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UPDATED: Daubergate Rape: Marlene Stewart

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Boycott Nebraska

Aug 27, 2010, 6:55:35 PM8/27/10
Dateline 1972, Omaha, Nebrska, United States

Marlene Stewart was the mother of two boys. The youngest, Bryan, was in
Kindergarden. Her oldest son, Trent James (TJ) was in 2nd Grade. Both
attended Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School as members of the Parish.

For reasons unknown, but calculated and premeditated, former US Army Captain
Harold John "Hal" Daub paid a visit to the Our Lady of Lourdes Church to
pitch his "Patriotic Program" to the mothers of the children at the Catholic
Grade School.

Daub first sought the blessing of the pastor of the church, Monseignor
Ulrich. Monseignor Ulrich was more than a little excited to have the
opportunity to show his congregation's and faith's loyalty to the United

The United States was embroiled in an unpopular war in Vietnam. The US
people's trust of the US government was at a historic all time low. Riots
and protests were rampant across the country. Republican Richard Nixon was
in the White House.

Daub, a Republican and attorney who graduated from the University of
Nebraska, whether on his own, with help from the United States Army,
Republican Party, or fanatics concocted a scheme by which Daub could enter
the homes of Catholic women and rape them.

Daub pitched his program to the mothers of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish.

Most balked at Daub and did not trust him.

Daub stated participation in his program would help boost the career futures
for the children participating as well as show loyalty to the United States
in her time of need.

Daub found a handful of women willing to participate, along with their

Marlene Stewart was one of them.

Daub added a stipulation to the program that he had to administer his
program to one or more of the male children of those women program WITHOUT
the women's husband knowing about it.

Daub said it was "vital" to the success of the program.

Most of the remaining women walked away from Daub's program at this point.
But Marlene Stewart and two other mothers did not.

The three women contacted one or more uniformed Omaha Police Division
officers they knew to verify Daub's credibility.

When the Omaha Police Division "heroes" told the women Daub was likely
nothing but a harmless pencil knecked up and coming politician, and with the
blessing of Our Lady of Lourdes' Monseignor Ulrich, the women each agreed to
let Daub visit them in their homes after school was finished.

Daub would bring video equipment with him. Televisions weren't common in
every home at that time and only the military and the very rich had any kind
of video playback device.

Trent Stewart arrived home from school one afternoon, eager to play outside
with other children as children his age always do.

Trent's mother, Marlene, told little TJ he had to remain inside for a little
while because they were expecting a visit from someone and TJ needed to be


Hal Daub arrived and set up video equipment in the dining room of the
Stewart home complete with a stool just large enough for a child to sit on.

Marlene Stewart hovered closeby as Daub asked little TJ to sit in the chair.

Before long, little TJ noticed Hal Daub and his mother arguing. Marlene
Stewart was vehement about not allowing Daub to do something. Daub produced
a white powdered substance on a mirror or plate and, with Marlene Stewart
physically trying to prevent Daub from ordering her son to consume the
powder, ordered Trent Stewart to snort the white powder.

Little Trent (TJ) Stewart wore glasses and had sinus problems. He attempted
to comply with Daub's request as his mother objected while Daub grew angry
his wishes had not yet been complied with.

TJ was unable to snort the white powder and this drew rage from Daub and
terror from the boy he was abusing. Hal Daub then ordered the boy to eat the
white powder which the terrified boy did quickly and completely.

Daub now forceably restrained Marlene Stewart while telling the little boy
to sit on the stool he provided and watch the video screen in front of him.

The video began and the terrified child began watching it.

The video was in black and white.

It began with the face of a small boy with big, terrirified dark eyes.

Soon, the camera panned out to show the boy's entire body. He was wearing a
funny hat and uniform. Whatever was in front of him he was terrified of.

But gradually, the boy's facial expression changed from a look of fear to a
look of comfort and near intoxication. Whatever the boy was viewing had

It was then the camera showed what was in front of the boy.

A beautiful young woman, Vietnamese or Chinese, was kneeling in front of the
child consoling him and stroking his hand. The woman was likely the child's
mother or at least a motherly figure comforting a small boy who was
previously terrirified.

