On 2021-06-29 4:18, jason404 wrote:
> Actually, what happens is that it opens an empty file for every actual
> file it opens.
That's to do with your xargs formulation (I've not worked out how), but
could you do the fzf equivalent of:
printf ".bashrc\0.bash_aliases\0.hosts\0" | xargs -0 ne
...which only opens one empty file at the start?
As for that first empty file, ne is seeing that stdin isn't a terminal
and assigning a buffer to it[0], in case you were piping something to
it. You can fix that with "-o":
printf ".bashrc\0.bash_aliases\0.hosts\0" | xargs -o -0 ne
> On Tuesday, 29 June 2021 at 04:12:01 UTC+1 jason404 wrote:
>> I have been using fzf as a way to select filenames to pipe to ne
>> using xargs, but I get unexpected results. It doesn't seem to have
>> to do with fzf itself, as it happens with whatever I use to pipe to
>> it.
>> eg.
>> $ printf ".bashrc\n.bash_aliases\n.hosts\n" | xargs -I {} ne -- {}
>> This will open the three files in ne, but it also opens an empty
>> file with no filename. This doesn't happen with vim, so I don't
>> think I am doing anything wrong.
>> Is there anything I can do to stop this from happening? I find fzf
>> is a useful way to select files.
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