Surfer 12 Free Download Full Version

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Sumiko Fagnoni

Jan 24, 2024, 4:23:51 PMJan 24
to niawatpura

The goal of the present study was to address the above mentioned questions by repeating the automated segmentation on the same workstation and on different workstations using a set of 30 anatomical T1-weighted MRI scans. Three different versions of FreeSurfer were used on a single Hewlett-Packard workstation and several Macintosh workstations running under two different OSX versions. In particular, we aimed to get insight into the variabilities resulting from these different data processing conditions and to compare these with reported accuracy and reliability results and morphological and pathological cerebral changes. Although the developers of FreeSurfer have been explicitly recommending users not to mix FreeSurfer versions, platforms, and OS versions within a study (see public archives at http:/, to our knowledge this is the first time that the effects of these different processing conditions have been quantified systematically.

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surfer is connected to his board mentally. The only way we saw his connection to the board was severed was with a tachyon pulse. Even if apoc did knock him off the board, surfer still has his connection

While it's not that useful for increasing RoboRumble performance, a lot of us enjoy trying to improve our Anti-Surfer Targeting. It's a big part of claiming the PL throne. We have surfers in the TC2K6 and TC2K7, but this would be an opportunity to update and expand the test bed. My initial thoughts:

I prefer 35 rounds. 10 bots should be enough. Surfers are slow, I don't want to let my computer run for 3 days to run 15 seasons of this challenge =) We should have 5 DC surfer and 5 VCS surfer. It would be good if we can have the not-yet-exist mixed surfer. I think we can ask Skilgannon to add the DC to DrussGT. I think we should have Engineer as a NN surfer too. Nat Talk 15:30, 10 July 2009 (UTC)

I wonder if we can have both Dookious and Phoenix since we don't have Komarious now (just figure out how bad she do in PL =)). I fully agree to Voidious' $0.02, we can have YersiniaPestis, Shadow, RougeDC, Hydra? I'd prefer Gauss here but I'm not sure if it from his gun or movement, and CunobelinDC for DC and DrussGT, Dookious, Phoenix, CassiusClay and another bot for VCS. I'd say it would be PulsarMax though, because Ascendent and WaveSerpent is too easy to hit. I'd say we are lack of good VCS surfer bot right now ;-) Nat Talk 18:44, 10 July 2009 (UTC)

I think this is turning into more of a PL-challenge. If we want anti-surfer then we need to include more intermediate/basic surfing bots, possibly even a BasicSurfer, but bots that cover all lengths of the surfing spectrum. If we want a PL challenge we should probably just take the top 10 bots from the PL (maybe excluding Ascendant because his score is due to gun, not movement?).--Skilgannon 22:49, 10 July 2009 (UTC)

Hmm... What you say makes sense, of course. But I almost don't think of a bot like Komarious as requiring "Anti-Surfer Targeting" to hit -- normal (ie, non-decaying) learning guns hit her just fine. But maybe I'm being narrow-minded, and a truly effective anti-surfer technique should work well against her, too. Interested to hear some others weigh in.

Some interesting bots proposed above. Personally I don't care so much about execution speed, as long as the reference set is limited to 10 bots and battles last only 35 rounds. Or include some more basic (faster) surfers and expand the group to 15? I'd suggest increasing the number of seasons to 30-50, since even at 15 there's at least 0.5 percent variability. I'd also like to see Dookious in the set as that's a top surfer. The others should be as up-to-date as possible, so Shadow 3.83(c?) rather than 3.66 for example. Looking forward to it! --Darkcanuck 02:33, 11 July 2009 (UTC)

Is there any difference between Shadow 3.83 and Shadow 3.83c? Anyway, I think we should have Gauss in for a second GT surfer. I still want Dookious in, it learn faster than Phoenix. I usually win Phoenix and Shadow, but not Dookious in the first round. And I think Dookious probably only one surfer that use non-firing waves.

I think flattener should be disabled, and that testing against flatteners should be a seperate challange or something. I says this because I consider the problem of hitten a flattener to be very different than the problem of hitting a normal surfer. --Rednaxela 17:58, 11 July 2009 (UTC)

While I agree it's a different problem (or sub-problem) in some respects, I'd vote to keep them on because I think it's an important part of hitting an advanced surfer. --Voidious 19:22, 11 July 2009 (UTC)

