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Search of non-latin letters

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Aleksa Petrovic

Nov 7, 2021, 7:19:32 AM11/7/21
to niceeditor

First of all thank you for developing this editor. It has been great pleasure using it as it enables a very efficient workflow and has good feature set.

I have one question, when I search for some text that is not written using latin script, I can not have case-insensitive search. That means, I need to type in the word exactly as it is written, each letter in its appropriate case. Could you please tell me if this is a problem with ne or something else? I am sorry if it is not a problem with ne but I thought someone could help me if they knew what could be the source of this problem.

Thank you in advance,


Sebastiano Vigna

Nov 7, 2021, 7:27:04 AM11/7/21
I'm sorry, but we have just UTF-8 basic support, and we don't do UTF-8 case folding...
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Aleksa Petrovic

Nov 7, 2021, 9:14:02 AM11/7/21
to niceeditor
I am very thankful for your quick response. So this means it is a problem with ne and not with my whole system. I tested it with vim and nano and only nano was able to search for the letters case-insensitively. Thank you for clarifying this.
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