Internship for junior from NIT Dgp

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Debayan Banerjee

Jan 30, 2017, 12:27:53 AM1/30/17
to nitdgplug
Hi alumni,

This time at Mukti I came across Aman Deep (added to this list) who showed me his creation He blogs at and his github profile is at

While I was dismissive of the utility of this idea at the beginning, he persevered and got a 6 ranked hackernews story out of it today!

His frontend skills are excellent and he is looking for an internship in the summer. Since there are people in this group working at all the top companies in the world, and startups, I would like one of you to offer him an internship if you can. I do not think he will disappoint. I highly recommend him.

You can contact him at

Debayan Banerjee
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