Improving MCMC convergence

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Manushi Welandawe

Feb 28, 2019, 9:55:50 AM2/28/19
to nimble-users
Hi All,

I would like to know the techniques that I can use in nimble to improve the convergence of the MCMC samples.

Thank you


Chris Paciorek

Feb 28, 2019, 9:20:23 PM2/28/19
to Manushi Welandawe, nimble-users
Hi Manushi,

In general, a few of the tools that NIMBLE provides to help with this are:

1) trying different samplers for one or more nodes (e.g., switching
from random walk Metropolis ("RW") samplers to slice samplers or using
the RW sampler on the log scale). See Sec 7.2 of the NIMBLE manual.
2) if the node (i.e. ,parameter) is highly correlated with one or more
other nodes, blocking nodes together, e.g., with the RW_block sampler.
There's a bit of an example
in Section 2.6 of the manual or see the "Customizing an MCMC" and
"Building a generalized linear mixed model" examples at
3) writing your own customized sampler (if you have some idea of how
to make better proposals for the slow-mixing parameter). See Sec 15.5
of the manual.
4) In some cases, finding better starting values for the MCMC can help.
5) Sometimes reparameterizing the model helps, though that is not
explicitly something that is part of NIMBLE.

Other users might weigh in with strategies that they've used.
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Perry de Valpine

Mar 1, 2019, 11:47:36 AM3/1/19
to Chris Paciorek, Manushi Welandawe, nimble-users
I'll add some strategies to what Chris wrote.

Sometimes the list of samplers operating on a model represents misplaced computational costs.  A categorical sampler for a node with many categories can be inefficient, and that node may not be a limitation on mixing, so it can work well to use a faster sampler.  Sometimes multiple nodes share identical or nearly identical dependencies (other nodes that depend on them).  This means that the same computational effort is involved in sampling them, and for this reason it can make sense to sample them jointly, such as with RW_block.  Sometimes we can identify parts of a model that can be re-written using nimbleFunctions to provide new functions or distributions in the model.  New functions can combine multiple steps into single steps, reducing the size of the model, which can improve efficiency.  New distributions can be useful to analytically sum or integrate over latent states when it is simple to do so.  The zero-inflated Poisson example on our web site is a simple case.  More complicated cases of doing this for capture-recapture and hidden Markov models are given in Turek et al. (2016; Environ Ecol Stat (2016) 23: 549.  Sometimes changing the parameterization of a model (e.g. from non-centered to centered random effects) or centering explanatory variables can lead to improved mixing.


Quresh Latif

Jan 19, 2023, 6:38:21 PM1/19/23
to nimble-users
Is it typical for the intercept and covariate parameters for a given demographic parameter to be correlated and therefore good candidates for trying a RW_block sampler to sample them together?

I have an exponential growth parameter, r, in a population model that I am relating with covariates using a log link function:

log(r[g, (t-1)]) <- delta0 + inprod(deltaVec[1:n.Xdelta], Xdelta.array[g, t, 1:n.Xdelta]), where g indexes site and t indexes year.

I've got a couple traceplot (after applying some burnin and thinning) shown in the attached images, one for the intercept (delta0) and the other for the 12th covariate (delta12). The traceplots for the other covariate parameters look similar where the black chain looks to be mixing reasonably well but the red one is struggling. Considering these, does it seem like the log-linear regression parameters for r are likely correlated and would benefit from an RW_block sampler?

Also, I am currently using adaptation. I'm wondering if there's a way to record the tuning values ('scale' in the configureMCMC function?) or if that is automatically recorded somewhere. If so, would it help to identify what scale has arrived at for the black chain and then fix it to that value from the beginning for both chains? Along with that, is it possible to set 'scale' to different values for different parameters, or somehow tune the samplers for different parameters differently?

I am still working through the section of the user manual on this, so apologies for taking up space here if this is all spelled out there.


Jan 19, 2023, 6:52:05 PM1/19/23
to nimble-users
Hey Quresh,
I had this happen in a non-demographic model a few years ago. A block update didn't help (but this was using my own MCMC sampler). I ended up fixing it by using hierarchical standardizing.

I isolated this as the potential issue by plotting histograms of the mean-centered covariates and realizing that for the individuals with high correlation between the intercept and a coefficient, the corresponding covariate was not actually mean centered. The further off it was from mean=0 the worse the correlation in the chains. Then I replicated the problem with simulated data. It does change your interpretation of the coefficients a bit.

