Code of Conduct

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Raamana, Pradeep Reddy

Sep 16, 2021, 10:40:48 AM9/16/21
to niQC

Hi Everyone,


I am very delighted to say all the Quality Conversations so far went really well, and am quite looking forward for the future events. I just wanted to share our Code of Conduct (CoC), with the following TLDR:

  • As an INCF SIG, we must follow their CoC:
  • In the spirit of open science, we keep our interactions as open as possible. While we respect everyone’s privacy during virtual meetings, in order to ensure the authenticity of participants, we might occasionally ask some to turn on their cameras briefly
  • Anyone disrupting the event, or individuals therein, or other engaging in non-academic activities will be asked to leave, or removed as is necessary.


Longer version:

As members of INCF and/or OHBM as well as being academics at universities, I believe most of us are aware there is a Code of Conduct (CoC) for joining a society and their special interest group (SIG) like ours. Just to be sure, I just wanted post a quick link to the INCF CoC


which really boils down to being a decent, open, welcoming, and respectful scientist, focusing on science and academic activities alone.


In the spirit of open science, we keep the discussions (in the google group) and our virtual webinar series open without passwords to anyone interested in our science.


As you might know this open nature will make it easy for some not-awesome people to disrupt our events (zoom bombing, stalking, individual harassment etc). We could make put passwords and others security measures in place, this usually is more trouble than benefit, given motivated individuals can easily read the passwords or pre-authenticated links off the public/open google group. While we can mandate registration and limit the meetings to pre-registered folks, this won’t solve the problem either, as it doesn’t stop the motivated individuals, unless we moderate a lot at every stage which we don’t have resources. Nor is the additional gatekeeping justified given the rare likelihoods etc. While we usually handle any disruptions as soon as its clear what’s happening (by removing the disruptors), sometimes it might become necessary to ensure authenticity of certain individuals to ensure everyone feels safe in our meetings and interactions (and no one who is not supposed to be there is present).


Al the meetings so far have been fabulous and am looking forward to more, and making the neuroimaging world a more beautiful and quality subspace of our world 😊. Thanks for all your great support and cooperation.




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