AVIF format / mozjpeg

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A. S.

Nov 2, 2020, 9:04:01 PM11/2/20
to ngx-pagespeed-discuss

pagespeed offers webp image compression.
The new AVIF image format offers even better compression, 
are there plans for adding AVIF to (nginx) pagespeed?

For JPEG optimization, mozjpeg can improve the compression, 
does pagespeed recompress JPEGs using mozjpeg?

Thanks and 
with best regards

Otto van der Schaaf

Nov 3, 2020, 5:10:45 AM11/3/20
to ngx-pagesp...@googlegroups.com
Those are nice suggestions; I don't think anybody is working on supporting AVIF but I'd be happy to review
a pull request to add just that :-)

As for mozjpeg: pagespeed uses libjpeg-turbo today. I agree mozjpeg looks like it could offer a potential improvement. 

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