Dear Jun,
I think you will be interested in learning the PONDEROSA-C/S package. Poky Structure Builder and Poky Structure Analyzer are basically successors of Ponderosa Client and Ponderosa Analyzer programs which are components of PONDEROSA-C/S. You can get some information from and
Also, Gabriel’s presentation from NMRFAM workshop 2019:
Woonghee Lee, I.E.I.P., M.S., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
University of Colorado Denver
1151 Arapahoe St. (Science Bldg.) Rm 4128A
Denver, CO 80217-3364, USA
Office: +1-303-315-7672
Shipping/Mailing Address:
Woonghee Lee
1201 5th St. UCD CHEM-194
P.O. Box 173364 (USPS)
Denver, CO 80204, USA
From: <> on behalf of Jun Yang <>
Date: Wednesday, July 7, 2021 at 2:47 PM
Subject: [NMR POKY/SPARKY] poky tutorial
[External Email - Use Caution]
Is there a place where I can learn poky? The help documents on poky are most for sparky or nmrfam-sparky. What I'm interested now is how to prepare the data for NOE assignment and structural calculation. While there is nothing about the former issue, there is only youtube video on preparation for structural calculation but it goes at super expert level and I don't get much as a beginner user. A detailed documentation about these procedures will definitely benefit newcomers and help spreading the wonderful suite to the structural biology community.
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Hi Jun,
NOE assignment is concurrently conducted with structure calculation. Check this paper out:
POKY includes all necessities and you don’t need to install PONDEROSA-C/S separately.
Woonghee Lee, I.E.I.P., M.S., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
University of Colorado Denver
1151 Arapahoe St. (Science Bldg.) Rm 4128A
Denver, CO 80217-3364, USA
Office: +1-303-315-7672
Shipping/Mailing Address:
Woonghee Lee
1201 5th St. UCD CHEM-194
P.O. Box 173364 (USPS)
Denver, CO 80204, USA
From: <> on behalf of Jun Yang <>
Date: Wednesday, July 7, 2021 at 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: [NMR POKY/SPARKY] poky tutorial
[External Email - Use Caution]Thanks for the information. In my understanding, PONDEROSA-C/S are for structural calculation, right? What about NOE assignment? I don't need to install Ponderosa Client and Ponderosa Analyzer if I have Poky suite, right?
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Hi Jun,
0. The first residue index of my protein doesn't start from 1, is that ok?
That is OK if the numbers are larger than zero and smaller than 1000.
1. I need to convert the PIPP shift table to a format that poky accept it, ie, the resonance list? If you don't have a converter for this kind of shift table format, I can write a script for it. However, how to name the atoms for the pseudo-atom when only one atom location is visible for a methylene proton? Do I use "Q" to replace them? I see methyl protons are already named with "#" at the end so "M" may not necessary. The other issue is that I see all my N atoms are assigned as 13C in "Nuc" probably due to the shifts falling into usual 13C shift range after N-to-C conversion, I should correct them, right?
I wrote PIPP shift table support five years ago but haven’t tested much. But the nomenclature needs to be dealt with. You can simply detach #. You can use Q or M for your bookkeeping but it isn’t necessary to run program.
2. Because my N shifts are converted to pseudo-C shifts and many non-G Calpha are folded to a lower shifts, will these cause trouble in the "resonance outlier" checkup procedure?
They should have corrected (aliased) chemical shifts.
3. In the "Builder" window, I can load the converted shift file other than the opened one generated by the assigned 2D spectrum, right?
You can do both. You are referring the difference between “Import” button and “Open” button.
4. In the additional constrain list, I see there is an option of "atomic coordinate .pdb", is this the template pdb file it refers to?
If your calculation option is related to automated NOE assignment, that will work as decoys (initial structure is a stretched thread). If not (constraint only), the pdb will be the initial structure and you are refining the structure from there.
5. how to fill in the "S-S" or "cis Pro" box, do I just put like "140-150" to indicate there is a cys-cys bridge forming between residue 140 and 150, and "223" to indicate residue 223 is cis pro? If there are more than one occurrence, I can just separate them by a blank, right?
Use comma to separate. If you place your cursor in the box for a few seconds, it just shows the hint.
6. In my case, should I check "PACSY boost" option?
You can submit two different jobs and see what gives better results.
