EZ CD Audio Converter Crack 8.0.5 Free Download

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Caroll Ostiguy

Dec 7, 2023, 8:16:31 AM12/7/23
to NightwatchJs

"Change Active Hours" (Win10)
In Windows 10, go to "Windows Update" and change your "Active Hours" to reflect your time on the radio to prevent a windows update during the time your using PowerSDR.

Privacy Settings (Win10)
UnderWindows 10 you will want to turn all the new privacy settings and "how updates are delivered" to OFF (block) . Otherwise your computer will be allowed to constantly send data not only back to Microsoft & others, but allows others to use your computer as an "Update server".

Microsoft "Store" (Win10)
Open Windows STORE app. In the upper right corner ... click and select setup. Turn off automatic updates of Apps,otherwise Windows 10 will be constantly downloading and installing apps while PowerSDR is running.

Microsoft monitoring (Win10)
Turn OFF "Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry" (huge drive and cpu usage hog that can start running in the background at any time while running PowerSDR) (text procedure to disable it here)

Turn OFF the following Windows "Task Scheduler" items:
---- Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry (huge drive and cpu usage hog)
---- Customer Experience Improvement
---- Power Efficiency Diagnostics
---- Windows Defender (start hard drive scans manually yourself when you want )
---- Media Center (Since it Windows 10 no longer allows the program to run)

Turn OFF the following Windows "Services":
All the "Diagnostics ..." services including: policy, service, system, Tracking (assuming all your components are working)
Lfsvc: Geolocation service windows 10
Fax: fax
Homegrouplistener: Homegroup HomeGroup continuously scans your network for files, printer, devices, data
Homegroupprovider: Homegroup
Media Center: continuously scans your network.
WMPNetworkSvc: Windows Media sharing
Windows Search (indexing) continuously updates its index files every single time a file is created, which keeps the CPU(s) & Memory & HDD busy.

Turn OFF network Printer SERVICE: HP and others have poorly written network printer Services that will continuously eat up CPU & Network.

Turn OFF MSCONFIG STARTUP programs that check themselves for updates (i.e. java, adobe, apple. do the update checks yourself). You can use free CCLEANER.exe to find them and disable them.

Schedule your Virus Checker program to update itself & scan at off hours. Dont run the virus scanner when you are using the PC.

Many Virus scanner program do background optimization without your knowledge. Usually the only way to quiet them down is to put them into Gamer Mode or Silent Mode.

Disable Windows automatic updates. Do the checks yourself.

Leave your computer ON, set for HDD & monitor to turn off after 20min of no use. This way the OS doesnt spend time after start-up to do housekeeping.

Some Video card drivers(i.e. Nvidia) include Gamer previews that download and update without your knowledge. You will want to make sure you check the "Task Manager" to see any programs that are running and delete them. If you have an NVidia card you will want to check this link to turn off the Nvidia PowerMiser feature: here

Run "Task Manager" (right click on the task bar and select "Start Task Manager" then click on the "Show processes from all users". This will show all the hidden processes that require ADMIN privileges to stop. Check them to see if any sneaky programs are running.

IF YOUR VIDEO CARD IS POOR: Go to System Properties-> Advanced ->Performance Settings-> Visual Effects->Adjust for best performance (to turn off the graphics extras that you probably dont need)

Easy 2-way bi-directional audio remote desktop using ONLY AnyDesk

(free) allows for full remote control desktop of PowerSDR, and 1-way hi-fi audio. But did you know that once your logged into your Radio PC, You can use Anydesk on your Radio PC to log back into your Remote PC, and now you have 1-way hi-fi audio in the other direction (i.e. 2-way audio).

AnyDesk Full remote desktop and 2-way (bi-directional) audio

Example Setup: "Remote Laptop (with PC headset), and Radio PC connected to a Flex-5000
Anydesk needs to be installed on both Remote Laptop and Radio PC.
NOTE: I installed the free Voicemeeter banana audio drivers on the Radio PC (it is not needed on the Remote laptop side)

NOTE:This setup work 100% of the time, BUT....
Any changes that are made to PC SOUND, ANYDESK, or PowerSDR, or plugging in any sound devices to your PC, will usually require closing ANYDESK (and possible PowerSDR and your PC) and relaunching it, for this to work.

EZ CD Audio Converter Crack 8.0.5 Free Download

Download File https://tinurli.com/2wIU6V

Windows "WDM-KS" (Windows Driver Mode - Kernal Streaming).
WDM-KS allows for a very low audio Latency. As low as 15 to 20mSec (similar to ASIO).

