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Bob Boyd

Jun 12, 2014, 7:56:18 AM6/12/14
to niwa...@googlegroups.com
So...  Here we are at the official start of mid-June, and I am pleased to say that my writing for the year has just passed 100,000 words.   This is against my nominal annual of 150,000, so as you can see, I've been cookin'.

'Playing God' stands at 57,400 words, and while my pace has slowed a bit in the last few days (these things come and go), I expect 'Playing God' to be finished by mid-September.   We've all heard that before, haven't we?

No matter.   Perhaps it's time for a little taste of what's in store.   Here is the text of the back cover material:

Someone had to save humanity from 
itself, but who would save him from 
his own humanity?

She fidgeted nervously in the overstuffed chair.  
"What are you going to do, Dan?"

"I'm going to have someone killed, which will alter the 
Omega Time Line and, hopefully, prevent a war."

She was appalled when that sank in.   "You kill people!?  
You've been playing God all these years?"

"I haven't been playing, Brenda."

"Are you mad?"

He gave her a bleak, weary look.  "I'm a survivor of the 
Alpha Time Line.  Being insane would help."

"But how can you..."

"Brenda, this has to be done.  There's no way to alter 
history except by altering the fate of those who make it.  
He has to die so billions can live."

I really like where the story line is going, and these are some of my strongest characters yet.   Practice really does make perfect, it seems.

Til next,

Andy Bunch

Jun 14, 2014, 7:37:51 PM6/14/14
to NIWA Group

That's awesome, man. I have been distracted by the little one. I look forward to writing again. Hopefully soon.

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Contessa Timmerman

Jun 14, 2014, 9:58:46 PM6/14/14
to niwa...@googlegroups.com

I think it is great.

On Jun 12, 2014 4:56 AM, "Bob Boyd" <publ...@the-written-wyrd.org> wrote:

Amber Cook

Sep 5, 2014, 11:42:37 PM9/5/14
to niwa...@googlegroups.com
Bob, how's the book coming?  

Bob Boyd

Sep 6, 2014, 2:36:42 AM9/6/14
to niwa...@googlegroups.com
Howdy all,

'Playing God' is cooking right along with 93,000 words in and only about 11,000 to go.   At this rate, it looks good for my estimate of late September.   I am really pleased with how it is coming out.   Here is a little tidbit:

Dan stared at the monitor in disbelief, then turned his attention to the main display.  Up close, the lines around the Omega Time Line were furiously splitting and resplitting at random.

"Shit," he muttered.  "This is something entirely new."  He studied the master display for a long time, watching the seemingly random splits.  "It looks like the cascade is turning into temporal chaos," he said at last.

"How bad is it?"

He turned and gave her a look of near panic.  "It's bad.  This is something we never anticipated."  

"But what about the time line you were working on?  Is that affected too?"

Dan hesitated for several minutes as he pondered that.  "I'm not sure.  The only thing I can think of is this time line serves as a base, and we reach out to other time lines.  If this line shifts...the lock is broken.  The coordinates get messed up."

"Can you fix it?"

"I don't see how.  The changes are coming so rapidly I can't lock onto any time line long enough to do a complete analysis."  He studied the master display for several minutes as more lines split and split again.  Most of them were red, many black.  None were blue or less.  It took them a moment to notice that some lines simply ended.  "God...time lines terminating?"  Dan sounded scared.  "They simply stop?  How can that happen?"

"That...sounds bad," she mumbled in dismay.

"I'll say!  We may have wrecked the fabric of reality itself!"

"So the earth may be destroyed altogether?"

He gave her a frightened look.  "This could unravel the entire universe!"

Brenda bit back her panic reaction.  Dan had enough on his mind right then, and didn't need her getting hysterical.  She forced herself to be as calm as she could, which wasn't very calm.  "So what do we do now?" she asked as she fought to keep herself under control.

"Well, we can't just stand here wringing our hands."  Dan returned to his command seat.  "George, initiate the analysis you mentioned a moment ago."

"Analysis under way.  Estimated completion time twenty-two hours, fifteen minutes."

