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Jacques Behar

Jul 5, 2017, 10:42:13 AM7/5/17
to The New York Nineteenth Century Society
Hi 1

     Unfortunately, for me, I am not able to attend today's picnic.  A " last minute"  non-scheduled plea ended my plan for today. I say unfortunately because I wanted to meet others who share my interest in 19TH century New York.
     As I am a new member of the Society , and having not posted anything before I will share a little about myself and why  applied for membership..
     First,  I grew up in NY (specifically the Bronx ) and as time marched on became more and more interested in New York's history.
     This led to a focused interest in the street we call Broadway.  Incidentally, as you may know, Broadway is the longest street in the world !!  It starts at Bridge Street in lower Manhattan and wends it's way, sometimes under other names, all the way to the New York State-Canada border-over 350 miles ! Notice I said STREET not road, highway, avenue etc. etc.
     Anyway I was attempting to write a history ( a sort of guide book ) of Broadway in the 19th century which, of course, led me to the NY 19th century Society.  By being a member I hope ti both share what I've learned with others who, for their own reasons, can impart their knowledge to me.
     For the past 5 years I have led tours ( I am not a licensed guide )  on the Jane Jacobs weekends ( a story for a future post ) and Open House  New York.  The tours are free but I inevitably learn something I didn't know about this great City of ours which makes it worth my while
     Before this message gets any longer ( I am not aware of any post limitations ) I'll close here, looking forward to meeting other members  and Society productions


NB  My eMail address, if anyone cares to contact me )

                                                                                     Dr. Jacque...@thecitybythesea.net

( reside in Long Beach )
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