Books Inbound...

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Publisher The Written Wyrd

Sep 26, 2014, 11:58:38 PM9/26/14
Hey everyone,

First off, 'Playing God', my 10th book, is done at just a hair above 103,000 words.   Writing a book is a long, dreary project, as I'm sure you all know, and I'm glad to finish this one in time.   I still have to prep the MS, but that goes fairly fast, and I hope to have it off to CreateSpace by the first of the month.

That brings up an issue where I hope I can get the help of someone local there in Portland.   I plan to bring a batch of Trade Paperbacks to Orycon, and hauling a large box full will be a major hassle for me.   Honestly, i'm getting to where it is hard to walk.   Will someone down there be willing to accept a shipment from CreateSpace for me?   I'll express my gratitude with a copy of the newest.

Please get in touch if you'd be willing.   My particulars are:

Also, a reminder: I plan to hold a 'triple' book launch room party at Orycon.   Come to the Dark Side, we have cookies.

Thanks to all, and my best wishes,


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