I have a problem using NHibernate Attributes. I have an id which
should be generated by a sequence. The sequence already exists in the
database and I just want to get next value of it. I made a query:
IQuery query = session.CreateQuery("select SEQ_QUEST.netxval from
but it says that TBL_QUEST_PRODUCT is not mapped [select
That is my Questionnaire class:
[NHibernate.Mapping.Attributes.Class(Table = "TBL_QUEST_PRODUCT")]
public class Questionnaire
public Questionnaire()
{ }
//Database entries
//The QUEST_ID from Database
private int _Quest_Id;
NHibernate.Mapping.Attributes.Id(Column = "QUEST_ID",
TypeType = typeof(int))]
[NHibernate.Mapping.Attributes.Generator(1, Class="sequence")]
public virtual int Quest_Id
get { return _Quest_Id; }
set { _Quest_Id = value; }
//The PROD_ID from Database
//Connects table TBL_PRODUCT
private int _Prod_Id_Quest;
Column = "PROD_ID",
TypeType = typeof(int),
NotNull = false)]
public virtual int Prod_Id_Ques
get { return _Prod_Id_Quest; }
set { _Prod_Id_Quest = value; }
//The QUEST_VER from Database
//From Sequence
private string _Quest_Version;
Column = "QUEST_VER",
TypeType = typeof(string),
NotNull = false)]
public virtual string Quest_Version
get { return _Quest_Version; }
set { _Quest_Version = value; }
//The CREATED_ON Date from Database
private string _Quest_Created_On;
Column = "CREATED_ON",
TypeType = typeof(string),
NotNull = false)]
public virtual string Quest_Created_On
get { return _Quest_Created_On; }
set { _Quest_Created_On = value; }
//The CREATED_BY from Table
private string _Quest_Created_By;
Column = "CREATED_BY",
TypeType = typeof(string),
NotNull = false)]
public virtual string Quest_Created_By
get { return _Quest_Created_By; }
set { _Quest_Created_By = value; }
//The MODIFIED_ON from Database
private string _Quest_Modified_On;
Column = "MODIFIED_ON",
TypeType = typeof(string),
NotNull = false)]
public virtual string Quest_Modified_On
get { return _Quest_Modified_On; }
set { _Quest_Modified_On = value; }
//The MODIFIED_BY Person from Database
private string _Quest_Modified_By;
Column = "MODIFIED_BY",
TypeType = typeof(string),
NotNull = false)]
public virtual string Quest_Modified_By
get { return _Quest_Modified_By; }
set { _Quest_Modified_By = value; }
//The CHECKOUT from Database
private string _CheckOut_Quest;
Column = "CHECKOUT",
TypeType = typeof(string),
NotNull = false)]
public virtual string CheckOut_Quest
get { return _CheckOut_Quest; }
set { _CheckOut_Quest = value; }
//End of the Database entries
private List<QuestionGroup> _QuestionGrp;
public virtual List<QuestionGroup> QuestionGrp
get { return _QuestionGrp; }
set { _QuestionGrp = value; }
I would like to know how to map the table/column to the sequence.
Thank you very much in advance.