The boy was nearly hypnotized by the woman and his facial expression showed
just that as his eyes nearly glazed over while he was smiling.

By then, while under the influence of the heroin he was forced to consume by
Hal Daub, Trent Stewart had become that little boy in the video, himself in
a trance while not taking his eyes or mind off the video.

Without warning, the camera panned out to show a previously not seen man in
uniform standing directly behind the woman. The man was apparently
supervising and was not or no longer noticed by the child facing him.

Again without warning, the oriental man in uniform let out a blood curtling
yell. He had a sword in his hand the tip of which had been at the back of
the woman consoling the boy.

The man was a North Vietnamese Army officer. When he let how his cry, the
man thrust the sword in his hand down and forward into the back/kneck of the

The sword prodtruded from the womans breasts and her facial expression as
she looked into the eyes of the small child in front of her changed from
kindness, to disbelief, to anger, then went blank as she collapsed in front
of the child, dead.

It took a little while for the child to realize what just happened to the
motherly figure in front of him. The NVA officer was now glaring intensely
with anger at the child.

The boy's facial expression was what the video was all about to this point.
His face turned from being in a happy trance to a look of disbelief to one
of complete paralysis, distorted horribly by trauma.

The child's face basically turned to stone. His dark eyes remained open but
now looked dead.

This is apparently what the NVA officer was looking for. The boy continued
to stand there, terrified, face distorted horribly as if made of stone, with
eyes that were open but frozen dead.

The NVA officer pointed with his hand and order the boy in military fashion
to join a group of other children not yet seen in the video standing a short
distance away. He was also handed a rifle which was nearly as long as he was

The boy complied and joined dozens of other two to three foot tall children,
half or better of whom also had the same traumatized, stone faces and dead
eyes as this child.

These children when then given instructions by the NVA officer and told to
follow the largest kid in the group, at center front, who was smiling and
not traumatized, and run until they heard the whistle the NVA officer was
holding blow. Then they should return, running back the way they came.

From that point onward, the camera became the eyes of the child who had been
traumatized earlier.

The children ran through a bizarre landscape of day and night. It was the
jungle and the jungle canopy played havoc on the camera work, being bright
and sunny one moment and nearly pitch black the next.

The children like deer through the brush, keeping their eyes on the child in
the center at front who was the appointed leader.

The facial expression of the lead child, who was taller and likely older
than all the rest, changed from a smile to a look of fear as they ran as

The look of fear was due to what the child saw ahead of him. The look of
fear turned to absoulte terror then to a look of hopelesness as they all
just kept running forward.

Soon, children began to drop all around as they continued to run as a group.

The child who was leading them was now crying, but no one stopped runnng as
they shot to pieces by the soldiers in front of them.

Then, the lead child saw his own death coming and his facial expression
changed to one nearly similar to those already traumatized.

The remaining children in uniform just kept running straight ahead following
the leader.

The lead child ran into what can only be described into a curtain of flames
and fire. The camera angle was still from the angle of the child whose point
of view it was depicting. That child was far enough away not to be consumed
by the fire.

The lead child entered the curtain of flames and kept running. He ran for
yards, completely engulfed in flame, with little of him distinguishable
other than his sillouhette.

He just kept on running until his lower jaw dropped from being incinerated
alive and then his body collapsed from the Napalm fire bombs dropped in
front of him which he just ran through as told. The whistle hadn't yet

Not much later, the child whose view the camera was capturing collapsed. The
camera view was now calim and straight up showing the light leaking through
the jungle canopy.

This video has NEVER been placed on the Internet. It was what is now deemed
a "reality" video the type which can be found commonplace today showing
attacks on and by US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Enough said about the North Vietnamese child soldier indoctrination video in
possession of Hal Daub three years before the United States LOST the Vietnam


When Trent Stewart neared the end of the video (not described above) he came
back to reality.

He had thought he saw two children in the room and a dog running around.

Unable to find the dog or the children, he began looking for his mother
hoping to find the dog and the two boys.

The boy yelled for his mother as he proceeded from the dining room into the
kitchen of the family home.

No answer was ever received. That alone was odd, since enough cries of "Mom"
would eventually bring the attention of Marlene Stewart to her son.