A few years later Kiona Ogle published this paper which talks about the same issue:

Maybe just something to check for in your covariates, if it's relevant for your type of hierarchical model.

Daniel Turek

Jan 21, 2023, 10:36:22 PM1/21/23
to, nimble-users
Quresh, to address your question about the adapted scale parameters of the RW sampler, the vignette below should demonstrate what you're trying to do.  The facilities exist in the RW samplers, although these may not be well documented (or documented at all) in the User Manual.  Let me know if you have any questions about it:

Quresh Latif

Jan 27, 2023, 4:29:21 PM1/27/23
to nimble-users
Another update on this. Turns out I had an error in my model, which ultimately explains the poor mixing. I had the following:

log(r) <- delta0 + deltaVec * X
Nt <- exp(r) * N(t-1)

Thus, I was multiplying prior year N by a log-scale parameter rather than on the real scale.

So, I should have checked my model before thinking about how to optimize sampling seeing chains like this.

Quresh Latif

May 24, 2023, 2:15:52 PM5/24/23
to nimble-users
Hello. I am thinking about how to save the tuning history and returning to this post. I went through the code at and attempted to loop through all the samplers to save the tuning history (scale and acceptance rates) for each one. The code I have so far is:

TuningHistory <- list()
for(i in 1:length(conf$getSamplers())) {
  name <- conf$getSamplers()[[i]]$target
  scl <- Cmcmc$samplerFunctions$contentsList[[i]]$getScaleHistory()
  acpt <- Cmcmc$samplerFunctions$contentsList[[i]]$getAcceptanceHistory()
  TuningHistory <- c(TuningHistory, cbind(Scale = scl, Acceptance = acpt))
  names(TuningHistory)[i] <- name

This doesn't work because the conjugate samplers don't have any tuning and I don't know how to filter for 'RW' samplers with 'getSamplers`. Any thoughts on a good approach?

Daniel Turek

May 24, 2023, 2:22:01 PM5/24/23
to Quresh Latif, nimble-users
Good question Quresh, I'd say start with this:

sapply(conf$getSamplers(), function(s) s$name)

and using that, you could do something like:

sampler_names <- sapply(conf$getSamplers(), function(s) s$name)
grepl('^RW', sampler_names)

Keep at it,

Quresh Latif

May 24, 2023, 3:44:08 PM5/24/23
to nimble-users

Awesome, thanks! Did this:


TuningHistory <- list()

for(i in 1:length(ind.RW)) {

  name <- conf$getSamplers()[[ind.RW[i]]]$target

  if(length(name) > 1) name <- stringr::str_c(name, collapse = ", ")

  scl <- Cmcmc$samplerFunctions$contentsList[[ind.RW[i]]]$getScaleHistory()

  acpt <- Cmcmc$samplerFunctions$contentsList[[ind.RW[i]]]$getAcceptanceHistory()

  TuningHistory[[i]] <- cbind(Scale = scl, Acceptance = acpt)

  names(TuningHistory)[i] <- name



Quresh S. Latif 
Research Scientist
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies

Phone: (970) 482-1707 ext. 15


Maybe just something to check for in your covariates, if it's relevant for your type of hierarchical model.


On Thursday, January 19, 2023 at 6:38:21 PM UTC-5 wrote:

Is it typical for the intercept and covariate parameters for a given demographic parameter to be correlated and therefore good candidates for trying a RW_block sampler to sample them together?


I have an exponential growth parameter, r, in a population model that I am relating with covariates using a log link function:


log(r[g, (t-1)]) <- delta0 + inprod(deltaVec[1:n.Xdelta], Xdelta.array[g, t, 1:n.Xdelta]), where g indexes site and t indexes year.


I've got a couple traceplot (after applying some burnin and thinning) shown in the attached images, one for the intercept (delta0) and the other for the 12th covariate (delta12). The traceplots for the other covariate parameters look similar where the black chain looks to be mixing reasonably well but the red one is struggling. Considering these, does it seem like the log-linear regression parameters for r are likely correlated and would benefit from an RW_block sampler?


