Defining the engineering practices

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Theresa Stockel

May 28, 2013, 9:11:21 PM5/28/13
Sorry if this is a duplicate. I thought I posted this, but I can't find it!

Engineering and STEM practices
1. I see these practices as Tools to support curriculum, in the same way math is. They aren't to be the curriculum, but used as one of many ways to accomplish the goals of the curriculum. One way I see that they will enhance the science curriculum is by adding relevancy to topics in science. For example, in the middle grades, students learn about weather measuring tools. The engineering practices: ask questions "how does an anemometer work? ". Can we build one? How. Now that we built one, and it spins, how do we calculate the wind speed from it? The practices take the concepts from the book and puts it literally and figuratively in the hands of the student.

2. Build from k-12. This means we will need to start a common vocabulary that teachers use throughout the school from k. As we build and add intricacy, the common language will give students confidence.. " I have seen and heard this before. I can do this."

3. The wording of the 8 practices is student centered. I have many of these practices listed in my lessons, but they need to be shifted to "what the students do" and away from what I tell them about or do for them!

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