Session 2024-2025
Bill A3894: Murphy, Carol A./Quijano, Annette/Bucco, Anthony M.Amends certain fire safety statutes to update licensure and equipment requirements and liability, fee, and penalty provisions; expands membership of Fire Protection Equipment Advisory Committee.*2/27/2024 - Introduced And Referred To Assembly Housing Committee5/13/2024 - Reported And Referred To Assembly State and Local Government Committee6/6/2024 - Reported And Referred To Assembly Public Safety and Preparedness Committee11/14/2024 - Reported Assembly Committee Amendments 2nd Reading12/19/2024 - Passed Assembly (69-4-0)12/19/2024 - Received In Senate12/19/2024 - Substituted For S2580 (1R)12/19/2024 - Passed Both Houses (38-0) S2580: Bucco, Anthony M./Singleton, TroyAmends certain fire safety statutes to update licensure and equipment requirements and liability, fee, and penalty provisions; expands membership of Fire Protection Equipment Advisory Committee.*2/8/2024 - Introduced And Referred To Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee5/6/2024 - Reported 2nd Reading5/6/2024 - Referred To Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee10/7/2024 - Reported Senate Committee Amendments 2nd Reading12/19/2024 - Substituted By A3894 (1R)