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Allan Streib

May 31, 2021, 2:20:08 PM5/31/21
Hi all,

What is your normal approach when you want to use an element that isn't defined? For example I am working on a page where I want to use HTML description lists and Nitrogen are no #dl{}, #dt{}, or $dd{} elements.

My workaround was to use #template{} with bindings, which works conceptually but breaks from how other elements are handled, and I'm going to need to pass about 25 bind values which is a bit tedious. I have these values in a record, but the record definition doesn't seem to be visible to the template callouts.

I also thought about just looking at the element_span module or other similar and follow along to create element_dl, element_dt, and element_dd modules.

I am still very much a beginner at Nitrogen and fairly new to Erlang as well, so I may be missing something more idiomatic?



May 31, 2021, 8:09:54 PM5/31/21
to Nitrogen Project / The Nitrogen Web Framework for Erlang
I never used that <dl> labels. Personally I think these cases to be overkill to implement in a module. Just look the  #list and #listitem elements
to understand what I mean (or maybe take some ideas...). I would just spit the html with a oneliner:

 %%  make_list([{"item1", "definition1"},  {"item2", "definition2"}, ...]).
make_list(List) ->
  [ "<dl>",     [ ["<dt>", DT, "</dt><dd>", DD, "</dd>"] || {DT, DD} <- List]],   "</dl>"].

There is nothing wrong making them elements, thats the Nitrogen way..., but then you would be creating 3 modules just to emit
the same html as that oneliner.

Jesse Gumm

Jun 2, 2021, 3:48:41 PM6/2/21
to nitrogenweb
Hey Allan,

This is a situation where I probably would create new elements, however you can use some trickery to minimize the number of copied modules.

The #h1, #h2, etc elements all use the element_h.erl module:

If you're interested in adding this elements as built-in nitrogen elements, I'm comfortable merging in a PR that defines that.

Does that point you in a workable direction? 


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Allan Streib

Jun 3, 2021, 3:16:03 PM6/3/21
I did go ahead and implement elements before I saw this, I basically copied list/listitem and created #dlist{} and #dlistitem{}.

Since dl elements can contain both dt and dd elements, I added an attribute 'type' to the dlistitem element. So an example would be:

#dlist{ body=[
    #dlistitem{ type=term, text="Term" },
    #dlistitem{ type=definition, body=DefinitionBody }

Does that seem acceptable? If so I'll put a PR together. If not, I am certainly open to a better approach.


On Wed, Jun 2, 2021, at 3:48 PM, Jesse Gumm wrote:
Hey Allan,

This is a situation where I probably would create new elements, however you can use some trickery to minimize the number of copied modules.

The #h1, #h2, etc elements all use the element_h.erl module:

If you're interested in adding this elements as built-in nitrogen elements, I'm comfortable merging in a PR that defines that.

Does that point you in a workable direction? 


On Mon, May 31, 2021, 1:20 PM Allan Streib <> wrote:

Jesse Gumm

Jun 3, 2021, 7:17:19 PM6/3/21
to nitrogenweb
Hey Allan,


My only real concern for prime-time is: Is that level of verbosity acceptable?

<DD> is a *lot* shorter than #dlistitem{type=definition}

What if it was something like:


Or, it could very well be this:

    #dlistitem{term="Some Term", description="some Description"}

Leaving either term or description out would simply not render the respective dd or dt tag, but provide a simple mechanism to do the dt, dd pair together in a logical way.

As I'd expect most situations to have a pair of <DT> and <DD> together, I'd probably lean toward the latter approach myself.

What do you think?


Also, from what I've read, it looks like the term "definition" was replaced with "description" in the standard (or maybe I'm misremembering).

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Jesse Gumm
Owner, Sigma Star Systems
414.940.4866 || || @jessegumm

Allan Streib

Jun 3, 2021, 8:16:24 PM6/3/21
I like the combined dlistitem, in fact I had already written a little helper function to create the term and description pairs. I'll put some more work into it.

And I think you're right, it's "description" not "definition". MDN says:

"The <dt> HTML element specifies a term in a description or definition list," 

So I think I just locked in on "definition" for some reason. But the container <dl> is "Description List"


On Thu, Jun 3, 2021, at 7:17 PM, Jesse Gumm wrote:
Hey Allan,


My only real concern for prime-time is: Is that level of verbosity acceptable?

<DD> is a *lot* shorter than #dlistitem{type=definition}

What if it was something like:


Or, it could very well be this:

    #dlistitem{term="Some Term", description="some Description"}

Leaving either term or description out would simply not render the respective dd or dt tag, but provide a simple mechanism to do the dt, dd pair together in a logical way.

As I'd expect most situations to have a pair of <DT> and <DD> together, I'd probably lean toward the latter approach myself.

What do you think?


Also, from what I've read, it looks like the term "definition" was replaced with "description" in the standard (or maybe I'm misremembering).
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