Fwd: [rcne] RailsCamp NE Announcement

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Nick Plante

Jan 27, 2010, 12:14:16 PM1/27/10
to nhruby-...@googlegroups.com

Begin forwarded message:

From: Brian Cardarella <bcard...@gmail.com>
Date: January 27, 2010 11:25:09 AM EST
To: Rails Camp New England <rc...@googlegroups.com>, Boston Ruby Group <boston-r...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [rcne] RailsCamp NE Announcement


  So RailsCamp NE has a new venue. The W. Alton Jones Campus at URI.
The date will change by one weekend.

  Instead of March 5 - 8, it is now March 12 - 15.

  The price is cheaper, now $150 instead of the $175 from before.

  The new venue is amazing. I did a tour of it last week, there are 6
cabins, one main lodge with a huge upstairs area for presentations,
having dinner, etc.., smaller rooms throughout the lodge for hacking
in. A few fireplaces in the lodge too. A giant outdoor firepit is also
on site, along with a barn that is 100 yards away with another
fireplace. We'll have actual screens to project onto this time instead
of a bed sheet.

  So come sign up at
http://railscamp.eventwax.com/rails-camp-new-england-2010 and join in
the fun!

  What: RailsCampNE
  When: March 12 - 15, 2010
  Where W. Alton Jones Campus, West Greenwich, RI
  Cost: $150 (includes lunch and dinner on Saturday and Sunday)

- Brian

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