Well.....Rockingham County finished in 7th place. Not a very impressive
year, but we managed a decent total of 168 species. I thought it was a
tough year for us. I certainly put in more effort than any other year,
but I thought birds were not plentiful and there weren't a lot of good
"nuggets" to help with our overall list. I ended with 133 species which
is my 4th highest for November. My (personal) highest totals are 142
(2022), 136 (2021), and 134 (2018).
Rockingham County's 168 species appears to be our 4th highest total for
November. In 2018 we had an amazing 190 species! And then 177 species
(2022), and 174 species in 2020.
Looks like the entire State finished with roughly 199 or 200 species for
the month depending on what is accepted.
A quick random list of some of the highlights across the State (in my
opinion...sorry if I missed one ore two) include:
* MacGillivray's Warbler found by Dylan. The NUMBER ONE bird for the
challenge this year.
* Townsend's Solitaire at the hawk watch at Pack Monadnock.
* TWO Ash-throated Flycatchers found by Allan Murray and Ethan Ring.
* TWO Red-eyed Vireos in Belknap County by Iain. The first one tied a
record late date for NH, the 2nd one set a new record!!!
* A high count of EIGHT Blue-headed Vireos across the State.
* A White-eyed Vireo and a Prairie Warbler together in Hopkinton found
by Donna Ellis.
* 2nd latest date for NH for Tennessee Warbler
* 2nd latest date for NH for Indigo Bunting
* Record late date for NH for Whimbrel
* 2nd latest date for NH for Bobolink
* 14 species of warblers (Ovenbird, Black-and-white, Orange-crowned,
Nashville, MacGillivray's, Yellowthroat, Redstart, BTBlue, BTGreen,
Palm, Pine, Y-Rump, Prairie, Wilsons)
* 116 Kittiwakes, 26 Dovekies, and a Pomarine Jaeger during a coastal
storm on 11/22.
Steve Mirick
Bradford, MA