When TJ entered the kitchen, there was Hal Daub standing with his back to

Directly in front of TJ was his mother, seated in a kitchen chair.

As TJ Stewart cautiously drew closer to his mother and Hal Daub, he became
very uneasy.

He could now see his mother's face. Her eyes were closed as she looked down
and did not move.

Hal Daub had his hand on her hand, forcing her to unzip his pants and she
was resisting.

Tears were streaming down Marlene Stewart's cheeks and she made no sound.

TJ Stewart continued to try and get the attention of his mother who never

Now standing next to Hal Daub and scared his mother was dead, he quietly
tried to get his mother's attention and failed.

TJ Stewart started tugging on the pant leg of the former US Army Captain he
was standing next to and asked him what was wrong with his mother.

Daub, too, failed to respond.

Little TJ Stewart, seven years old, continued to bother the man standing
next to him asking him what was wrong with his mother.

Suddenly, Hal Daub grabbed the boy by the head, and through him across the
kitchen into the wall and he landed under the kitchen table.

Injured from the attack, little TJ was terrified. He lay face down on the
kitchen floor afraid to move, afraid to turn around and determine if what
just happened to him was a game or something very bad.

Slowly, TJ Stewart turned over and looked up from the floor to see the scene
had changed little.

Hal Daub was standing over his mother smilting forcing her to unzip his

Little TJ was terrified and sensed for the first time that his mother, not
himself, was in danger.

So the little boy got back to his feet, cautiously proceeded to stand in
front the man who never had yet looked at him, and began trying to get
Daub's attention.

Unable to get Hal Daub's attention, TJ drew closer to Daub until he was
again in front of the rapist and started once again tugging on his pant leg
to get his attention.

Daub hit the boy and sent him flying across the room once again.

Injured from the assault and now crying, the boy lay on the kitchen floor
staring up at the monster standing over his mother who was also crying.

Terrified, TJ once again got to his feet and proceeded in the same fashion
as before to get Daub's attention asking what was happening to his mother.

Daub still had yet to gaze at the boy as the sexual predator was consumed
with the rape he was committing and not at all intimidated by a seven year
old boy he had just drugged with heroin.

Little TJ grew angry at not being able to draw Daub's attention and fearing
for his mother's life, TJ Stewart wedged himself between the rapist and his
mother until he was completely shielding his mother from the rapist.

It was then that Hal Daub turned his gaze to the little boy standing in
front of him.

When TJ Stewart, looking up at the man he was directly in front of, caught
the gaze of the demonic predator standing in front of him, he began to cry
in terror.

Daub was smiling like a monster standing over his prey, looking down at the
boy whom he was now terrifiying.

Then something amazing happened.

Litte TJ Stewart, crying, injured, hot and red faced, looking up at the
rapist Hal Daub, felt a cool sensation cover his face from his forehead to
down to his chin.

Little TJ Stewart, the son of an Irish mother and a Scottish father, had his
face to turn to stone in trauma just as he had witnessed happing to the
Vietnamese child in the video he watched just minutes earlier.

When little TJ's face to stone in trauma, Hal Daub was looking directly down
into the boy's eyes.

Daub cried in absolute terror at the sight of the little boy's distorted,
stone face and dead eyes. He jumped back, grabbed his belt and pants,
released Marlene Stewart's hand and fled the Stewart home in a matter of

Hal Daub had left all his equipment behind, ran out the front door of the
Stewart home the way he entered, jumped into his vehicle and fled the

Little TJ followed the man through the home and watched him exit the
neighborhood from inside the front door.

Then littel TJ Stewart, proceeded to tend to his mother, Marlene and her

Marlene hadn't moved when TJ Stewart returned to the kitchen. She sat in the
same chair looking down, eyes closed as before, tears pouring down her
cheeks, not making a sound.

TJ couldn't get his mothers attention, still, despite trying to reason with
her that the monster was gone and it would be alright.

Marlene was in shock from being sexually assaulted.

Little TJ began to cry after not getting hs mother's attention for so long
after Daub fled begging her not to die.

Finally, TJ Stewart took his mother's hand and placed it on his shoulder and
told her he would lead her to her bedroom where she could lie down.

The woman finally responded and followed her son through the dining room,
living room, up the stairs and into her own bed.

