The Lion Path Musaios Pdf 27

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Miranda Pell

Nov 30, 2023, 6:39:40 AM11/30/23
to nix-devel

The Fumigation from Storax.
O venerable goddess, hear my pray'r, for labour pains are thy peculiar care;
In thee, when stretch'd upon the bed of grief, the sex as in a mirror view relief.
Guard of the race, endued with gentle mind, to helpless youth, benevolent and kind;
Benignant nourisher; great Nature's key belongs to no divinity but thee.
Thou dwell'st with all immanifest to sight, and solemn festivals are thy delight.
Thine is the talk to loose the virgin's zone, and thou in ev'ry work art seen and known.
With births you sympathize, tho' pleas'd to see the numerous offspring of fertility;
When rack'd with nature's pangs and sore distress'd, the sex invoke thee, as the soul's sure rest;
For thou alone can'st give relief to pain, which art attempts to ease, but tries in vain;
Assisting goddess [Eileithyia], venerable pow'r, who bring'st relief in labour's dreadful hour;
Hear, blessed Dian [Artemis], and accept my pray'r, and make the infant race thy constant care.

The Lion Path Musaios Pdf 27


The Fumigation from Aromatics.
With holy voice I call the stars [Astron] on high, pure sacred lights and genii of the sky.
Celestial stars, the progeny of Night [Nyx], in whirling circles beaming far your light,
Refulgent rays around the heav'ns ye throw, eternal fires, the source of all below.
With flames significant of Fate ye shine, and aptly rule for men a path divine.
In seven bright zones ye run with wand'ring flames, and heaven and earth compose your lucid frames:
With course unwearied, pure and fiery bright forever shining thro' the veil of Night.
Hail twinkling, joyful, ever wakeful fires! Propitious shine on all my just desires;
These sacred rites regard with conscious rays, and end our works devoted to your praise.

The Fumigation from Aromatics.
Daughter of great Protogonus, divine, illustrious Rhea, to my pray'r incline,
Who driv'st thy holy car with speed along, drawn by fierce lions, terrible and strong.
Mother of Jove [Zeus], whose mighty arm can wield th' avenging bolt, and shake the dreadful shield.
Drum-beating, frantic, of a splendid mien, brass-sounding, honor'd, Saturn's [Kronos'] blessed queen.
Thou joy'st in mountains and tumultuous fight, and mankind's horrid howlings, thee delight.
War's parent, mighty, of majestic frame, deceitful saviour, liberating dame.
Mother of Gods and men, from whom the earth [Gaia] and lofty heav'ns [Ouranos] derive their glorious birth;
Th' ætherial gales, the deeply spreading sea goddess ærial form'd, proceed from thee.
Come, pleas'd with wand'rings, blessed and divine, with peace attended on our labours shine;
Bring rich abundance, and wherever found drive dire disease, to earth's remotest bound.

The Fumigation from Myrrh.
Ærial clouds, thro' heav'n's resplendent plains who wander, parents of prolific rains;
Who nourish fruits, whose water'y frames are hurl'd, by winds impetuous, round the mighty world;
All-thund'ring, lion-roaring, flashing fire, in Air's wide bosom, bearing thunders dire
Impell'd by ev'ry stormy, sounding gale, with rapid course, along the skies ye fail.
With blowing winds your wat'ry frames I call, on mother Earth with fruitful show'rs to fall.

The Fumigation from a Variety of Odoriferous Substances.
Mother of Gods [Meter Theon], great nurse of all, draw near, divinely honor'd, and regard my pray'r:
Thron'd on a car, by lions drawn along, by bull-destroying lions, swift and strong,
Thou sway'st the sceptre of the pole divine, and the world's middle seat, much-fam'd, is thine.
Hence earth is thine, and needy mortals share their constant food, from thy protecting care:
From thee at first both Gods and men arose; from thee, the sea and ev'ry river flows.
Vesta [Hestia], and source of good, thy name we find to mortal men rejoicing to be kind;
For ev'ry good to give, thy soul delights; come, mighty pow'r, propitious to our rites,
All-taming, blessed, Phrygian saviour, come, Saturn's [Kronos'] great queen, rejoicing in the drum.
Celestial, ancient, life-supporting maid, fanatic Goddess, give thy suppliant aid;
With joyful aspect on our incense shine, and, pleas'd, accept the sacrifice divine.

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