NHibernate Annotatios?

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Ricardo Peres

May 9, 2011, 6:02:55 AM5/9/11
to NHibernate Contrib - Development Group

Just for curiosity, what is this NHibernate Annotations project in the
sandbox? Is it going to replace the old NHibernate Attributes?


Dario Quintana

May 12, 2011, 3:20:46 PM5/12/11
to nhc...@googlegroups.com
I asume is some kind of experiment looooong time ago, nevermind. 
For NHibernate mapping you should go using:
  • NHibernate hbm files.
  • NHibernate by code in NH 3.2
  • ConfOrm
  • Fluent NHibernate

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Dario Quintana

Ricardo Peres

May 12, 2011, 5:47:26 PM5/12/11
to NHibernate Contrib - Development Group
OK. I thought it was something new. Thanks.


On May 12, 8:20 pm, Dario Quintana <conta...@darioquintana.com.ar>
> I asume is some kind of experiment looooong time ago, nevermind.
> For NHibernate mapping you should go using:
>    - NHibernate hbm files.
>    - NHibernate by code in NH 3.2
>    - ConfOrm
>    - Fluent NHibernate


Jun 6, 2011, 4:49:45 AM6/6/11
to NHibernate Contrib - Development Group
I join the discussion just to extend the question: I really would liek
to have back again an attribute based mapping strategy, maybe with
some convention over configuration addition, and I would like to start
to work on it.
What is the point now with the standard Mapping Attributes ? Are they
still mantained ? If not would be a problem if I try to mantain it
myself ( and make it grow in the direction I said) ?
If you accept my contribution would you suggest me to start with the
new mapping by code features ? In some of my experiments I'm trying to
just use the standard Hbm* classes, do you change these low level
classes in the future ?

On May 12, 9:20 pm, Dario Quintana <conta...@darioquintana.com.ar>
> I asume is some kind of experiment looooong time ago, nevermind.
> For NHibernate mapping you should go using:
>    - NHibernate hbm files.
>    - NHibernate by code in NH 3.2
>    - ConfOrm
>    - Fluent NHibernate

Dario Quintana

Jun 6, 2011, 8:06:07 AM6/6/11
to nhc...@googlegroups.com

Have you tried ConfORM? I think you should give it a try.


On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 5:49 AM, FaticaLabs <felice...@gmail.com> wrote:
I join the discussion just to extend the question: I really would liek
to have back again an attribute based mapping strategy, maybe with
some convention over configuration addition, and I would like to start
to work on it.
What is the point now with the standard Mapping Attributes ? Are they
still mantained ? If not would be a problem if I try to mantain it
myself ( and make it grow in the direction I said) ?
If you accept my contribution would you suggest me to start with the
new mapping by code features ? In some of my experiments I'm trying to
just use the standard Hbm* classes, do you change these low level
classes in the future ?

Dario Quintana


Jun 6, 2011, 8:17:31 AM6/6/11
to NHibernate Contrib - Development Group
Yes I did, as a general approach I still prefer hbm with intellisense
+hbm2net. But I'm thinking to have the attributes alternative reliable
would be interesting, this is the reason I'm asking.

On Jun 6, 2:06 pm, Dario Quintana <conta...@darioquintana.com.ar>
> Hi,
> Have you tried ConfORM? I think you should give it a try.
> Cheers

Dario Quintana

Jun 6, 2011, 8:27:51 AM6/6/11
to nhc...@googlegroups.com
In ConfORM, you may declare your mappings even without attributes, and if need to declare something special, like: "I want that every property with the property [Ignore] shouldn't be mapped" you may declare a pattern for that.

On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 9:17 AM, FaticaLabs <felice...@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes I did, as a general approach I still prefer hbm with intellisense
+hbm2net. But I'm thinking to have the attributes alternative reliable
would be interesting, this is the reason I'm asking.

Dario Quintana


Jun 6, 2011, 8:49:17 AM6/6/11
to NHibernate Contrib - Development Group
Ok Dario,
Thanks for your suggestion. That is cetainly true, but I want to try
to have something even supporting legacy DB with horrible composite
keys :)

On Jun 6, 2:27 pm, Dario Quintana <conta...@darioquintana.com.ar>
> In ConfORM, you may declare your mappings even without attributes, and if
> need to declare something special, like: "I want that every property with
> the property [Ignore] shouldn't be mapped" you may declare a pattern for
> that.
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