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Het Parool: Tandarts-scientoloog weigert een afvallige

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Nov 9, 2003, 3:50:08 AM11/9/03

Het Parool, 08-11-2003, p7, 'Amsterdam'.

Tandarts-scientoloog weigert een afvallige

Door Bart Middelburg

AMSTERDAM - De Larense tandarts Hans Beekmans, actief lid van de
Scientology-sekte in Amsterdam, weigert een complexe behandeling
bij een andere scientoloog te voltooien, omdat deze patient door
Scientology wegens 'muiterij' is uitgeroepen tot besmet persoon.
Beekmans, naar eigen zeggen tevens tandarts van verscheidene leden
van de koninklijke familie, heeft al geruime tijd een relatie met
de executive director van Scientology Nederland, Maria Koster.

Scientologen mogen volgens het interne rechtssysteem van de sekte
geen contact hebben met gelovigen die door de leiding als
'suppressive person' zijn geexcommuniceerd. De patient, Ricardo
Wirth uit Amsterdam, is woedend over Beekmans' weigering hem
verder nog te behandelen.

"Ik zie het als twee gescheiden dingen: je hebt je beroepsleven,
en je bent scientoloog. Beekmans is die twee dingen aan het
mengen, en dat klopt niet."

De Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg vindt het eveneens 'geen
behoorlijke gang van zaken' als een tandarts een behandeling
afbreekt naar aanleiding van verwikkelingen binnen een sekte. "Er
kunnen natuurlijk om standigheden zijn waardoor een tandarts niet
verder kan of wil met een patient," zegt woordvoerder Raymond
Salet van de inspectie. "Maar iemand de deur wijzen met als
argument: je bent verstoten door een sekte en dus behandel ik je
ook niet meer, dat kan in onze ogen niet zomaar."

Wirth sloot zich circa drie jaar geleden aan bij de door L. Ron
Hubbard opgerichte sekte, gevestigd aan de Nieuwezijds
Voorburgwal. Ongeveer een jaar geleden trad ook Beekmans in.
Beekmans geldt als een autoriteit op het gebied van implantaten.
Hij is secretaris van de Dutch Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, en
een van de ontwikkelaars van een implantaat van zirconiumoxide.

"Hans had prive-problemen gehad, en op advies van weer een andere
tandarts, die al langer bij ons zat, is hij toen bij Scientology
terecht gekomen," aldus Wirth. Als aspirant-scientoloog moest
Beekmans, zoals gebruikelijk, eerst de purification rundown van de
sekte volgen: een 'ontgiftingsprogramma' dat voornamelijk in de
sauna dient te worden doorgebracht, en waarbij onafzienbare
hoeveelheden vitamines moeten worden geslikt. Er zijn gevallen
bekend van beginnende scientologen die tijdens hun purf bloed
gingen ophoesten. "Als meer ervaren scientoloog was ik daarbij de
twin van Hans, zoals ze dat noemen, zijn begeleider; we hebben
heel wat uren in de sauna doorgebracht," zegt Wirth.


Al vrij snel na zijn intrede in de sekte kreeg Beekmans ook een
relatie met de hoogste baas in de 'Org', het hoofdkantoor aan de
Nieuwezijds, melden meerdere scientologen. Die hoogste baas is
Maria Koster, zakelijk directeur van de sekte. "Puur om z'n poen,"
zegt Wirth. "Hans is miljonair, dat heeft-ie me vaak genoeg
verteld, hij deed af en toe een flinke donatie, dus dat zag Maria
Koster allemaal wel zitten." De relatie met Koster bleek daarbij
ook zeer bevorderlijk voor Beekmans' voortgang op Hubbards Bridge
to Clear: waar de studie bij Scientology van minder gefortuneerde
volgelingen nog wel eens jaren lang wil stagneren, vloog Beekmans
van het ene level naar het volgende.

