NJ4X hardware identifier (BOXID) can be obtained in the following ways:a) From your application message box: https://yadi.sk/i/jQfWoPeTavUnfb) From your application warning console message: https://yadi.sk/i/uLk6AhumavVihc) Using boxid.exe application (can be downloaded at nj4x.com)
Here is "Getting NJ4X activation key" step-by-step guide:
1) Open http://www.nj4x.com/downloads in your browser: https://yadi.sk/i/2cBhbWjeavPg3
2) Sign-in with your social account:
3) Enter your BOXID in a web form (https://yadi.sk/i/Roox9VI8avVDk) and press "Request Activation Key" button.4) Wait for a minute: https://yadi.sk/i/whJlcymqavVQM5) Your activation key is ready: https://yadi.sk/i/6GCuxOPNavW7d
Next is how to configure activation key in the application:.Net (C#)Add App.config to your project and add nj4x_activation_key to appSettings section:<configuration><appSettings>
<add key="nj4x_activation_key" value="245424527" />...</appSettings>...
</configuration>JavaInitialize nj4x_activation_key System property:public class MyApplication {
static { System.setProperty("nj4x_activation_key", "245424527"); }...}VerificationActivation key is successfuly implemented if IsLimitedFunctionality Strategy method (property in .Net) returns false.
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