Woonghee Lee, I.E.I.P., M.S., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
University of Colorado Denver
1151 Arapahoe St. (Science Bldg.) Rm 4128A
Denver, CO 80217-3364, USA
Office: +1-303-315-7672
Shipping/Mailing Address:
Woonghee Lee
1201 5th St. UCD CHEM-194
P.O. Box 173364 (USPS)
Denver, CO 80204, USA
From: <> on behalf of Jun Yang <>
Date: Thursday, July 8, 2021 at 3:09 PM
Subject: Re: [NMR POKY/SPARKY] poky tutorial
[External Email - Use Caution]My test protein is about 90% backbone assigned and many of the assigned residues have sidechain assigned as well in PIPP shift table. I have the 2D 15N-HSQC spectrum with the 15N shifts are converted to pseudo-C shifts to match that in the NC-NOESY, and un-assigned 3D NC-NOESY spectrum where 15N and 13C are in the same dimension, and 13C sw is reduced so that all shifts above 48.5ppm are folded (ie, observed shift + 43ppm = real shift). With these data, do you think I can try the NOE auto assignment and structural calculation?
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Hi Jun,
0. The first residue index of my protein doesn't start from 1, is that ok?
That is OK if the numbers are larger than zero and smaller than 1000.
1. I need to convert the PIPP shift table to a format that poky accept it, ie, the resonance list? If you don't have a converter for this kind of shift table format, I can write a script for it. However, how to name the atoms for the pseudo-atom when only one atom location is visible for a methylene proton? Do I use "Q" to replace them? I see methyl protons are already named with "#" at the end so "M" may not necessary. The other issue is that I see all my N atoms are assigned as 13C in "Nuc" probably due to the shifts falling into usual 13C shift range after N-to-C conversion, I should correct them, right?
I wrote PIPP shift table support five years ago but haven’t tested much. But the nomenclature needs to be dealt with. You can simply detach #. You can use Q or M for your bookkeeping but it isn’t necessary to run program.
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Hi Jun,
1. I need to convert the PIPP shift table to a format that poky accept it, ie, the resonance list? If you don't have a converter for this kind of shift table format, I can write a script for it. However, how to name the atoms for the pseudo-atom when only one atom location is visible for a methylene proton? Do I use "Q" to replace them? I see methyl protons are already named with "#" at the end so "M" may not necessary. The other issue is that I see all my N atoms are assigned as 13C in "Nuc" probably due to the shifts falling into usual 13C shift range after N-to-C conversion, I should correct them, right?
I wrote PIPP shift table support five years ago but haven’t tested much. But the nomenclature needs to be dealt with. You can simply detach #. You can use Q or M for your bookkeeping but it isn’t necessary to run program.
2. Because my N shifts are converted to pseudo-C shifts and many non-G Calpha are folded to a lower shifts, will these cause trouble in the "resonance outlier" checkup procedure?
They should have corrected (aliased) chemical shifts.
4. In the additional constrain list, I see there is an option of "atomic coordinate .pdb", is this the template pdb file it refers to?
If your calculation option is related to automated NOE assignment, that will work as decoys (initial structure is a stretched thread). If not (constraint only), the pdb will be the initial structure and you are refining the structure from there.
Hi Jun,
I’m a bit confused. Should I NOT use “Q” or “M” in the resonance list file? If so, how to name the ethylene proton if I only observe one shift, use HB# as in xplor-nih to represent either HB1 or HB2 or both, since this form can then be directly exported to xplor-nih constrains? What about the wrong nucleus assignment for 15N, I need to correct that during the format conversion, right?
You should change it to HB or QB.
Do you mean I need to correct them to the corresponding normal values? I thought this shift table will be used to assign the NOEs. If these shifts are correctly back to normal 15N shifts and Ca shifts, they will not be found in the spectra, isn't that an issue?
They need to be in normal range. Both your chemical shifts in the resonance table and peak and in the noesy peak list. In the case of ambiguous NOE peak that can be assigned to multiple resonances, chemical shift distribution plays a role in calculating probabilities.
The first job I send will be for automated NOE assignment, then I don't need to provide any pdb file, right? Will the NOE assignment help to identify more unassigned atoms? What result do I expect after this job is done, NOE assignment only or with initial structure calculation result as well?
Yes if you stick with constraint only options after the initial run. If you want to collect more constraints, you may use intermediate structures. You can just try a few different combinations and you will understand how they differ.