Also, I am currently using adaptation. I'm wondering if there's a way to record the tuning values ('scale' in the configureMCMC function?) or if that is automatically recorded somewhere. If so, would it help to identify what scale has arrived at for the black chain and then fix it to that value from the beginning for both chains? Along with that, is it possible to set 'scale' to different values for different parameters, or somehow tune the samplers for different parameters differently?


I am still working through the section of the user manual on this, so apologies for taking up space here if this is all spelled out there.

On Friday, March 1, 2019 at 9:47:36 AM UTC-7 pdevalpine wrote:

I'll add some strategies to what Chris wrote.


Sometimes the list of samplers operating on a model represents misplaced computational costs.  A categorical sampler for a node with many categories can be inefficient, and that node may not be a limitation on mixing, so it can work well to use a faster sampler.  Sometimes multiple nodes share identical or nearly identical dependencies (other nodes that depend on them).  This means that the same computational effort is involved in sampling them, and for this reason it can make sense to sample them jointly, such as with RW_block.  Sometimes we can identify parts of a model that can be re-written using nimbleFunctions to provide new functions or distributions in the model.  New functions can combine multiple steps into single steps, reducing the size of the model, which can improve efficiency.  New distributions can be useful to analytically sum or integrate over latent states when it is simple to do so.  The zero-inflated Poisson example on our web site is a simple case.  More complicated cases of doing this for capture-recapture and hidden Markov models are given in Turek et al. (2016; Environ Ecol Stat (2016) 23: 549.  Sometimes changing the parameterization of a model (e.g. from non-centered to centered random effects) or centering explanatory variables can lead to improved mixing.





On Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 6:20 PM Chris Paciorek <> wrote:

Hi Manushi,

In general, a few of the tools that NIMBLE provides to help with this are:

1) trying different samplers for one or more nodes (e.g., switching
from random walk Metropolis ("RW") samplers to slice samplers or using
the RW sampler on the log scale). See Sec 7.2 of the NIMBLE manual.
2) if the node (i.e. ,parameter) is highly correlated with one or more
other nodes, blocking nodes together, e.g., with the RW_block sampler.
There's a bit of an example
in Section 2.6 of the manual or see the "Customizing an MCMC" and
"Building a generalized linear mixed model" examples at

3) writing your own customized sampler (if you have some idea of how
to make better proposals for the slow-mixing parameter). See Sec 15.5
of the manual.
4) In some cases, finding better starting values for the MCMC can help.
5) Sometimes reparameterizing the model helps, though that is not
explicitly something that is part of NIMBLE.

Other users might weigh in with strategies that they've used.

On Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 6:55 AM Manushi Welandawe <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I would like to know the techniques that I can use in nimble to improve the convergence of the MCMC samples.
> Thank you
> Best,
> Manushi
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Quresh Latif

Jun 8, 2023, 2:45:38 PM6/8/23
to nimble-users
I was able to recover tuning histories for my large model with a mix of RW and RW_block samplers. My co-worker and I were reviewing the vignette referred to earlier in this thread, and we came up with some questions that might be relevant to anyone interested in specifying samplers with customized tuning:

1. For RW_block samplers, how is scale related to covariance matrix, or are they related at all, or conversely how do they operate together to determine jump probabilities?

2. For the example in the vignette, why isn't scale set along with covariance matrix for the block sampler in this line?
conf$addSampler(target = c('alpha', 'beta'), type = 'RW_block', propCov = RW_block_cov, silent = TRUE, print = TRUE)
Relatedly, in practice if we are trying to fix tuning for a given block sampler based on where we arrived at following adaptation, would we want to set both the scale and the covariance matrix, or would we just set the covariance as shown in the example?

3. If we specify two samplers for the same parameter, do they operate independently such that they effectively represent independent chains for that parameter? This is tangential to tuning, but relates with the example in the vignette.

Daniel Turek

Jun 8, 2023, 4:24:43 PM6/8/23
to Quresh Latif, nimble-users
Great questions, Quresh, and I'm glad you're exploring some of the functionality provided with nimble's suite of samplers.  Let me try to address your questions, but please tell me if anything is unclear or you have follow up questions.

