1. Ten Commandments 2.Adventures may go wrong 3.Petrol Price Hick 4. A Life Management Lesson 5.Golden Rules for Career Success 6. survey on power distribution utility @ Nagpur

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Ramanuj Asawa

May 17, 2011, 5:34:19 AM5/17/11
to NGP_PROF_...@googlegroups.com
From: Narayana Swamy <kn_s...@hotmail.com>
Ten Commandments..

Greetings !!!

Red roseK. Narayana SwamyRed rose
Bengaluru, India

Adventures may go wrong

From: Gulammohammed Jiwani <gjji...@gmail.com>


From: Gulammohammed Jiwani <gjji...@gmail.com>



From: krishna rathi <krishr...@gmail.com>

One old man was sitting with his 25 years old son in the train.

 Train is about to leave the station.

 All passengers are settling down their seat.

 As train started young man was filled with lot of joy and  curiosity.

 He was sitting on the window side.

He went out one hand and feeling the passing air. He  shouted, "Papa see all trees are going behind".

Old man smile and admired son feelings.

Beside the young man one couple was sitting and listening all  the conversion between father and son.

They were little awkward with the attitude of 25  years old man behaving like a small child.

Suddenly young man again shouted, "Papa see the pond  and animals. Clouds are moving with train".

Couple was watching the young man in embarrassingly.

Now its start raining and some of water drops touches the  young man's hand.

He filled with joy and he closed the eyes.

 He shouted again," Papa it's raining, water is  touching me, see papa".

 Couple couldn't help themselves and ask the old man.

 "Why don't you visit the Doctor and get treatment for your son."

 Old man said,

 " Yes, We are coming from the hospital as Today  only my son got his eye sight for first time in his life"

 Moral: "Don’t draw conclusions until you know all the facts".

CS Krishna Rathi

Golden Rules for Career Success
From: rajesh limbachia <lraje...@yahoo.co.in>

Keep track of what you do; someone is sure to ask.

Be comfortable around Senior managers, or learn to fake it.

Never bring your boss a problem without some solution.

You are getting paid to think, not to whine.

Long hours don't mean anything; results count, not effort.

Write down ideas; they get lost, like good pens.

Always arrive at work 30 minutes before your boss.

Don't take days off sick-unless you are.

Know when you do your best:- morning, night, under pressure, relaxed; schedule and prioritize your work accordingly.

Treat everyone who works in the organization with respect and dignity, whether it be the Cleaner or the Managing director. Don't ever be patronizing.

Never appear stressed in front of a client, a customer or your boss. Take a deep breath and ask yourself: In the course of human events, how important is this?

If you get the entrepreneurial urge, visit someone who has his own business. It may cure you.

Acknowledging someone else's contribution will repay you doubly.

Career planning is an oxymoron. The most exciting opportunities tend to be unplanned.

Always choose to do what you'll remember ten years from now.

The size of your office is not as important as the size of your pay cheque.

Understand what finished work looks like and deliver your work only when it is finished.

The person who spends all of his or her time is not hard-working; he or she is boring.

Know how to write business letter including "Thank You" notes as well as Proposals.

Never confuse a Memo with reality. Most memos from the top are political fantasy.

Eliminate guilt. Don't fiddle expenses, taxes or benefits, and don't cheat colleagues.

Go to the company Christmas party.

Don't get drunk at the company Christmas party.

Avoid working at weekends. Work longer during the week if you have to.

The most successful people in business are interesting.

Sometimes you'll be on a winning streak and everything will click; take maximum advantage. When the opposite is true, hold steady and wait it out.

Never in your life say, "It's not my job."

Be loyal to your career, your interests and yourself.

Understand the skills and abilities that set you apart. Use them whenever you have an opportunity.

People remember the end of the project. As they say in boxing, "Always finish stronger than you start."

Attention: For People at Nagpur Only 
survey on power distribution utility @ Nagpur

From: Rahul Bagdia <rahul....@pmanifold.com>

Dear Uncle,

Please take below survey on consumer satisfaction towards local power distribution utility and also help us reach broader audience within your network at Nagpur. This is first of a kind initiative in India and would appreciate if you could kindly support it. Given your professional connectivity at Nagpur, we hope to receive atleast 100+ responses from your network. Could you share it with your NagpurThinkTanks network?

Thanks for your kind cooperation.


Dear Electricity Consumer,

pManifold is conducting a consumer satisfaction survey on local (Nagpur) power distribution utility. This is an independent survey conducted to increase the understanding of needs & concerns of electricity consumers at Nagpur and help power distribution utility to improve their service levels.

We invite you to participate in this survey and share your valuable insights and feedback. We recognize that your time is at a premium, but please note that the survey will take less than 15-20 minutes to complete and that your opinions are very valuable to us.

To thank you for participating, we will send you the brief survey results free of charge. There will also be a lucky draw with total 20 prizes towards end of May, when survey will be closed. 

To have your views included, please complete the survey before Friday, May 27th. Begin by going to:

Thank you for helping us with our research. Your response is important to us.

Best regards,

Warm Regards and Best Wishes.

CS Ramanuj Asawa
Company Secretary by profession, Acupressure therapist by hobby, Human by nature, trying to alleviate the pains of suffering humanity.
cell 094228-03662
#205, Himalaya Enclave, 1, Shivajinagar,
NAGPUR 440010
Visit for pain relief/ training with prior Appointment
Mon - Fri  8 am  to 9.30 am

ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः, सर्वे सन्तु  निरामयः
सर्वे  भद्राणि  पश्यन्तु, मा कश्चिद दुखभाग भवेत्.
May all be happy. May all enjoy health and freedom from disease.
May all have prosperity and good luck. May none suffer or fall on evil days.

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