Once he put his mother to bed, he felt much better and went downstairs.

When he reached the last flight of steps in the living room, his younger
brother, Bryan popped into the room through the front door.

The Kindergardener stood there with his eyes wide in disbelief staring at
his older brother.

"You sucked some guy's dick," said Bryan Stewart to his brother, TJ.

"No, I didn't," said TJ angrily at his only brother who then wanted his

TJ Stewart made dinner for his brother and himself. He did know where is
father was but he was no where to be found.

Bryan and Trent Stewart had tomato soup for dinner. TJ then allowed his
brother to see his mother and the youngest boy crawled into bed with his
mother where they stayed all night.

TJ Stewart was very proud of himself up to that point. But it was getting
dark and the reality that the monster may return settled in. TJ locked all
the doors and baracaded them.

He stayed up very late by himself terrirified the monster would return.

At some point, he went to bed telling himself it would all be better

The next day Marlene Stewart remained unresponsive and did not get out of be
nor did Bryan Stewart.

It was a school day and no one was going to school from the Stewart

The telephone rang and the Our Lady of Lourdes school secretary demanded and
explanation from Trent why he and his brother were not in school and where
their mother was.

Trent told her he didn't know who she was and he wasn't supposed to talk to
strangers and hung up on her.

The phone rang once again and it was the school principle, Sister Alexis,
whom Trent knew.

Skister Alexis asked Trent if everything was alright and he told her it was

She said she would send help and all would be alright.


The only help which arrived was Eleanor Krause, a neighbor, and the woman
who had overdosed TJ Stewart with heroin while trying to have him raped two
years earlier arrived. She cared little for anyone but herself as she feared
what she did two years earlier would now be discovered from this similar
crime being committed by Hal Daub.

TJ and Bryan Stewart went to school the following day. Marlene Stewart
finally recovered from her being assaulted and betrayed by Daub.

TJ Stewart was told to tell the story of what happened in his mother's home
to Monseignor Ulrich, the Church Pastor. No one trusted the police or called

Little TJ told the pastor the story, but the Pastor, who arranged the whole
thing, didn't want to hear any of it.

Little TJ was labeled a liar and made an outcast in Catholic School.

With the exception of Sister Alexis, no one believed what he said happened
to himself and his mother. The Catholics reasoned that his mother was using
drugs or drinking heavily or some such and this is why Trent and Bryan
Stewart missed school.

Trent Stewart was punished by the Nuns who taught school for being a "liar".
When his classmates went to recess, he was forced to stay inside and was
never told why.

When he was allowed to go out for recess, the nuns immediately would call
the rest of the school in for recess and lock the little boy outside the
school on the playground by himself without a reason why.

Day after day it when on for the entire week. The children laughed at him,
spurred on by the Nuns who wanted little TJ Stewart to tell the truth about
what went on. But little TJ Stewart was telling the truth and had no story
to give them.

By the end of the week, the little boy whose mother and himself had just
been assaulted by a monster and whom defended them both from that monster
was despondent and suicidal.

His mother recognized something wrong with the boy and he told her that he
was being bullied and picked on all day long at school by both his
classmates and the Nuns. He told his mother Monsiegnor Ulrich hadn't cared
or even wanted to listen to the whole story about Hal Daub and was angry at
the boy.

Finally, Marlene Stewart gathered the courage to call the police to protect
her son, whom she told was a hero for his actions, from the abuse of the
Catholic faithful at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish.

This was the first time Marlene Stewart showed any sympathy toward her son
who was by far the biggest victim of Hal Daub's.

But it would get much worse.

Jenny May, who was another Hal Daub rape victim from the school, conspired
to make Trent Stewart the rape victim of Hal Daub. Trent Stewart was labeled
a "homo" and a "cocksucker" by his classmates and that label stuck with him
for years in Catholic school.

Marlene Stewart told TJ Stewart he would have to talk to a police officer
about the attacks. Marlene Stewart herself apparently was not believable or
refused to report the crimes, so she had her son TJ do it for her.

TJ Stewart did not know what a police officer was. He asked his mother and
her answer did not provide any help, so he simply asked her if they were
good or bad. She responded with, "they are both" and they left it at that.