Behalve twin werd Wirth afgelopen voorjaar ook patient van
Beekmans. "Dat kwam: ik miste al jaren een tand. Hans zou bij mij
een tand implanteren, en de deal was daarbij dat als de
behandeling helemaal klaar zou zijn, hij mijn geval zou mogen
gebruiken voor reclamedoeleinden en presentaties. Ik vond dat

Wirth kreeg naar eigen zeggen eerst een uitvoerige voorbereidende
behandeling. "Om ruimte te maken voor zo'n implantaat, vertelde
hij. Die operatie lukte goed en na zes maanden zou dat implantaat
erin worden gezet. Dat had dus in september moeten gebeuren."

Tussentijds, op 15 augustus om precies te zijn, werd tegen Wirth
ioor de leiding van Scientology schter een zogeheten SP-declare
uitgevaardigd: hij werd uitgeroepen tot suppressive person,
kortweg SP.

Oranjes ook patient bij sekte-lid?

Wirth had namelijk een halsmisdrijf begaan: Scientology loopt
leeg, de afgelopen maanden hebben tientallen scientologen de sekte
de rug toegekeerd, en Wirth had met een aantal van die afvalligen
contact gehad. En contact met een suppressive group geldt nu
eenmaal als muiterij, aldus de SP-declare, die zoals gebruikelijk
in de Org op het prikbord werd gehangen.

Met SP's mogen volgens het interne sanctiestelsel van Scientology
niet alleen geen contacten worden onderhouden, ze moeten ook
worden 'bedrogen, vervolgd of belogen, of vernietigd' - dus van
esthetic dentistry kan helemaal geen sprake meer zijn.

Wirth: "Ik belde Hans op om een afspraak voor de verdere
behandeling te maken en kreeg te horen dat ik er een potje van
maakte en dat hij mij niet meer wilde behandelen. Hij gaat
natuurlijk met de directrice, en hij vindt die hele filosofie van
Hubbard fantastisch, maar ik vind het niet in de haak."

Tegenover diverse scientologen heeft Beekmans het afgelopen jaar
laten doorschemeren verscheidene leden van de koninklijke familie
te behandelen. "Hij heeft mij eens verteld dat hij vorig jaar hals
over kop naar het AMC toe moest om te kijken of alles nog in orde
was met het gebit van prins Claus," aldus Wirth. "Dat was een paar
dagen voor Claus' dood, en Hans maakte er een heel verhaal van,
compleet met een geblindeerde auto waarin hij werd opgehaald, en
met lijfwachten."


Andere scientologen bevestigen dat, onder wie John Leemhuis,
voormalige zieltjeswinner van de sekte: "Er zijn wel eens
bijeenkomsten in de kapel van de Org waar mensen over hun
vorderingen en functioneren moeten vertellen. Hans Beekmans is
daar ook eens op het podium geklommen en heeft daar toen verteld
dat hij de tandarts van het koninklijk huis was. Daar was ik zelf
bij. Koningin Beatrix heeft hij ook onder z'n hoede, zei hij."

De Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst wil niets zeggen over de betrekkingen
tussen Beekmans en de koninklijke familie. Beekmans zelf heeft ook
na lezing van het voorgaande 'geen commentaar' op de
kwestie-Wirth, noch op zijn relatie met Maria Koster of op zijn
vorderingen op de Bridge to Clear, noch op zijn werkzaamheden voor
de koninklijke familie.

"Het betreft hier arts-patient-relaties, en daar mogen wij als
praktijk geen uitspraken over doen," aldus Beekmans' office
manager Marcel van de Vis.

Met Beekmans' vorderingen bij Scientology zal het overigens wel
loslopen. Twee weken geleden, bijvoorbeeld, werden via een
advertentie in de Gooi- en Eemlander belangstellenden geworven
voor een voorlichtingsbijeenkomst van de stichting Narconon. Dit
'afkickcentrum' wordt, ook al stond dat er in de advertentie niet
bij, geleid door de veteraan scientologe Joanna Kluessien, en is
er vooral op gericht ook verslaafden de sekte in te loodsen.
Plaats van handeling, aldus de advertentie: Beekmans Tandartsen te
Laren. "U kunt zich aanmelden bij de balie of u kunt bellen naar
de praktijk."

