nixCraft Linux tips & tricks Newsletter, Dec-10-2017

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Dec 10, 2017, 1:46:08 PM12/10/17

*** Update your OpenSSL on FreeBSD 10.x/11.x to fix vulnerabilities ***
Fix your OpenSSL on a FreeBSD and other oses too ASAP. 

*** Updated version of Debian Linux 8/9 has been released  ***
The Debian project has announced an updated version of Debian 9 (codename “stretch”) and Debian 8 (codename “jessie”). One can get new updates merely running the apt command/apt-get command. 

*** Monitor Linux CPU temperature, frequency, power in a graphical way ***
S-tui is a free and open source terminal UI for monitoring your computer. s-tui allows to monitor CPU temperature, frequency, power and utilization in a graphical way from the terminal.  
*** gtop: Awesome system monitoring dashboard for Linux/macOS Unix terminal ***
I like htop interactive process viewer. Recently I found another one called gtop. It is similar to top, but fancier. Let us see how to install and use gtop on a Linux or macOS Unix based system.

*** Command line fun: Insult the user when typing wrong bash command ***
You can configure sudo command to insult user when they type the wrong password. Now, it is possible to abuse insult the user when they enter the wrong command at the shell prompt.

*** How to record statistics about a Linux machine’s uptime ***
Recently I discovered another tool called uptimed that records statistics about a machine’s uptime. Let us see how to get uptime record statistics using uptimed and uprecords on Linux operating system.

*** Improve your bash/sh shell script with ShellCheck lint script analysis tool ***
ShellCheck is a static analysis tool for shell scripts. One can use it to finds bugs in your shell scripts. It is written in Haskell. You can find warnings and suggestions for bash/sh shell scripts with this tool. Let us see how to install and use ShellCheck on a Linux or Unix-like system to enhance your shell scripts, avoid errors and productivity.

*** How to supercharge string search through a directory hierarchy on a Linux/Unix ***
Usually, I use the grep command for code searching on my box. Recently, I come across another cool tool called ag. It is an attempt to make something better than ack, which itself is better than grep command. Let us see how to install and use the ag tool on Unix-like operating systems.

*** How to write/create a Ubuntu .iso to a bootable USB device on Linux using dd command ***
I downloaded a Ubuntu .iso file named artful-desktop-amd64.iso on a Debian Linux system. How do I write or burn a Ubuntu .iso to a USB device for installation purpose from Linux terminal?

*** How to install or compile GIMP filters/plugins/extensions on Linux ***
How do I install or compile new GIMP filters on a Ubuntu or Debian or Fedora or CentOS Linux desktop system?

*** How to install curl command on a Ubuntu Linux ***
I am a new Ubuntu Linux user. I switched from Apple MacOS/Macbook and I trying to run the curl command from a shell script but getting the following error:
bash: curl: command not found
How do I fix this on a Ubuntu Linux version 17.10/16.04 LTS?

*** How to import a OpenVPN .ovpn file with Network Manager or Command Line in Linux *** 
I have installed an OpenVPN server on a Debian Linux server. I have a client.ovpn file for my VPN server. How do I use it with Network Manager GUI? Is it possible to install or import client.ovpn file using the command line with Network Manager on a Ubuntu Linux or CentOS Linux desktop?

*** How to Install and Configure latest version of Ansible on Ubuntu Linux ***
I am a new Ubuntu Linux user. How do I install Ansible on a Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS or 17.10 desktop control machine?

*** How To Remove Unwanted/Unused Dependencies in FreeBSD pkg Command ***
I deleted a package using the ‘pkg remove foo‘ command. However, it left over 30+ dependencies. Theses dependencies not needed by any other package on a FreeBSD Unix system and just taking space on my hard drive. How do I remove unwanted or unused dependencies in FreeBSD 11.x server?

Until next time.
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