Online meeting ID: training
Join the online meeting:

During the meeting, you can sign your attendance by clicking on the link that will be shared in the chat.
If you can't attend the lesson, don't worry! We will upload the registration on the page dedicated to the course. You will receive an email in which we inform you that the video is uploaded on the website. In this mail, you'll also find the link to sign your attendance.

Thank you for your kind attention!

image.png  Carissimi,
Vi informo che il prossimo incontro del corso "English for the Environment" si terrà oggi giovedì 28 Settembre 2023 alle ore 17.00.

Per partecipare all'incontro, cliccate sul seguente link:

Online meeting ID: training
Join the online meeting:

Durante la lezione, potrete firmare per registrare la vostra presenza utilizzando un link che verrà condiviso in chat. Se sarete impossibilitati a seguire l'evento, non preoccupatevi. La registrazione della lezione verrà caricata sulla pagina dedicata al corso sul sito di School Plastic Free. Nel momento in cui questo avverrà, riceverete via mail il link per poterla guardare e il link per poter firmare la presenza.

Grazie per la vostra gentile attenzione

Stefano COBELLO Ph.D
Sociology of Inclusion
Coordinator of the European Pole of Knowledge / Italy
National Network of Educational Institutions 

Mobile:+39 3482681898
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