For RW_block samplers, the (scalar) 'scale' and the (matrix) 'propCov' tuning parameters are used together to generate new MH proposals.  Specifically, length-n proposal vectors are generated as MVN(0, cov = Sigma), where Sigma = propCov * scale^2, where Sigma is covariance matrix used to generate the proposed transitions.  During the course of MCMC sampling, the 'propCov' matrix adapts towards the empirical covariance of the posterior samples (which is used to approximate the true covariance of the target dimensions of the posterior distribution).  The 'scale' variable adapts independently, in order to achieve the (theoretically) optimal acceptance rate for the RW_block sampler.  If the acceptance rate is too low, for example, then the 'scale' value will adaptively decrease, to generate smaller (closer to the origin in R^n) proposal vectors, which are more likely to be accepted.

2. In that example, the 'scale' could just as well be set also.  But, in the example, we provide an informed initial value for the 'propCov' matrix, then rely on the automatic adaptation of the 'scale' variable.  There is no good reason that the 'scale' was not set, as well.

2b. If by "fix the tuning" you mean set the sampler tuning parameters to immutable values, then you should also set adaptive = FALSE (in addition to providing values for 'propCov' and 'scale').  If you want to provide a fixed covariance structure for proposals, but allow 'scale' to self-adapt to achieve the (theoretically) optimal acceptance rate, then you should set adaptScaleOnly = TRUE (in addition to providing a value for 'propCov').  Alternatively, you can allow these variables to adapt on their own (leaving the default values of adaptive = TRUE and adaptScaleOnly = FALSE), while also providing starting values for 'propCov' and/or 'scale', as you desire.  Nimble is here to meet your needs.

3. No, assigning two samplers (say A and B) to the same parameter (say, theta) does not operate as two chains.  It's one chain, where the chain is generated as:
(a) sampler A acts on theta, and may modify the value of theta
(b) sampler B acts on theta, and may further modify the value of theta
(c) record the current value of theta as the next value in the (single) chain of samples
(d) goto (a) above

To see all the samplers that are operating, printed in the order in which they'll operate, between each successive sample that is recorded, don't forget about our old friend:



Qing Zhao

Jun 8, 2023, 5:01:33 PM6/8/23
to Daniel Turek, Quresh Latif, nimble-users
Hi Daniel,

Thank you so much for the detailed explanation, which is very educational. A follow-up question: when you say "the 'propCov' matrix adapts towards the empirical covariance of the posterior samples", do you simply calculate Sigma from the posterior samples from say the last 200 iterations, and then calculate propCov = Sigma / (scale ^ 2)? Thank you.


Daniel Turek

Jun 8, 2023, 9:48:23 PM6/8/23
to Qing Zhao, Quresh Latif, nimble-users
You're welcome, Quig.  Briefly, no, in order to ensure asymptotic convergence of the MCMC chain, there's a mechanism of "decaying adaptation".  The propCov adapts to a new value linearly between its current (matrix) value and the empirical covariance (calculated from the previous 200 samples).  How far the new value strays in that direction (linearly, from the current value of propCov towards the empirical covariance) is controlled by the value of gamma1, which itself decays -> 0 during the course of MCMC sampling.

The exact code for this, which might be insightful to look at, begins on line 424 of MCMC_samplers.R.

Keep at it,

Qing Zhao

Jun 8, 2023, 10:00:33 PM6/8/23
to Daniel Turek, Quresh Latif, nimble-users
Awesome, thanks for the info!


Quresh Latif

Jun 20, 2023, 12:04:13 AM6/20/23
to nimble-users
I was able to get the proposal covariance history for your example model, but when I try it for my model, I get the following message:

"Please set 'nimbleOptions(MCMCsaveHistory = TRUE)' before building the MCMC and note that to reduce memory use we only save the proposal covariance history for parameter vectors of length 10 or less."

I did set 'nimbleOptions(MCMCsaveHistory = TRUE)', but many of my blocks include more than 10 parameters. It looks like (as suggested by the message) I am getting covariances saved for blocks of <10 parameters but not for those >10 parameters. I also see a message when setting the block samplers "[Note] Assigning an RW_block sampler to nodes with very different scales can result in low MCMC efficiency. If all nodes assigned to RW_block are not on a similar scale, we recommend providing an informed value for the "propCov" control list argument, or using the AFSS sampler instead.".

Taken these messages together, I am getting the sense that in most cases it probably won't be all that helpful to look at or tweak the covariances in order to optimize mixing? Does it normally make sense to just focus on the scale parameter and not worry about the covariances when trying to customize the tuning parameters to speed up mixing (assuming all the parameters in a block are scaled similarly)?

