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Use pagespeed in Nginx reverse Proxy

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Sajjad Jafari bojd

May 11, 2022, 2:15:31 AM5/11/22
to ngx-pagespeed-discuss
Hi everyone.
I use Nginx as a Reverse proxy‌. Does the Pagespeed module work in this mode or not?
Because I feel that this module is used for Nginx in webserver mode and does not work properly in reverse proxy mode.

Shane Marsh

May 11, 2022, 4:24:04 AM5/11/22
to ngx-pagespeed-discuss
In short, Yes it does work in reverse proxy and I ran that configuration for quite some time. Beyond the need to Nginx with OpenSSL from source, the major challenge I had is if you are using the proxy to terminate SSL and then having another later of backend servers (in my case Apache), running on port 80, you have to make sure the appropriate x-forwarded-proto etc type headers are set. It's a little more complicated still if you are running WordPress but it is doable and works reliably when fully set up.
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