Jeta Eggers

'Suppressief persoon' verklaring Ricardo:


Nov 9, 2003, 10:09:20 AM11/9/03
[Was: Re: Het Parool: Tandarts-scientoloog weigert een afvallige]

Het Parool:

> Beatrix

> Tegenover diverse scientologen heeft Beekmans het afgelopen jaar
> laten doorschemeren verscheidene leden van de koninklijke
> familie te behandelen. "Hij heeft mij eens verteld dat hij vorig
> jaar hals over kop naar het AMC toe moest om te kijken of alles
> nog in orde was met het gebit van prins Claus," aldus Wirth.
> "Dat was een paar dagen voor Claus' dood, en Hans maakte er een
> heel verhaal van, compleet met een geblindeerde auto waarin hij
> werd opgehaald, en met lijfwachten."

> Andere scientologen bevestigen dat, onder wie John Leemhuis,

> voormalige zieltjeswinner van de sekte: "Er zijn wel eens
> bijeenkomsten in de kapel van de Org waar mensen over hun
> vorderingen en functioneren moeten vertellen. Hans Beekmans is
> daar ook eens op het podium geklommen en heeft daar toen verteld
> dat hij de tandarts van het koninklijk huis was. Daar was ik zelf
> bij. Koningin Beatrix heeft hij ook onder z'n hoede, zei hij."

> De Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst wil niets zeggen over de betrekkingen
> tussen Beekmans en de koninklijke familie. Beekmans zelf heeft ook
> na lezing van het voorgaande 'geen commentaar' op de

> kwestie-Wirth, noch op zijn relatie met Maria Koster [De Executive
> Director van Scientology NL] of op zijn vorderingen op de Bridge

> to Clear, noch op zijn werkzaamheden voor de koninklijke familie.

Hoorde ik iemand 'AIVD' zeggen? ;)

Okee, beste Algemene Inlichtingen en Veiligheidsdienst, nu jullie
hier toch mee aan de slag moeten - ontken 't nou maar niet -, neem
dan meteen even het 'Special Zone Plan' van Scientology mee.

Om het jullie gemakkelijk te maken staat hieronder de volledige
tekst. De tekst is een tijdje on-line geweest, maar dat mocht niet
meer na een juridisch dreigement van Scientology richting de ISP
Demon (december 2000): haar copyrights werden geschonden. Waarmee
de sekte bewees dat dit infiltratieplan inderdaad van haar is.

Jeta Eggers


Scientology's Special Zone Plan

- The originals can be found in "Green Volume" #6
- Webbed version (no longer) obtainable via:


Enkele citaten uit dit plan:

Het besturen van een land berust op de vaardigheid
van haar afdelingshoofden, haar bestuurders en andere

Het is een koud kunstje om posities op die terreinen
te verwerven...

Doe geen moeite om gekozen te worden.

Probeer een baantje te verkrijgen bij de ministeriele
staf, of wordt er bewaker...

Werk niet samen met groepen. Vraag geen toestemming.



Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

[= June 23, 1960]

Important MA
Franchise Holders


The Scientologist's Role in Life

Ten years ago, on about this date, I was up against
third dynamic, confusion of such magnitude that within a
few months, I was to decide to forget organization
problems and concentrate on research.

Because of this decision for years we were poorer in
numbers but richer by far in knowledge.

It evidently was not enough to be able to help the
basic problems of an individual. There were eight
dynamics. It was necessary to take in at least some of
all eight dynamics before we could be effective.

And toward the end of June in 1950, I first sensed
that truth. And the maxim-bring order to your own house
before you attempt order next door.