If we have it on, I'd suggest either always on, or always off, for any particular bot. Or perhaps one copy of the bot with it off and one copy with it always on. The reason I say this is that it will make the results more consistent. Otherwise, you can have the scenario where an improvement that allows you to hit a surfer better, may make it decide to turn it's flattener on and suddenly kill your score. While surfers ideally should always have the flattener on if it would help them, most have a bias towards disabling it in order to avoid lucky shots by weak bots triggering it. With the sudden jumps possible when bots enable flatteners at funny times, it could make scores too difficult to interpret, when your gun passes the boundry of the enemy deciding to use flattener on it. --Rednaxela 20:41, 11 July 2009 (UTC)

I agree it will create that possibility, I just can't get past the fact that we'd basically be ignoring a real problem faced in trying to target surfers. Optimizing against flattener or non-flattener Dookious (or even both, separately) may not increase your accuracy against the real Dookious. There is also the fact that we could not do this for Shadow or PulsarMax. But I'm cool with whatever is decided, maybe we can vote on this, too, if there's a lot of disagreement. --Voidious 21:21, 11 July 2009 (UTC)

(edit conflict) I'm a big advocate of letting the bots run as they would normally. To get good targeting performance against a surfer, you really need to consider their whole behaviour, which may include flatteners and the decision points used for turning them on and off. --Darkcanuck 21:25, 11 July 2009 (UTC)

I believe this is Anti-Surfer Challenge, not Anti-Flattener challenge. If we want to test the accuracy of the anti-surfer gun, we shouldn't let the flattener on. While I'd agree that the normal advanced surfers will trigger it's flattener at some point, I think it should call 'Anti-Adaptive Movement Challenge' rather than 'Anti-Surfer Challenge'. Nat Talk 02:53, 12 July 2009 (UTC)

Nice table =) I think we should have Gauss as second GT surfing. Or are there any other GT surfers in the list? I think we should wait for a day or a couple of day before we start voting. Nat Talk 16:17, 13 July 2009 (UTC)

Oh I'm confused. The GT Gauss is just in zyx's mind (please reconsider your user page, zyx) I don't think we need SilverSurfer, we need the newer surfer more =) For Flattener issue, I think the current solution is 'leave it alone', correct? Nat Talk 12:26, 14 July 2009 (UTC)

I know 3 of those guns are mine. :-P But DrussGT is the top DC gun; Dookious is close to the top VCS gun (SaphireEdge isn't available for download, right?); Diamond is a good DC gun and easy for me to whip up; and Komarious I already had, and it's a good general purpose but bad anti-surfer gun. I think DrussGT and Komarious are probably the most important to test with among those four. Any other thoughts on pre-voting tests you guys want to see?

Voidious: To reply to your note about SaphireEdge, no it's not currently uploaded anywhere but if you wish I could package it up and upload it if you're interested :) Also, while RougeDC was origionally a proposed challenge bot, I'd be against it being a challenge bot due to really not being proud of it's movement. Or then again... maybe it's hillarious flawed design would give samples of surfer weakness for anti-surfer guns to take advantage of? Haha, I don't know. --Rednaxela 23:36, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

@Rednaxela: Sure, I'd love to see its scores! But if you don't want SaphireEdge in the wild yet, I think Dooki's gun is an OK substitute for "super strong VCS gun". =) I figured having the very best guns plus a couple weaker guns (like Komarious) would let us see which bots are hardest to hit, and also which bots require some anti-surfer elements to hit better. For example, even if the top guns hit GT and CC well, Komarious' low scores indicate you need some anti-surfer element to hit them. But for PulsarMax, even Komarious hits him pretty well, so maybe he's not a good one.

@Voidious: Hmm, well, including RougeDC may be interesting even if I'm not terribly proud of it's movement. As I did note, it's flaws may be decent examples of flaws for anti-surfer guns to take advantage of. I'll also package that up as a reference bot when I get home from work. So I estimate I'll have SaphireEdge and RougeDC packages uploaded for here in... 3 to 4 hours from now. :) Also.. wow at some of those Shadow scores. Any idea why Dookious is scoring far better against Shadow in the above test, than it did in Targeting Challenge 2K7/Fast Learning Results? --Rednaxela 21:11, 24 July 2009 (UTC)

Alright, RougeDC ClassicTC and SaphireEdge AS07aMC are uploaded (see links above). As a warning, RougeDC's movement is EXTREMELY slow in challenge mode, because it always tries to surf ALL waves at once, and with enemies shooting power 3.0 bullets... ouchie... Should I make another version that limits to surfing two waves? Also, you may notice that I never posted the SaphireEdge AS07a results before. I'm not sure why but I found it in my RoboResearch data and it's better with anti-surfer than AS06, though at the cost of a slight score reduction against random movers. I'm going to run some SaphireEdge AS07a seasons overnight tonight, so we'll see how that compares. --Rednaxela 05:04, 25 July 2009 (UTC)

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