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Online workshop about E-learning Not E-quality with Professor Rosemay Sage

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Stefano Cobello

Apr 18, 2021, 7:36:33 PM4/18/21
Dear Colleague and Principals I have the pleasure to invite You in an online meeting with professor Rosemary Sage about E-LEARNING NOT E-QUALITY on the 4th. of May 2021 at 17.00 Rome time. The meeting will last 2 hours and will be held in English Language.  You are all invited. To participate fill the form here:

Professor Doctor Rosemary Sage is a qualified speech pathologist, psychologist and teacher; former Dean at the College of Teachers where she led the first Practitioner Doctorate, sponsored by the European Commission. She was Director of Speech and Language Services in Leicester/Leicestershire; a Teacher in Primary and Secondary schools; Senior Language Advisor to an LEA; an Academic in 4 universities: Head of Department and Professor of Communication at Liverpool and a visiting Professor in Cuba and Japan. Rosemary is on the Queen’s Panel for Education and Industry Awards. She sat on the Lord Chancellor’s Advisory Committee as a senior magistrate (Chairperson & Judicial Mentor) and is presently on the judicial executive and a member of the Magistrates in the Community (MIC) project. She was a founder member of the Children’s Legal Panel and expert witness for Educational appeals; on Parliamentary Committees for Medicine and Education, the Teaching of Medical Sciences, Inclusion of Students with Special Needs & Education Advisor to the RCSLT. Rosemary has been a trustee of several charities, a school governor and member of many research boards. She has led international research projects on language, education and employment and medical-educational issues - publishing many books and over 150 refereed papers in journals. She has gained national/international awards for her work on the Communication Opportunity Group Strategy (COGS). She is a winner of the Kenneth Allsop Memorial Prize, The Bullard Prize, The Gimson Award, The International Human Communication Network Medal, The College of Teacher’s Research Award & Leverhulme Fellowship amongst others. She is a Millennium and TCOT Fellow. Presently, Rosemary is SEND Director for the Learning for Life Educational Trust & Scientific Advisor at Abai University, Kazakhstan.
Stefano COBELLO Ph.D
Sociology of Inclusion
Coordinator of the European Pole of Knowledge / Italy
National Network of Educational Institutions 

Mobile:+39 3482681898
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