Omaha Police Division officer Joe Friend arrived at the Stewart home to
interview TJ Stewart. He was wearing a police uniform and leather jacket.

TJ Stewart found him to be very nice and had no problem telling the man what
had happened. Joe Friend made certain to interview the boy with his mother
able to watch the officer without her being able to coach the boy on how to

After answering question after questoin from the police officer, Joe Friend,
who was also Catholic, asked the boy what the man looked like.

TJ Stewart responded he looked like him.

Rather than inquire further as to the answer given him by the seven year old
boy, Joe Friend got defensive, angry and called off the rest of the

It was two Omaha Police Division officers who were rapists of children in
Omaha at least two years earlier and Joe Friend apparently was under the
impression that everyone in Omaha was accusing police of beng criminals to
frame them.

So Joe Friend also told the Stewarts, Marlene and her son, Trent, to fuck
off and labeled them part of a conspiracy to discredit police officers and
law abiding citizens like Hal Daub.

Joe Friend learned years later that Hal Daub was a rapist, but by then he
was being blackmailed by Nazis and two of his officers while Hal Daub was
now in US House of Representatives.

When Trent James Stewart recalled the details of his childhood, long
supressed, after the year 2000, Joe Friend was now a Deputy Chief of Police
in the Omaha Police Division. His son Dave, who was drugged with heroin
himself as a child, was now a Captain in the same Department. There were up
to ten family members of the Friend family in the Omaha Police Division.

The cover up had a life of its own by then.

Joe Friend retired in 2000 and passed away in 2004 the same month as his
sister and brother. His brother was also a retired Omaha Police Division

Dave Friend retired in 2004 and ran for Mayor of Omaha as a Republican, the
same party as Daub, and with Daub's help.

Hal Daub was elected to Congress and served four terms four years after he
raped the women of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Omaha, Nebraska.

Daub ran for the US Senate unseccessfully at least twice since and was Mayor
of Omaha, NE, for a time.

Daub's highest position of public trust came in 2003 during the Bush
Administration where he served on the Social Security Advisory Board of
United States President GW Bush.

Daub's crimes were reported to the US Senate via email and to Senators Chuck
Hagel and Ben Nelson in writing while he served in the Bush Administration.
US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales also received reports of Daub's crimes
via US mail as well as Nebrska Attorney General Jon Bruning at the same time
Hagel was notified.

Nothing was ever done about Hal Daub who ran for Mayor of Omaha once again
after quietly being removed from the GW Bush Administration.

Trent Stewart worked for his father at the family business, running it for
about sixteen years.

He is currently an unemployed former elevator and packaging line mechanic in
Omaha living in a home without heat or water without a dollar to his name.

His mother, Marlene, passed away in 2001.

He has been arrested dozens and dozens of times throughout his life for
weapons possession, assault, and alcohol related offenses.

Trent Stewart became an alcoholic at a very young age and remained so until
the year 1995 when he became sober and remains so to this day.

Stewart discovered his home was under electronic surveillance by police and
their informants in 1999 including the mob and fire union criminals, all of
whom used the rapes committed by Hal Daub for personal gain and leverage
since they occurred.

He continues to remain under unlimited and illegal surveillance in his own
home to this day. He solicited the help of US Senator Chuck Hagel who
solicited aid from the FBI to have the surveillance stopped, but neither
followed through. Stewart lives in his home in Omaha as a prisoner who
committed no crime and received no due process with those who assaulted him
as a child fearing they may be brought to justice.

Trent Stewart and Hal Daub crossed paths one afternoon during the lunch hour
at Omaha's Sons of Italy Hall while Daub was campaigning for reelection to
the office of Mayor of Omaha following his Congressional career.

At the sight of Trent Stewart and his father, James, having lunch together
at the hall, Daub became terrirified and fled publicly in front of hundreds
of people whose vote he was seeking.

Daub then went on to a position in the Bush Administration and was quietly
removed after Trent Stewart contacted the USDOJ and reported the crimes Daub
committed against himself, his family, and the other families in Omaha, NE.