Dan paused in surprise.  "Why the change?"

"The cascade's progression complicates the analysis.  There is a real possibility that the rate of growth will preclude finding a solution altogether."

"God," he mumbled.  "Twenty-two hours...with that much computing power..."  

She didn't need to ask; she could imagine how incredibly complex those calculations would have to be if their system was pushed to its limit.  "It's hopeless, isn't it?"

He ignored her for some time, watching the cryptic numbers on his monitor with ashen features.  "We've lost control," he said at last.  "The time stream is so fouled up I can't manipulate it any more."

Never a dull moment when one mucks around with time, I daresay.

Since I have you all cornered, I suppose I should make an announcement.   I am planning a triple book launch party at Orycon to celebrate the three books released this year.  Unfortunately, due to circumstances, I won't be merchanting (again), so tell all your friends to check out some quality SF.   BTW, this time I expect to have not only the DVDs but Trade Paperbacks as well.

Well, onward and upward.  Til next,


Ron Hepner

Sep 8, 2014, 3:06:49 AM9/8/14
to niwa...@googlegroups.com
Bob, terrific excerpt of your book. Compelling, dramatic text.

Bob Boyd

Sep 8, 2014, 4:47:11 AM9/8/14
to niwa...@googlegroups.com
Thank you, Ron!   Here's another tidbit-let for you:

They headed down a side street toward the store, passing people laden with with bags and shopping carts of personal possessions.  Passers-by steered clear of them with hostile, fearful looks.  Some were armed with guns or clubs, and one had a machete.  There was an ugly undertone of panic in the air; they could smell it.  

The next cross street was choked and moving at a crawl at best, with the grocery store beckoning on the far side.  Getting across would take luck and nerve.  Brenda eyed the packed double stream of cars with misgivings.  "I don't see how we're gonna get through all that."

"Not through; over.  You try ducking between cars and you're likely to get killed."  Dan made an up-and-over gesture.  "When they stall, we cross on the hoods."


The traffic ground to a halt again, engines revving, horns blaring.  "Alright, now!"  Dan clambered up on the rear hood of a sedan, then helped her up.  "Keep moving!"  Brenda's gaze met the driver in the car behind them; she gave him a distracted wave before they jumped across to a roof in the inside lane.  They almost lost their balance as the car surged ahead under them, ramming the next car in line.  The traffic going the other way ground to a halt just in time, and they jumped across onto the roof of a van while the driver of the second car screamed obscenities at them in spittle-spewing rage.

"You all right?" Dan asked.


The traffic started inching ahead, so they jumped across to the roof of a pickup truck, then into its bed, then over the side to the sidewalk as it pulled away.

"Crazy sonsabitches!" Dan bellyached as they recovered their composure on the other side.

'Playing God' is now 94,300 words in, with just under 10,000 to go.

Lookin' good.   Til next,

Ron Hepner

Sep 8, 2014, 11:28:31 PM9/8/14
to niwa...@googlegroups.com
Yeah, lookin' good. Carry on!


Amber Cook

Sep 11, 2014, 9:57:46 PM9/11/14
to niwa...@googlegroups.com
Go, Bob.  That all sounds very exciting.  

Ron Hepner

Sep 11, 2014, 11:01:25 PM9/11/14
to niwa...@googlegroups.com
Exciting it is, Bob

On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 6:57 PM, Amber Cook <unchan...@gmail.com> wrote:
Go, Bob.  That all sounds very exciting.  


Publisher The Written Wyrd

Sep 14, 2014, 4:08:11 AM9/14/14
to niwa...@googlegroups.com
A bit of a progress report: 'Playing God' now stands at 98,000 words with roughly 7,000 words to go, so I'm ahead of schedule for once.   What's more, by the end of the month I will have hit 150,000 words annual production - three months ahead of my nominal annual output.   If I can keep this up, I'll make 200,000 words for the year, my first ever.   Its amazing how fast this goes when writing steamy love scenes.   8-}>

Plans are now under way for the Triple Book Launch Room Party, both Friday and Saturday evening.   Come to the Dark Side, we have cookies.
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