In June, 1950, the Foundations were already
beginning to shatter under the enthusiastic door
pounding of the public. I had built the proverbial
better mousetrap and all the world was beating a path to
our door-and was breaking the door down!

Yes, we could do wonders with people. Greater
wonders than had been done in recent millenia. But we
were ignorant beyond the first two dynamics. The moment
we sought to handle the third we were done.

That was ten years ago. Within months of that date
all that was left of the first organizations was rubble
and newspapers blowing by in the wind.

I worked hard, and studied and researched, never
friendless, often helped and worked ahead for ten years.

The First Dynamic, self, fluctuated in results and
has stabilized with unsurpassed processing technology.
In proof, our people are individually in better shape
than any other group.

On the Second Dynamic, family and sex, we have
gotten into a winning position. We know the answers to
marriage, children and sex. The material isn't all
published broadly enough yet even for Scientologists to
know it but it's there and we're living better lives.

The Third Dynamic, groups, is the spectacular break
through of today. It's happened so gradiently we've
hardly realized we have won. But observe: we have a
magnificent organization. In America, England, South
Africa and Australia we have just about the most
wonderful organizations Man has seen for their size,
cost and defensibility. Here we have achieved
spectacular stability. Largely self-determined, yet
co-operating smoothly these third dynamic examples
compare with June, 1950, Foundations like the Royal
Ballet compares with the aftermath of Hiroshima.

Just as we can represent in ourselves the grip we
have on the first dynamic, so do we represent in our
organizations that we have the third dynamic well in

The technology of our third dynamic in organizations
and the field is an exact one, as skilled as an
auditor's know-how. And having applied it to
organizations we are now applying it to the field, which
is the main subject of this bulletin. You in "the
field", you are about to win, too, with a complete new
level of policy and action if you want it: you are about
to be included "in".

The Fourth Dynamic, Mankind, is now an understood
zone of operation and is declared herewith to be
operational for a Scientologist. The prize of
understanding Man as a racial and political species has
fallen to our hand. Don't smile. I know it's an
incredible announcement. But it's factual.

On the Fifth Dynamic, that of living things, I have
been making headway since last year and know quite a bit
now about them. Many of the secrets have dropped into
our hands.

On the Sixth Dynamic, the physical universe, we have
for some time stood well above what they know in

On the Seventh Dynamic, the spirit, we covered this
ground very thoroughly in


1953-54-55 and it's still all true but too advanced for
general consumption. The best record of this was in the
1953 Philadelphia Lecture Series of 64 hours.

On the Eighth Dynamic, the Supreme Being, we have at
least found the key question and in a little while we
should have it answered on a demonstrable basis. Far
from presumptious it is about time somebody neither
atheist nor zealot asked some questions, and arrived at
some answers that have no self-interested curves in

So you can see where we are going and have at least
a passing acquaintance with developments. Here we are
with the largest fund of information of life and its
patterns that has been assembled in a factual package on

Now the question is, what are we going to do with

Until we had the third and fourth dynamics
demonstrably in hand technically we could not answer the
question. We've each had his own idea of what we should
be doing with it and each of these ideas is right to the
degree that it's right for each of us. I have never
discussed this point strongly because I did not want to
shake anyone into an uncertainty. So let's say that all
these ideas are right and then add a Third Dynamic
Idea with which we can all agree.

Improvement is the common denominator of all our
ideas. And of course each one has a zone of interest
where he or she feels improvement is most needed or
where he or she would be most comfortable in doing the
work of improvement.

And that's the gist of this Third Dynamic Idea.
It's a rather deceptive idea at first glance since we
are each of us doing something of that.

But let us be far more definite. And let us expose
a fallacy that has long been riding with us, as an
unknown passenger.

People think of professional practitioners as
doctors who, aloof from all other concerns, practise on
the sick. This is a very novel idea. Dreamed up,
probably, by the first lazy witch doctor and used
forever thereafter by most specialists in human
livingness. And here I want to as-is and banish that
idea from amongst us all.

