If you are wondering why we would schedule this on Memorial Day, we
didn't mean to. It's actually the day after, Tuesday the 29th. Sorry!
On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 12:10 PM, sbeam <
szb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings NH Rubyists!
> Although the meet up formerly known as NH Ruby has morphed into the NH
> WebDev meet up, some of us former NH Rubyists thought that in the
> interest of the advancement of the local programming community, and
> good times in general, it would be fun to host a get together at our
> coworking space in Portsmouth.
> This is known in the biz as a 'hackfest', and despite the hackerly
> sound of the name, it will be a low-key affair where we get together
> and work on projects, trade tricks and tips, help each other out, and
> maybe even get some programming done.
> It should be a great event to attend if you want to (for example):
> * have someone review code or design on your side project
> * find a pair to help squash a bug that's been bothering you
> * get your laptop set up for Ruby or Python development
> * learn through helping someone else
> * meet fellow techie people
> `
> Ruby and Rails will be in the mix but not exclusively. Folks of all
> interests, skillsets and experience levels are welcome.
> time:
> Tuesday May 29 6:30 - 9pm-ish
> location:
> Alpha Loft, 3 Congress St., 2nd floor, Portsmouth
> food:
> provided by Flatbread
> beverages:
> quite likely
> Feel free to email me with any questions.
> See you there!
> Sam
> --
> # Samuel Z Beam / Onset Development
> #
603 294 1449 office /
617 905 9721 cell
> #