Call for Participants NeurIPS IGLU competition

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Negar Arabzadeh

Aug 7, 2022, 4:42:19 PM8/7/22
to nltk-users

We kindly invite you to consider the IGLU Neurips competition with the goal of interactive embodied agents for human-AI collaboration. IGLU includes an RL task as well as an IR/NLP task on "Asking Clarifying Questions".

Please read more about the challenge in the following and reach out to us if you have any questions.

Can an AI agent build a house following instructions in the natural language provided by humans? 👷

The NeurIPS 2022: IGLU Challenge aims to facilitate research in  Human-AI collaboration through the natural language.  In the IGLU setup, human and embodied AI agents have to exchange information using language to accomplish a common goal.

Participate In IGLU Challenge

🏆 Total Prizes: $15,000   Read More About The Prizes 

🗂 Why is this challenge important? 

The aim of this challenge is to build interactive agents that learn to solve a task using grounded natural language instructions in a collaborative environment. 

IGLU Challenge is related to two main areas of AI research: Natural Language Understanding and Generation (NLU/G) and Reinforcement Learning (RL). With this challenge, we hope to bring the RL and NLU communities together and work towards a common goal: building language-grounded interactive agents.

🔍 Awesome, What Are The Key Tasks?

There are two unique tasks for NeurIPS 2022: IGLU Challenge. 🏗

👷 RL Task: Building Structures

This task is about following natural language instructions to build a target structure without seeing what it should look like at the end. The RL agent observes the environment from a first-person point of view and can move around and place different coloured blocks within a predefined building zone.

🙋 NLP Task: Asking Clarifying Questions

This task is about determining when and what clarifying questions to ask. Given the instruction from the Architect, the Builder needs to decide whether it has sufficient information to carry out that described task or if further clarification is needed. 

The IGLU Challenge aims to promote research in human-AI collaboration through the natural language. Meet other problem-solvers like you

So, what are you waiting for? Explore the NeurIPS 2022: IGLU Challenge and make your submission now! 

Participate in IGLU Challenge Now!

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