If we are doctors (by which might be meant
"repairers") then we are doctors on the third and fourth
dynamics and handle the first and second dynamics only
to achieve better function on the third and fourth.

And true enough, most Scientologists agree, I think,
with this concept. But it itself is as new and novel as
the idea of being a professional practitioner to
individual health once was.

I believe our third dynamic organization, taking in
all Scientologists, should go this way:

The Central Organization and Centre Scientologists
should service the remaining Scientologists, doing
administration, instructing and auditing. Instruction to
a professional level of all Scientologists should be
entered upon as a must. Central Organization and Centre
Auditing should be special and referred cases and the
Scientologists themselves when they want it as part of

Being trained and cleared need not hold up the next
zone of action, though it is taken for granted that
these will occur for each.

The "field auditor" should be included wholly "in"
to the general activity as a large zone divided into
smaller specialized zones. The "field auditor" should
of course run a group some evenings (he will find he has
to) and audit not only members of his family but
contacts in his zone on weekends or evenings. But, as
you will see, he or she is largely wasting time by
trying to be an individual doctor type practitioner
where he or she is only partly successful at it. Some
of course will have to work full time in centres as we
get into action but centres are mentioned above as a
special activity along with Central Organizations.

The largest majority of Scientologists should, I
feel, consider themselves as "doctors" on the third and
fourth dynamics. And if we work well at this, we will
have answered all our various needs and brought it off
on the third and fourth as well.

Now I wouldn't be talking to you like this if I
didn't feel I had this studied to a conclusion.

Consider our position; we have arrived at a very
special plateau of knowledge as has been reviewed above.
Data on our know-how is being codified for use in these
zones of action.

Consider the position of the world. The story is
often repeated on the whole track. As Most is made to
help too much, a plateau of civilization is reached in
which the individual is downgraded to a number. The end
of this-the lights eventually go out through lack of
personal initiative and ability.


We are in a fantastic position, at the right time
and place, to halt this cycle of decay and start a new
one on Earth. And I believe we should overtly do so.


We are masters of IQ and ability. We have know-how.
Any of us could select out a zone of life in which we
are interested and then, entering it, bring order and
victory to it.

Of course, there's a heavy challenge in doing this.
Some of the victories would be hardly won. But we would
win across the world if we kept our vision bright.

The third and fourth dynamics subdivide. Any third
breaks down into many activities and professions, a
neighborhood, a business concern, a military group, a
city government, etc. etc. etc. The fourth dynamic
breaks down just now mainly to races and nations.

Now just suppose a Scientoloeist were to consider
himself a professional only for the purposes of training
and repairing or even starting again these third and
fourth zones?

See this, a housewife, already successfully
employing Scientology in her own home, trained to
professional level, takes over a woman's club as
Secretary or some key position. She straightens up the
club affairs by applying comm practice and making peace
and then, incidental to the club's main function, pushes
Scientology into a zone of special interest in the
club-children, straightening up marriages, whatever
comes to hand and even taking fees for it-meanwhile of
course going on being a successful and contributing

Or this: a Scientologist, a lesser executive or even
a clerk in a company, trains as a professional auditor,
and seeing where the company is heading, begins to pick
up its loose ends by strengthening its comm lines or its
personnel abilities. Without "selling" anybody
Scientology, just studies out the bogs and remedies
them. If only as "an able person, he would rapidly
expand a zone of control, to say nothing of his personal
standing in the company. This has been and is being done
steadily across the world. Now that we have
presessioning it's easy to straighten up other people.
Our unreleased technology on handling third dynamic
business situations is staggeringly large. You'd be
surprised how easy it is to audit seniors. They and
their families have so many troubles. OR how easy it is
to spot the emergency-maker and audit him.