Daniel Turek

Jun 20, 2023, 8:45:50 PM6/20/23
to Quresh Latif, nimble-users
Quresh, thanks for the message, and it's great that you're digging into these aspects of the samplers.  Just a few comments.

You could easily work around the limit of 10 dimensions (parameters) for saved proposal covariance histories from the RW_block sampler, and have this history be saved for larger groups of parameters if you wish.  Just be aware of how the memory usage would scale, as d*d*nAdapt, where d is the dimension of the parameter block, and nAdapt is the number of adaptation phases of the RW_block sampler.

No, I don't agree that "in most cases it probably won't be all that helpful to look at or tweak the covariances in order to optimize mixing?".  The restriction of saving proposal covariance history only for <= 10 dimensional blocks is only for memory-related concerns.  And it's true that the RW_block sampler will likely not operate with any practical efficiency (that is: it will have very low acceptance rate) when *all* of the following are true: (i) operating in high dimensions, (ii) the dimensions are on quite different scales and/or exhibit high correlations between dimensions, and (iii) you do not provide an accurate and informative starting value for the proposal covariance.  However, this situation can be avoided by provided a reasonably accurate starting value for the proposal covariance, and I would also suggest using a small initial "scale" value (subject to tuning, but certainly less than 1).  You can also further encourage efficiency of the RW_block sampler using the "tries" argument, by providing an integer value greater than 1, which will afford the sampler multiple propose-accept/reject cycles for each MCMC iteration.  Following these suggestions, the RW_block sampler could in theory operate quite well even in high dimensions - while being less computationally expensive than the AFSS sampler.  All that said, joint sampling in high dimensional space is generally a difficult problem.

Regarding the final part of your question: no, even if all dimensions are scaled similarly, for high dimensional sampling it will still be extremely helpful to provide an informative (and accurate) starting value for the proposal covariance, assuming there's nontrivial correlation between the various dimensions.

I hope this helps.  Cheers,

Quresh Latif

Jun 20, 2023, 10:38:47 PM6/20/23
to Daniel Turek, nimble-users

OK, thanks. How do we disable the limit of 10 dimensions for saving proposal covariance histories?


Also, any suggestions on how to go about identifying reasonable proposal covariances? All I can think of doing is running the model for a short bit and then saving the proposal covariances, but then I’m not sure I’m doing anything more than the automated algorithm for determining the covariance. Are there any good references you can suggest that describe approaches for tuning block samplers?


Quresh S. Latif 
Research Scientist
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies

Phone: (970) 482-1707 ext. 15


From: Daniel Turek <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2023 6:45 PM
To: Quresh Latif <>
Cc: nimble-users <>
Subject: Re: Improving MCMC convergence


Quresh, thanks for the message, and it's great that you're digging into these aspects of the samplers.  Just a few comments.

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Daniel Turek

Jun 21, 2023, 2:00:36 PM6/21/23
to Quresh Latif, nimble-users
Although somewhat crude, the most straightforward approach is to copy the sampler code (copied directly from line 324 of  MCMC_samplers.R), remove this check that d<=10, and define a new sampler (below called sampler_RW_block2).  Then, using conf$removeSamplers() and conf$addSampler(), use this custom sampler_RW_block2 in place of the original RW_block samplers.

Your approach is reasonable, as it will give the sampler progressively better and better starting structures for the covariance.  I'm sorry but I don't have other suggestions or references for this process; perhaps others on the list will have better ideas.

Modified sampler code is below.