United States President George W. Bush sent Stewart a letter in 2003 and
again in 2004, not addressing the rapes, but thanking Stewart for his

Hal Daub ran for US Senate briefly then again for Mayor of Omaha, Nebraska,
this year (2009). He was defeated by Democrat Jim Suttle.

A Civil Rights Complaint was filed by Trent Stewart in June of this year
(2009) with the Office of Inspector General at the USDOJ for their not
investigating the serial rapist.

No response has been given by the USDOJ to the latest request for
investigation into what is being called Daubergate Rape.

Mr. Trent Stewart has saved the life and prevented the sexual and physical
assaults of a number of women and children in Omaha throughout his life.

He has been unable to find an attorney to pursue civil damages against Daub
and the Omaha Police Division.


For more information on the some of the life of Trent James Stewart, aka
American Vietcong, see posts entitled:

Daubergate Rape: Jean Gruidel

Daubergate Rape: Jenny May

Omaha Police Rape Teenager, Attempt To Rape And Kill Five Year Old, Poison
Twelve Year Old Officer's Son

Home Invasion Failed, So Transient Calls Omaha Police

Child Held At Gunpoint SAVED By Trent Stewart of Omaha, NE

ANOTHER Omaha Police Rape/Assault/Attempted Murder Cover Up Where Trent
Stewart Was A HERO

Immigration Reform For Illegals? Where can we find the "legal" immigrants?

Angel of Nebraska Chalks Up Another Life Saved-CHILD'S RAPE PREVENTED


No response was ever received from the US Department of Justice.

Harold John "Hal" Daub has been mentioned to have a street named after him
in Omaha, Nebraska.

The oldest son of Daub and Omaha Police rape victim Jean Gruidel is back in
the Nebraska State Penitentiary serving his life plus twenty-five year
prison sentence.

The youngest son of Jean Gruidel, John Gruidel, remains an Omaha Police
Division uniform police officer who used deadly force in the line of duty
(killed a man armed with a BB gun).

Gruidel continues to moonlight off duty at a local Omaha supermarket on 29th
& St. Mary Streets.

Separately and in order, Omaha attorneys James Martin Davis and Alan D.
Martin have both been asked to represent Mr. Trent Stewart and possibly the
other victims against Daub and the Omaha Police Division.

Davis has declined. Martin requested some time to consider the case as he is
an attorney with experience representing child victims of sexual predators
in his former state of Oregon and believes child sexual assault victims have
multiple personalities and are difficult to trust.

An over half year long series of violent rapes in Omaha, Nebraska, came to
an end in the last few days when an Iowa fire fighter and father of four was
apprehended by Omaha police.

Both the state of Iowa and the state of Nebraska are fighting over who gets
to bring the serial rapist to justice. He faces five or so first degree
sexual assault charges in Nebraska and one in Iowa along with a kidnpapping
charge there.

All the while Omaha women were being terrorized by this fire fighter serial
rapist, they were unaware of the rapists including former/current Omaha
Police Division officers and Republican politician Hal Daub who are still in
their community, unknown to them for what they really are.

Retired Omaha Police Captain and failed Republican politician Dave Friend
has taken yet another police job, this time as Director of Security for
Metro Community College in Omaha, Nebraska.

Dave Friend's retired police Daddy and father of the cover up of the rapes
committed by Hal Daub, Joe Friend, is still dead (LMFAO).

The powerful in Omaha, Nebraska, have never been brought to justice for
their crimes nor have their victims received satisfaction of any kind as of
this update.

Trent Stewart continues to try and bring justice to the victims of Hal Daub
while also surviving in an economic recession.

The man also continues to help anyone, anytime he can and continue his good

He began running for exercise to relieve stress in April of 2010 and
continues to do so.

His symptoms of PTSD have faded.

However, Trent (TJ) Stewart recently began to be harasses and taunted by
career criminal, IV drug addict, and exconvict Randall Henggeler.

Henggeler enjoys harassing and terrorizing former rape victims, sending them
text messages to their cell phones asking them how they enjoyed being raped
by Heroin Hal Daub, the serial rapist heroin pusher.

Henggeler, a transient for years, is currently a wanted man with Douglas
County, Nebraska, warrants for Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, and driving
related offenses.

Omaha police won't arrest Henggeler.

He's union and so are they.

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