Happy New Year -- what brings you to our collaboration space?

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Jan 9, 2019, 4:13:44 PM1/9/19
to NH OER Collaboration Space
Hi everyone,

Becky Clerkin, my librarian colleague, had the good idea that we could ask you all what brings you to this space? Are you a librarian? Faculty member? Are you creating OERs or collaborating on one? Adopting OER in your courses already or exploring?

Let us know, and please invite anyone else on your campus who is interested in OERs to join us here!

All good things,

Deb Baker

Library Director, Interim Director of the Learning Commons
603-206-8151  |  dba...@ccsnh.edu

Pronouns: she/her/hers


Manchester Community College

1066 Front Street, Manchester, NH 03102
(603) 206-8000  |  www.mccnh.edu



Jan 15, 2019, 8:49:49 AM1/15/19
to NH OER Collaboration Space
Hello and thank you for creating this space. 

I am a NH high school librarian and have been spending a lot of time this year investigating OER and trying to determine if there is a place in my district for more widespread use of these resources. I have presented to leadership and am now trying to get more traction on the teacher level. My district has taken the Future Ready pledge which does encourage K-12 schools to investigate and utilize OER and I am encouraged that community colleges are the leaders in utilization of these resources as we are a NH Running Start school. I have also recently participated in an AASL (American Association of School Librarians) Taskforce on OER.

I am anxious to get to know some of the others who are advocating for and working with these resources. 

Katie Gadwah
School Librarian
John Stark Regional High School
Weare, NH 03281

On Wednesday, January 9, 2019 at 4:13:44 PM UTC-5, dba...@ccsnh.edu wrote:
Hi everyone,

Becky Clerkin, my librarian colleague, had the good idea that we could ask you all what brings you to this space? Are you a librarian? Faculty member? Are you creating OERs or collaborating on one? Adopting OER in your courses already or exploring?

Let us know, and please invite anyone else on your campus who is interested in OERs to join us here!

All good things,

Deb Baker

Library Director, Interim Director of the Learning Commons

Kristin Whitworth

Jan 15, 2019, 1:41:07 PM1/15/19
to NH OER Collaboration Space

I've returned to high school librarianship this year after a long stint at the K-8 level.   I have been participating in the ISKME study "Exploring OER Curation and the Role of School Librarians."  Like Katie, I look forward to making connections with those who are working with these resources.

Kristin Whitworth
Dover High School and Career Technical Center

On Wednesday, January 9, 2019 at 4:13:44 PM UTC-5, dba...@ccsnh.edu wrote:
Hi everyone,

Becky Clerkin, my librarian colleague, had the good idea that we could ask you all what brings you to this space? Are you a librarian? Faculty member? Are you creating OERs or collaborating on one? Adopting OER in your courses already or exploring?

Let us know, and please invite anyone else on your campus who is interested in OERs to join us here!

All good things,

Deb Baker

Library Director, Interim Director of the Learning Commons

Kristin Desborough

Jan 15, 2019, 3:51:34 PM1/15/19
to NH OER Collaboration Space
Hello, Everyone,

Like Kristin Whitworth, I've been participating in the ISKME study regarding exploring OER curation. I've enjoyed learning about OER through the study, and I would like to know more about how others are using OER in public schools and beyond.

ISKME just released a draft of the OER curation Framework that Kristin and I have helped to develop. I'm attaching a copy of it here because we were asked to share it with colleagues for comments, and this group seems like a good place to gather feedback. I'm happy to pass along any comments you may have.

Kristin Desborough
Library Media Specialist
Belmont and Canterbury Elementary Schools

On Wednesday, January 9, 2019 at 4:13:44 PM UTC-5, dba...@ccsnh.edu wrote:
Hi everyone,

Becky Clerkin, my librarian colleague, had the good idea that we could ask you all what brings you to this space? Are you a librarian? Faculty member? Are you creating OERs or collaborating on one? Adopting OER in your courses already or exploring?

Let us know, and please invite anyone else on your campus who is interested in OERs to join us here!

All good things,

Deb Baker

Library Director, Interim Director of the Learning Commons

OER Curation Framework Draft v1.0 for Feedback (1).docx


Jan 15, 2019, 5:34:19 PM1/15/19
to NH OER Collaboration Space
Hi Kristin,
    Welcome!  Thank you for sharing the OER Framework - I'm looking forward to reading through it.

Becky Clerkin
Library Director - Great Bay Community College 


Jan 15, 2019, 5:36:06 PM1/15/19
to NH OER Collaboration Space
Hi Katie,
     I'm excited to see that we have some school librarians here.  It will be interesting to compare notes with the initiatives that we all have.

Becky Clerkin
Library Director - Great Bay Community College 


Jan 16, 2019, 8:18:12 AM1/16/19
to NH OER Collaboration Space
Thank you for sharing the draft framework! I am really looking forward to reading it. AASL also had a taskforce on OER and, I believe, the work will be shared at the mid-winter conference. I'm not at liberty to share any more but there will be some resources and readings included. Hopefully your work with ISKME and the support of AASL will give these resources more visibility in K-12.

I'm interested in learning more about the use of OER in the community college network of NH. Maybe even having a discussion as part of our conference or in a "Your high school senior is my college freshman" group setting.


On Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 3:51:34 PM UTC-5, Kristin Desborough wrote:


Jan 16, 2019, 1:18:40 PM1/16/19
to NH OER Collaboration Space

I'd love to see a bigger conversation statewide between college and high school librarians about that very topic of "your senior is our freshman." I echo Becky's comment that it's great to have you all here and I'm curious about OER adoption in NH high schools!

As for what's happening in the community college system, we are in the first grant round of a system-wide project to develop/adapt/adopt OERs in high enrollment classes like English Comp I, Biology I & II, and the most widely enrolled math courses. There are also a number of other faculty who are "textbook free" in their courses because they link to library and internet readings and sometimes, link to OERs. There are some people who have been using mostly open (or free or both) materials in their courses for a long time, and others who are not confident that OER textbooks will be rigorous or complete enough. 

So we're coming along, and I think in the next few years with the system's administration behind it, OER adoption will take off!

All good things,

Deb Baker

Library Director, Interim Director of the Learning Commons
603-206-8151  |  dbaker@ccsnh.edu

Pronouns: she/her/hers


Manchester Community College

1066 Front Street, Manchester, NH 03102
(603) 206-8000  |  www.mccnh.edu


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