And see this: a race is staggering along making
difficulties for itself. Locate its leaders. Get a
paid post as a secretary or officer of the staff of the
leaders of that race. And by any means audit them into
ability and handle their affairs to bring co-operation,
not trouble. Every race that is in turmoil in a nation
has quasi-social groups around its leaders.

And this: a nation or a state runs on the ability of
its department heads, its governors, or any other
leaders. It is easy to get posts in such areas unless
one has delusions of grandeur or fear of it. Don't
bother to get elected. Get a job on the secretarial
staff or the bodyguard, use any talent one has to get a
place close in, go to work on the environment and make
it function better. Occasionally one might lose, but in
the large majority, doing a good job and making the
environment function will result in promotion, better
contacts, a widening zone.

The cue in all this is don't seek the co-operation
of groups. Don't ask for permission. Just enter them
and start functioning to make the group win through
effectiveness and sanity.

If we were revolutionaries this HCO Bulletin would
be a _very_ dangerous document. We are not
revolutionaries any more than we are doctors of sickness
in individual patients. But we are not revolutionaries,
we are humanitarians. We are not political. And we can
be the most important force for good that the world has
ever known. Who objects to a company functioning better
to produce a better civilization? Who objects to a race
becoming sane and a stable asset to its communities?
Who objects to a neighborhood smoothing out?

Only the very criminal would object and they are
relatively ineffectual when you can know and spot them.
them. And there are no criminals except the mentally

So this is a challenge on the third and fourth.
Almost all Scientologists are in a position to begin to
help on such a programme.

And I am studying now first the popularity with you
of this plan and, if great, how best to help us all to
achieve it. The first thing required is an
understandable designation for Scientologists
undertaking their portion of this Special Zone Plan. I
should think the word "Counselor" is acceptable with an
appropriate additional designation such as "Family
Counselor" or "Company Counselor" or "Child


Counselor" or "Organization Counselor". What we
would do is issue a HPA or HCA as a certificate as
always and would issue a special zone certificate to any
person operating in that zone after he or she had
completed an additional correspondence-type briefing
course covering that general zone. In other words anyone
would have to have a professional certificate before he
or she could be designated as a special zone counselor.
The costs of obtaining such a certificate would be kept
slight, no more than bare administration. The
advantages of having such a designation are plain. A
clerk with a certificate on the wall from the Academy of
Scientology designating that he or she has been
graduated as a "Company Counselor" would startle even a
complacent executive into conversation about what was
wrong with the place and as he was talking to a pro
auditor any scepticism would quickly fade. A pro would
know! As it all starts with being a good auditor and as
the additional technology is exact in any of these
fields, the programme is feasible.

We are at this stage of this programme: I have found
that Scientologists operate with high success on the
third and fourth but that it rarely occurs to them to
try it and when they do they think I want them to audit
full time and they are apologetic about their attempt. I
have the technology pretty well to hand and can write
zone manuals. I feel we now have clearing well in hand
in Central Orgs and will soon have it broadly so for
Scientologists in "the field" but I do not feel we need
wait on that but take it and further training in stride.
I feel that we are ripe for an overt attack on the third
and fourth down spiral. I feel our auditors should take
advantage of their increased personal ability and should
be regarded accordingly by society and its zones. I see
clearly that we have to win on the third and fourth if
we are to attain our goals of a better world.

The special zone plan is made possible by a slight
shift of approach. Take the case of a police officer
who got interested on a PE course and read some books.
He tried to "sell" his chief on Scientology as a subject
and was given a heavy loss. One, our PE level trainee
was insufficiently schooled to be effective. Two, as a
pro his approach could have been any one of several. He
could have eased himself nearer a command source area in
the department, or he could have taken over a pistol
marksman on the force and made him a champion as we did
with the Olympics team once. The slight shift is that
we would have made this police officer get pro training
before telling him "sell Scientology" to the force and
then would have advised him to sell it by action, not
words. Handling the familial problems of the
commissioner as his driver or making the rookies gasp at
how fast he could train them would be selling by action
only. And no other kind of selling would be needed.
he'd be running an evening coaching class for his
fellows or superiors on Scientology in a few months and
making some of them follow the same route. How long
before he had altered the whole character, ability and
effectiveness of the police force and through that how
long before he would have civilized the whole approach
to law enforcement in that area? For, once we have
created an opening we always avalanche to fantastically
swift gains.

