Compile errors with derivatives

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Christopher Jackson

10:24 AM (7 hours ago) 10:24 AM
to nimble-users

I am keen to use derivative-based algorithms in NIMBLE, but am having trouble getting models to compile with buildDerivs turned on in user-defined functions.

A minimal example of the kind of thing that breaks is below.  It works with the integer() argument changed to a double().  But the manual had given me the impression that the auto-differentiator would just ignore any integer arguments?   What have I missed?


fn <- nimbleFunction(
  run = function(mu = double(),
                 x = integer()){
  buildDerivs = TRUE

ncode <- nimbleCode({
  y <- fn(mu, x)

nmod <- nimbleModel(code = ncode, data=list(mu=1,x=0), buildDerivs=TRUE)
nmodc <- compileNimble(nmod)


P_61_ncode_MID_53_nfCode.cpp: In member function 'virtual CppAD::AD<double> y_L1_UID_1256::calculate_ADproxyModel(const indexedNodeInfo&) const':
P_61_ncode_MID_53_nfCode.cpp:73:28: error: cannot convert 'std::conditional<true, CppAD::AD<double>, void>::type' {aka 'CppAD::AD<double>'} to 'int' in assignment
73 | Interm_4081 = stoch_ind_get((**ADproxyModel_x), 0);

Perry de Valpine

11:13 AM (6 hours ago) 11:13 AM
to Christopher Jackson, nimble-users
Hi Chris,

Thanks for the question. 

The answer is in section of the User Manual, but I get it that it might have been hard to find there. Also that is a newer section of the User Manual, I believe only in our latest version (1.2.0). The documentation of programming with AD is a bit hard to organize with a balance of high-level messages and low-level details. Suggestions welcome. Maybe we can bullet-point some of TL;DR tips.

Here is the story. It's true that declaring an argument to be of type integer will mean it will not have derivatives tracked. However, if the function is going to be called from a model, that won't work because all model variables are implemented as doubles, even when they will actually only ever take integer values. Therefore all arguments should be declared as double and the ADbreak method should be used if you want to stop derivative tracking. This should work:

fn <- nimbleFunction(
  run = function(mu = double(),
                 x = double()){
   x2 <- ADbreak(x) # now use x2 instead of x

  buildDerivs = TRUE


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