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Final results of Pearl Project

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Stefano Cobello

Sep 20, 2021, 2:08:08 AM9/20/21
Dear managers, teachers, and friends of the European Pole of Knowledge network - I.C. BoscochiesanuovaThe Erasmus+ KA201 project PEARLEmotional Empathic Proximal Learning-Educational Environment is a project that aims to develop and validate an educational model, innovative and replicable at an international level, aimed at the very first childhood, 0–6 years, which favors the growth of children through an empathic and emotional proximal learning educational environment based on group activities. The project has a completely experimental character and aims to create and validate a new inclusive educational model based on concrete and solid neuro-psycho-pedagogical theoretical foundations, integrating academic research (theories of Vygotskij, Piaget, Montessori, Bandura) with modern educational strategies including peer education, cooperative learning, co-constructivism and with the use of educational robotics in particular for the 3-4 and 5-6 years age group. Robotics is used as a tool for inclusion and open communication strategies and especially for the development of relational and emotional skills, thanks to its use in small group activities. For the age group from 0 to 2 years, the creation of the empathic and emotional proximal educational environment will take place mainly through activities related to nature.

The PEARL model places the group, peer relations, and the development of empathetic emotions at the center of its action for the creation of a proximal learning space that favors a correct approach to robotics technologies as educational and learning tools. The methodologies developed by the project will pay particular attention to the inclusion of all children beyond their talents, their potential, personal difficulties, or disabilities.


- Develop, test and validate an innovative and high-quality educational model for the development of an educational environment of emotional and empathetic proximal learning in the age range from 0 to 6 years that can be replicated at European level

- Create an international network of teachers and organizations in close collaboration with academic world and educational institutions for the promotion of an inclusive educational approach in early education

- Develop new curricula for teachers for the development of the skills necessary to adopt an experimental educational model in early childhood

- Promote a new orientation to early childhood education through the a white paper on educational approaches intended for public bodies and decision-makers at national and European level.


  • Polo Europeo della Conoscenza – IC Bosco Chiesanuova (Italy)

  • Gazi University (Turkey)

  • Consejería de Educación. Junta de Castilla y León (Spain)

  • Panevėžio Rajono Švietimo Centras (Lithuania)

  • Clementoni (Italy)


- Pearl Pedagogical approach model []

- Training modules [ ]

- Pearl Online Learning platform [ ]

- Assessment and validation tools [ ]

- Toolkit of Educational Activities [ ]

- Pearl Project – White paper [ ]

I kindly ask you, if you can, to make a link on your webpage or site to this page and sent it to us. regards. Stefano Cobello
Stefano COBELLO Ph.D
Sociology of Inclusion
Coordinator of the European Pole of Knowledge / Italy
National Network of Educational Institutions 

Mobile:+39 3482681898
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