How to separate history and change number of bookmarks

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Aleksa Petrovic

Nov 13, 2021, 5:05:13 AM11/13/21
to niceeditor

I was wondering if there was a way to separate histories of commands and search terms. At least to disable saving of commands to the history, so I only get history of search terms, or the other way around. Is this possible? I was searching in the source a bit but couldn't come to a conclusion because I didn't understand.

Also I was wondering where is the code for bookmarks (I couldn't find it) and could the limit of ten bookmarks be changed?

Thank you in advance,


Aleksa Petrovic

Feb 20, 2022, 6:43:54 AM2/20/22
to niceeditor
I have found a solution.

In file ne.h, after #include <stdbool.h> add extern bool search_term;

in file actions.c, after #include <limits.h> add bool search_term = FALSE;

in file actions.c, after case FINDREGEXP_A: add search_term = TRUE;

in file actions.c, after case EXEC_A: add search_term = FALSE;

in file input.c change if (history_buff->num_lines == 0 || ib.len != last->line_len || strncmp(ib.buf, last->line, last->line_len)) add_to_history(ib.buf);
to if (history_buff->num_lines == 0 || ib.len != last->line_len || strncmp(ib.buf, last->line, last->line_len)) if (search_term == true){add_to_history(ib.buf);search_term = false;};
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