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Uncaught ReferenceError: moment is not defined

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Detlev Zundel

Aug 12, 2022, 10:51:19 AM8/12/22

my personal blog is using the "zen" theme for quite some time now, but
as it is hosted in Germany I now risk being sued because of using the
Google fonts API[1]. Trying to fix this, I came up with a pull request
on the nikola-themes repository[2]. In order to test this, I recreated
the whole site from scratch which I have not done for some time now.
Looking at the development console on the new site I get the error
mentioned in the subject. The error is in the index.html file around
this location:

#+begin_src html
</section><script src="assets/js/all-nocdn.js"></script><!-- fancy dates --><script>
fancydates(0, "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm");
</script><!-- end fancy dates --><script>

Trying to find out, why this is an error, I followed the trail of
breadcrumbs to the "bundles" file in the zen theme, which looks like


As I did not modify "USE_CDN", it should be false and thus
"all-nocdn.js" is relevant for my site. So if I am not mistaken, the
code should be in "moment-with-locales.min.js". Unfortunatly I cannot
find this file in the theme, so I believe it should be in the main
Nikola code. Checking the git repo, I can find this commit:

If I am not mistaken again, then this commit removed a file
"moment-with-locales.min.js" and may be the reason why the created
bundle does not include the "moment" code required by the index.html

So can someone tell me if this reasoning is correct and how to correctly
fix this?

Thanks in advance


Detlev Zundel

Aug 16, 2022, 10:56:34 AM8/16/22
I wrote:


> If I am not mistaken again, then this commit removed a file
> "moment-with-locales.min.js" and may be the reason why the created
> bundle does not include the "moment" code required by the index.html
> file.
> So can someone tell me if this reasoning is correct and how to correctly
> fix this?

So I think I have found the core problem. Commit f1d480d8 (Fix #3232 —
switch to Luxon for fancy dates, 2020-04-15) in Nikola switched to a
different handling of fancy dates altogether and the zen theme missed
out on this change. The fact that nobody complained may point to the
fact that I am the only user of this theme :|

I'll try to come up with a proper fix for this soon.

Best wishes

Never confuse education with intelligence, you can have a PhD and
still be an idiot.
-- Richard Feynman

Detlev Zundel

Aug 22, 2022, 11:04:17 AM8/22/22
It seems I am mostly talking to myself here ;)

> I wrote:
> [...]
>> If I am not mistaken again, then this commit removed a file
>> "moment-with-locales.min.js" and may be the reason why the created
>> bundle does not include the "moment" code required by the index.html
>> file.
>> So can someone tell me if this reasoning is correct and how to correctly
>> fix this?
> So I think I have found the core problem. Commit f1d480d8 (Fix #3232 —
> switch to Luxon for fancy dates, 2020-04-15) in Nikola switched to a
> different handling of fancy dates altogether and the zen theme missed
> out on this change. The fact that nobody complained may point to the
> fact that I am the only user of this theme :|
> I'll try to come up with a proper fix for this soon.

To properly document the problem, I opened an issue it github:

And a pull-request including a fix for this issue:

In my local repository I do have some more enhancements on top of this
(update of fontaweseom and forkawesome and adding 'updated' handling)
and once the base goes in, I can open subsequent pull requests. Or
is it better to put all the new stuff into one pull-request? I did not
do this yet as my experience shows that people like to deal with smaller
units that are more clearly separated, but maybe this depends on the

Any comment greatly appreciated!

Best wishes

Referee's report: This paper contains much that is new and much that
is true. Unfortunately, that which is true is not new and that which
is new is not true.

Michael Ghens

Aug 22, 2022, 11:37:17 AM8/22/22
It is interesting. It does not apply to me so I am just lurking.

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Detlev Zundel

Aug 22, 2022, 1:56:50 PM8/22/22
Hi Michael,

> It is interesting. It does not apply to me so I am just lurking.

Thanks for acknowledging that my posts at least are visible in the group


error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function

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