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Hi Jun,
I’m a bit confused. Should I NOT use “Q” or “M” in the resonance list file? If so, how to name the ethylene proton if I only observe one shift, use HB# as in xplor-nih to represent either HB1 or HB2 or both, since this form can then be directly exported to xplor-nih constrains? What about the wrong nucleus assignment for 15N, I need to correct that during the format conversion, right?
You should change it to HB or QB.
Do you mean I need to correct them to the corresponding normal values? I thought this shift table will be used to assign the NOEs. If these shifts are correctly back to normal 15N shifts and Ca shifts, they will not be found in the spectra, isn't that an issue?
They need to be in normal range. Both your chemical shifts in the resonance table and peak and in the noesy peak list. In the case of ambiguous NOE peak that can be assigned to multiple resonances, chemical shift distribution plays a role in calculating probabilities.
Woonghee Lee, I.E.I.P., M.S., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
University of Colorado Denver
1151 Arapahoe St. (Science Bldg.) Rm 4128A
Denver, CO 80217-3364, USA
Office: +1-303-315-7672
Shipping/Mailing Address:
Woonghee Lee
1201 5th St. UCD CHEM-194
P.O. Box 173364 (USPS)
Denver, CO 80204, USA
From: "Lee, Woonghee" <WOONGH...@UCDENVER.EDU>
Date: Monday, July 26, 2021 at 9:14 PM
To: Jun Yang <>
Subject: Re: [NMR POKY/SPARKY] poky tutorial
Hi Jun,
Do you mean your chemical shifts on spectra are not converted by aliasing? Or, you mean NOESY data need conversion? There’s no need to put that information somewhere. You can just apply aliases to the peaks need them.
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You could use CS (circular shift) and EXT
(extract) functions of NMRPipe and extract two unaliased regions
of the spectra seprately (as two spectra)...
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I second that.
Woonghee Lee, I.E.I.P., M.S., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
University of Colorado Denver
1151 Arapahoe St. (Science Bldg.) Rm 4128A
Denver, CO 80217-3364, USA
Office: +1-303-315-7672
Shipping/Mailing Address:
Woonghee Lee
1201 5th St. UCD CHEM-194
P.O. Box 173364 (USPS)
Denver, CO 80204, USA
Hi Jun,
I think you can still keep one spectrum for C. But that is an nmrpipe question.
Meanwhile, I will think about the nmrglue method that you can run on poky.
Woonghee Lee, I.E.I.P., M.S., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
University of Colorado Denver
1151 Arapahoe St. (Science Bldg.) Rm 4128A
Denver, CO 80217-3364, USA
Office: +1-303-315-7672
Shipping/Mailing Address:
Woonghee Lee
1201 5th St. UCD CHEM-194
P.O. Box 173364 (USPS)
Denver, CO 80204, USA
From: <> on behalf of Jun Yang <>
Date: Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: [NMR POKY/SPARKY] poky tutorial
[External Email - Use Caution]So basically you suggest that I convert the nc-noesy dataset into three datasets: one has N shifts, one has correct Calpha shifts via CS but all other carbons shifts are wrong, and the third one will be the original dataset with all other carbon shifts correct but Calpha shift wrong, right?
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Dear Jun,
What server? There are multiple servers associated with Poky. You mean structure calculation? Then, see below:
Click this button in the Poky main window.
From the Poky Structure Builder window:
Woonghee Lee, I.E.I.P., M.S., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
University of Colorado Denver
1151 Arapahoe St. (Science Bldg.) Rm 4128A
Denver, CO 80217-3364, USA
Office: +1-303-315-7672
Shipping/Mailing Address:
Woonghee Lee
1201 5th St. UCD CHEM-194
P.O. Box 173364 (USPS)
Denver, CO 80204, USA
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Step. 1. You can use EXT to extract all the
region with peaks that have the correct chemical shifts and
exclude the aliased peaks. Save the spectrum.
Step. 2. Then modify the processing script to add a circular shift (CS) to make the aliased peaks have the correct chemical shifts (i.e. unalias them) and use EXT to exclude the newly aliased region (which you no longer need, since you have its peaks with correct shifts in the previously extracted spectrum from step 1).
Result: two (sub)spectra with all peaks having
unaliased shifts.
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