sampler_RW_block2 <- nimbleFunction(
    name = 'sampler_RW_block2',
    contains = sampler_BASE,
    setup = function(model, mvSaved, target, control) {
        ## control list extraction
        adaptive            <- extractControlElement(control, 'adaptive',            TRUE)
        adaptScaleOnly      <- extractControlElement(control, 'adaptScaleOnly',      FALSE)
        adaptInterval       <- extractControlElement(control, 'adaptInterval',       200)
        adaptFactorExponent <- extractControlElement(control, 'adaptFactorExponent', 0.8)
        scale               <- extractControlElement(control, 'scale',               1)
        propCov             <- extractControlElement(control, 'propCov',             'identity')
        tries               <- extractControlElement(control, 'tries',               1)
        ## node list generation
        targetAsScalar <- model$expandNodeNames(target, returnScalarComponents = TRUE)
        ccList <- mcmc_determineCalcAndCopyNodes(model, target)
        calcNodes <- ccList$calcNodes; copyNodesDeterm <- ccList$copyNodesDeterm; copyNodesStoch <- ccList$copyNodesStoch   # not used: calcNodesNoSelf
        finalTargetIndex <- max(match(model$expandNodeNames(target), calcNodes))
        if(!is.integer(finalTargetIndex) | length(finalTargetIndex) != 1 |[1]))   stop('problem with target node in RW_block sampler')
        calcNodesProposalStage <- calcNodes[1:finalTargetIndex]
        calcNodesDepStage <- calcNodes[-(1:finalTargetIndex)]
        ## numeric value generation
        scaleOriginal <- scale
        timesRan      <- 0
        timesAccepted <- 0
        timesAdapted  <- 0
        d <- length(targetAsScalar)
        scaleHistory <- c(0, 0)                                                  ## scaleHistory
        acceptanceHistory  <- c(0, 0)                                            ## scaleHistory
        propCovHistory <- array(0, c(2,d,d))                                     ## scaleHistory
        saveMCMChistory <- if(nimbleOptions('MCMCsaveHistory')) TRUE else FALSE
        if(is.character(propCov) && propCov == 'identity')     propCov <- diag(d)
        propCovOriginal <- propCov
        chol_propCov <- chol(propCov)
        chol_propCov_scale <- scale * chol_propCov
        empirSamp <- matrix(0, nrow=adaptInterval, ncol=d)
        ## nested function and function list definitions
        targetNodesAsScalar <- model$expandNodeNames(target, returnScalarComponents = TRUE)
        my_calcAdaptationFactor <- calcAdaptationFactor(d, adaptFactorExponent)
        ## checks
        if(!inherits(propCov, 'matrix'))        stop('propCov must be a matrix\n')
        if(!inherits(propCov[1,1], 'numeric'))  stop('propCov matrix must be numeric\n')
        if(!all(dim(propCov) == d))             stop('propCov matrix must have dimension ', d, 'x', d, '\n')
        if(!isSymmetric(propCov))               stop('propCov matrix must be symmetric')
    run = function() {
        for(i in 1:tries) {
            propValueVector <- generateProposalVector()
            values(model, targetNodesAsScalar) <<- propValueVector
            lpD <- model$calculateDiff(calcNodesProposalStage)
            if(lpD == -Inf) {
                jump <- FALSE
                nimCopy(from = mvSaved, to = model,   row = 1, nodes = calcNodesProposalStage, logProb = TRUE)
            } else {
                lpD <- lpD + model$calculateDiff(calcNodesDepStage)
                jump <- decide(lpD)
                if(jump) {
                    nimCopy(from = model, to = mvSaved, row = 1, nodes = calcNodesProposalStage, logProb = TRUE)
                    nimCopy(from = model, to = mvSaved, row = 1, nodes = copyNodesDeterm, logProb = FALSE)
                    nimCopy(from = model, to = mvSaved, row = 1, nodes = copyNodesStoch, logProbOnly = TRUE)
                } else {
                    nimCopy(from = mvSaved, to = model, row = 1, nodes = calcNodesProposalStage, logProb = TRUE)
                    nimCopy(from = mvSaved, to = model, row = 1, nodes = copyNodesDeterm, logProb = FALSE)
                    nimCopy(from = mvSaved, to = model, row = 1, nodes = copyNodesStoch, logProbOnly = TRUE)
            if(adaptive)     adaptiveProcedure(jump)
    methods = list(
        generateProposalVector = function() {
            propValueVector <- rmnorm_chol(1, values(model,target), chol_propCov_scale, 0)  ## last argument specifies prec_param = FALSE
        adaptiveProcedure = function(jump = logical()) {
            timesRan <<- timesRan + 1
            if(jump)     timesAccepted <<- timesAccepted + 1
            if(!adaptScaleOnly)     empirSamp[timesRan, 1:d] <<- values(model, target)
            if(timesRan %% adaptInterval == 0) {