If you cannot find a suitable WDM-KS Driver, download the free "Voice Meeter Banana" program. You do not need to use the Audio PC program, install it just for the drivers.

1) To run a PA calibration you need an "Array Solutions PowerMaster 1" meter (original, NOT the Powermaster II )
2) Connect the Serial port to your PC (I use a Serial to USB converter, then set the USB driver to COM1, an unused COM port)
3) Install and run the free Power Master basic PC program to verify you can communicate with your Power Master original.
4) Attach the Power Master coupler to ANT1, then to a 50 ohm DUMMY load capable of over 100 watts.
5) Attach a 25 ohm DUMMY load to ANT2 all by itself. [Take (2) 50 ohm DUMMY loads in parallel to get 25 ohms]. ANT2 is used very briefly during the SWR calibration, so you dont need a large capacity 25 ohm DUMMY load. I just used a high wattage 25 ohm resistor used in RF applications.
6) Export your current database to your Desktop, you will restore back when your done. (see Settings menu, bottom strip)
7) You must restore the PowerSDR to FACTORY DEFAULTS (see settings menu , bottom strip, left side)
8) You must create a empty text file called: production. (no file extension) in the hidden:
%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\FlexRadio Systems\ (this is to activate the grayed out buttons on this screen.
9) S to active the SWR button
10) You must create a powermaster.txt file in the C:\ProgramData\FlexRadio Systems\PowerSDR folder. Click here for a sample file. You insert the gain or loss values for your particular Power Master coupler. (its written in Pen on the HF coupler). But, the Power Master coupler gain/loss is generic for the entire HF band, where the powermaster.txt file breaks it down into each band. You may need to tweek each band value seperately.
The Powermaster coupler correction values will scroll onto the Production PA test right side window. They wont match the values in the powermaster.txt file because they are multipled by the built in PowerSDR gain/loss values for the Flex radios circuits.

PowerSDR.exe and PoweSDR.config.exe are the only files needed in the PowerSDR build.
DttSP.dll is the only file needed in the DttSP build.
PowerMate.dll is the only file needed in the PowerMate build.
ALSO: vcruntime140.dll needs to be copied onto the target computer (PSDR program files folder, or download the free C++ VC2015 runtime installer)

NOTE: FT8 has a rather large penalty on your CPU in a crowded band (like 80m and 40m) trying to decode 20 or so signals simultaneously. The more signals to decode, the higher CPU and HDD usage. My old 4 core cpu maxed out at 100% decoding on 40m and running PowerSDR at the same time. I decided to upgrade my desktop motherboard to a 6 core (2 thread / core) and 16gb of DDR4. Now FT8 doesnt cause any troubles.

Weak Signal or Poor band condition, very short QSO, QSL Communications. (good for collecting mixed and digital awards and checking antenna performance). After you make a few contacts go to: and type in your callsign to visually see (on a world map) where your signal is getting out).

WSJT-X (with JTAlert-X for checking QSL information and interfacing with your Logging software)
FT8 decode signals down -26dBm below the noise in 15sec sequences (up to 13 characters per sequence) with a typical 4 sequences

Use the TIME sync function in PowerSDR to sync your PC clock (must launch PowerSDR in ADMIN mode).
Use vsgMgr, DDUtil, and Virtual Audio Cable to link PowerSDR to wsjt-x
In wsjt-x radio setup use TS-2000 for now and set PowerSDR CAT to allow kenwood commands.

When you see a RED or VIOLET CQ signal appear in the Left "Band Activity" panel, click on it
(Here is the awkward part:As soon as the CQ appears you only have 1-2 seconds to respond, otherwise you must wait for the next 15 second TX interval).
Your Transmit appears in YELLOW on the right "RX Frequency" panel.
If the CQing station decodes your call sign, you will see them calling you as a RED decoded line the the Right "RX Frequency" Panel

wsjt-x will automatically step through the sequences (after you start by clicking on the CQ station) for short QSL exchange (15 seconds per line):
JTAlert-X scans your main logbook and the wsjt-x logbook and automatically adds your contacts to your main logbook.
And, it keeps track of what you need (Zones, States, Countries, Grids, etc.) and alerts you immediately after every "Decode"

MODE: Band Mode (USB on all bands). FT8 signals are 100hz wide found in a 2.5khz bandpass area
FREQ: 1.840, 3.573, 7.074, 5.357ch3, 10.136, 14.074, 18.100, 21.074, 24.915, 28.074, 50.313 Mhz
Click to download audio file to hear what it sounds like

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