That's the Special Zone Plan. Several hundred
thousand are ready for the first steps. Those that
aren't trained as pro HPAs and HCAs could start in soon.
There are special ways to get training at an Academy
now. And even while awaiting this training and working
toward clearing such Scientologists could begin to
determine their zone goals and work on them.

Our impact on the society is already weighty. With
special Zone Plans we could move that impact up
thousands of times greater and have in our present
lifetimes our goals at least in part accomplished and a
decent world to come back to again.

What do you think of it? Write to me in care of
Central Organization HCO in your area to give me your
views on the Special Zone Plan.

When you write please advise me as follows: whether
you like or do not like the idea. If you like it tell me
the zone you are in or would like to be in (what area do
you want to help?). But whatever you say please write as
your letter will be considered as a vote. We have
arrived at a cross roads where our action now could well
affect the future history of this planet.


Copyright (c) 1960
by L. Ron Hubbard


Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


Assoc Secs
HCO Secs
Directors of Zoning


In a Telex message to George Hay, who is the new
Director of Zoning at HASI London, Ron has clarified the
purpose of this post.

The Director of Zoning, is a new post set up to
co-ordinate and bring order to the Special Zone Plan in
any area. It is a HASI post, not an HCO post.

Ron's instructions on this is for each Association
Secretary or Org Sec to find their best "rabble rouser"
and appoint him as Director of Zoning for their
particular area and make up his hat in accordance with
the following, which is taken almost verbatim from the
Telex message to George Hay.


To Director of Zoning London:

Please arrange the following:

I hat any person wanting to see Reception Registrar
or Assoc Sec or me about the Special Zone Plan gets
routed promptly to you, and that your door is well and
legibly and tastefully marked about it. And you can be
found, and nobody talks to anyone in HASI about it but

Further. make a card file out on everybody that
comes in; and in particular write down name, address,
and the zone they're interested in, and the possibility
or not that they will do volunteer auditing evenings for
some special personality.

Keep this list of Special Zone workers and keep it
out of C/F as such. You can info addressograph that so
and so is a Special Zone worker, but for now keep your
own card file and build it up.

Answer and demand that you get all letters that
contain reference to the Special Zone Plan even if they
contain other matter. Get people to route letters to
you which contain orders to be filled.

Please build up any data you can in ways of actual
operation or how to operate that you get from people as
we will be in desperate need of it one of these days.

Keep the Special Zone Plan corralled and out of
HASI, and keep HASI out of the Special Zone Plan. Any
plans to completely control the Special Zone Plan will
be negatived by me. We want people to work as they can
work. We don't want it to be a controlled sphere.

I have a book or rather a paper coming up that is a
brief summary of how to get one's foot in a door in a
business company and how to operate along that line, as
the beginning text that will be required for study
before we issue counselors' certificates to anyone.
There'll be a booklet for each Zone. These are
preliminaries. Later booklets will be built out of the
data we get from people working hard at it.

If you insist on anything insist on people getting
decently trained. Make any kind of arrangements you can
pull off or talk people or HASI into, but a non-trained
auditor doesn't do too well hitting at groups et al.
We're not near so keen on selling anything as we are in
actually getting them trained.

Special Zone is our area of confusion at the moment,
and I don't care how enthused or ecstatic or confused it
gets. Keep it from confusing any part of HASI and
HASI will love you desperately. In short the confusion
has power in it. If it meets up with too much HASI
order some of the impetus will be lost, so let the order
go as far as getting people trained, but otherwise
isolate Special Zone.


Copyright (c) 1960
by L. Ron Hubbard


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