                acceptanceRate <- timesAccepted / timesRan
                timesAdapted <<- timesAdapted + 1
                if(saveMCMChistory) {
                    setSize(scaleHistory, timesAdapted)                 ## scaleHistory
                    scaleHistory[timesAdapted] <<- scale                ## scaleHistory
                    setSize(acceptanceHistory, timesAdapted)            ## scaleHistory
                    acceptanceHistory[timesAdapted] <<- acceptanceRate  ## scaleHistory
                    propCovTemp <- propCovHistory                                           ## scaleHistory
                    setSize(propCovHistory, timesAdapted, d, d)                             ## scaleHistory
                    if(timesAdapted > 1)                                                    ## scaleHistory
                        for(iTA in 1:(timesAdapted-1))                                      ## scaleHistory
                            propCovHistory[iTA, 1:d, 1:d] <<- propCovTemp[iTA, 1:d, 1:d]    ## scaleHistory
                    propCovHistory[timesAdapted, 1:d, 1:d] <<- propCov[1:d, 1:d]            ## scaleHistory
                adaptFactor <- my_calcAdaptationFactor$run(acceptanceRate)
                scale <<- scale * adaptFactor
                ## calculate empirical covariance, and adapt proposal covariance
                if(!adaptScaleOnly) {
                    gamma1 <- my_calcAdaptationFactor$getGamma1()
                    for(i in 1:d)     empirSamp[, i] <<- empirSamp[, i] - mean(empirSamp[, i])
                    empirCov <- (t(empirSamp) %*% empirSamp) / (timesRan-1)
                    propCov <<- propCov + gamma1 * (empirCov - propCov)
                    chol_propCov <<- chol(propCov)
                chol_propCov_scale <<- chol_propCov * scale
                timesRan <<- 0
                timesAccepted <<- 0
        setScale = function(newScale = double()) {
            scale         <<- newScale
            scaleOriginal <<- newScale
            chol_propCov_scale <<- chol_propCov * scale
        setPropCov = function(newPropCov = double(2)) {
            propCov         <<- newPropCov
            propCovOriginal <<- newPropCov
            chol_propCov <<- chol(propCov)
            chol_propCov_scale <<- chol_propCov * scale
        getScaleHistory = function() {  ## scaleHistory
            if(!saveMCMChistory)   print("Please set 'nimbleOptions(MCMCsaveHistory = TRUE)' before building the MCMC.")
        getAcceptanceHistory = function() {  ## scaleHistory
            if(!saveMCMChistory)   print("Please set 'nimbleOptions(MCMCsaveHistory = TRUE)' before building the MCMC.")
        getPropCovHistory = function() { ## scaleHistory
            if(!saveMCMChistory)   print("Please set 'nimbleOptions(MCMCsaveHistory = TRUE)' before building the MCMC and note that to reduce memory use we only save the proposal covariance history for parameter vectors of length infinity or less.")
        reset = function() {
            scale   <<- scaleOriginal
            propCov <<- propCovOriginal
            chol_propCov <<- chol(propCov)
            chol_propCov_scale <<- chol_propCov * scale
            timesRan      <<- 0
            timesAccepted <<- 0
            timesAdapted  <<- 0
            if(saveMCMChistory) {
                scaleHistory  <<- c(0, 0)    ## scaleHistory
                acceptanceHistory  <<- c(0, 0)
                propCovHistory <<- nimArray(0, dim = c(2,d,d))

Quresh Latif

Jun 21, 2023, 2:17:44 PM6/21/23
to Daniel Turek, nimble-users

Awesome, thank you!


I imagine you might be dreading this question, but would it make sense to have an option built in to toggle the d<=10 limit off, possibly along with a warning that this should only be toggled off for small preliminary runs to avoid overloading memory? Totally understandable if this level of customization is outside the scope of your development plan for NIMBLE, considering that you allow for users to supply their own samplers.


Quresh S. Latif 
Research Scientist
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies

Phone: (970) 482-1707 ext. 15


From: Daniel Turek <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2023 12:00 PM
To: Quresh Latif <>
Cc: nimble-users <>
Subject: Re: Improving MCMC convergence


Although somewhat crude, the most straightforward approach is to copy the sampler code (copied directly from line 324 of  MCMC_samplers.R), remove this check that d<=10, and define a new sampler (below called sampler_RW_block2).  Then, using conf$removeSamplers() and conf$addSampler(), use this custom sampler_RW_block2 in place of the original RW_block samplers.

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