[Note] safeDeparse: truncating deparse output to 1 lines.

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Andreu Rotger Vallespir

Jul 14, 2022, 7:34:26 AM7/14/22
to nimble-users
Hi all,

I am pretty novel in nimble, I am running a growth model using individual Capture-recapture data to estimate body size when individuals are not captured. The model seems running well but always show this note repeated several times before compiling:  [Note] safeDeparse: truncating deparse output to 1 lines.

What does this note mean? it seems the estimates are ok, but I would like to know why appear and its meaning.

Thank you in advance


Captura de pantalla 2022-07-14 133201.png

Daniel Turek

Jul 14, 2022, 8:17:04 AM7/14/22
to Andreu Rotger Vallespir, nimble-users
Just an informative message.  No need for concern.  It means that one of the nodes names - or more likely, one which is created under the hood during model processing - exceeds that maximum length for deparsing into a character string (for printing, etc), and therefore the node name is being truncated.  If everything seems to be working fine (and the results look reasonable), then there's no need for concern.  You might be able to suppress this message using nimbleOptions(verbose = FALSE), if you want to try.


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Andreu Rotger Vallespir

Jul 14, 2022, 8:50:53 AM7/14/22
to db...@williams.edu, nimble-users
Thank you very much for the information Daniel.


Andreu Rotger, PhD

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