Newfound birds

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Pam Hunt

Nov 21, 2021, 12:48:59 PM11/21/21
I did a full loop around Newfound Lake this morning, stopping at.most of the accessible vantage points. Overall, the lake was fairly quiet, although there were the following highlights:

single distant Long-tailed Duck far to the north of the Wellington State Park boat launch
4 Common Goldeneye at Hebron Marsh plus one more on the east side
6 Horned Grebes from the east side just below the Hebron/Bridgewater town line
26 Common Mergansers at the above spot
lots of Common Loons, including a group of nine from the Hebron town beach

Landbird highlights were a flock of ~30 Horned Larks with 2 Snow Buntings along Smith Rover Rd in Bristol and ~30 Pine Siskins at the Hebron town beach.

My Grafton list is now up to 164 for the year, and I'm happy to have given the county Horned Grebe for the November challenge.

Pam Hunt
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