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Issue Labels and Contributions in NLTK

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liling tan

Oct 4, 2017, 4:06:24 AM10/4/17
to nltk-dev

NLTK issues have been growing and a couple of minor releases has been made this year.
We're starting to better utilize the labels on the Github to encourage contributions and anyone who wants to comment/review on relevant issues.

If anyone is looking for contribution opportunities, there issues labelled as "good first bug" that can be easily patched, e.g.:
 - Documentation issues:
 - Corpus related issues:

For more challenging issues, there's the "bug" and "enhancement"

And for those looking to contribute more, the "nice idea" label usually tags the issues that might require more time/effort:

Corpora / Models are also welcomed and here's a quick guide on how to add a corpus to NLTK
We'll guide you along the way once you start an issue or PR to the repository =)

One last special request is for any brave soul(s) who would like to work on NLTK officially supporting Python3.6

Other than contributing code, comments / thumbs-ups / suggestions / code reviews are very welcomed too.
We are encouraging inputs to issues / PRs that might need some triage and/or advice.

This issue that attempts to garner discussion might be of interest too:

We thank all of you that have contributed to NLTK!!

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