It's time to get angry !!

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Ramanuj Asawa

Apr 14, 2011, 8:50:59 PM4/14/11
From: Anshu <>

Dear friends,

Many of you don’t know me, many will say ‘unsubscribe’, many would not like to read  at all but I need to write..

It’s not about me, it’s not about you. It’s about the place we stay in, the society we live in, the systems we have!!

I often wonder when a mosquito bites me why do I think of a repellant, why a coil or hit, why don’t I have the courage to question my municipality?

Why do I buy water in a bottle? Why do I purify water at my home? Does the water bill say that the tap water is only for washing clothes or having a bath? Why don’t I get drinking water in my tap?

Why should I pay a toll tax on every single black, nice looking road? Why a basic road is not my right?

Why do I buy an inverter or dream of a generator? Why don’t I get current in my wires?

Why do we call the private schools as public schools.. I always thought schools run by the government should be called public schools!!

Why- the cricketers who sold the ethics of game sit in parliament or come as experts on channels?

Why someone known for beating his wife and had charges of holding drugs is a celebrity to judge dance shows and all of us watch and clap too.

Why is it that the so called high profile tainted journalists still run public shows and we all watch it..

Why don’t I know the fine on jumping red light or for not wearing a helmet but am very well aware of power of 100 rupees: the cost of duty of most of the traffic guys across the country!!

Why is a girl raped in a roaming car in the capital of the country almost every month and all that the government says is that “girls should be careful..”

Why does the trial and judgment of social activists just takes a few weeks but Raja, Raju, Reddy roam around!!

Why even after killing hundreds of people on road the blue line buses remained on roads? Do you know any city apart from the capital of your country where the city buses crushed people on a daily basis?

Why didn’t we come on the roads when someone made elephants of stones for crores of rupees in U.P. where people still dig pits to sleep in winter or die of hunger?

Why a tainted, corrupt minister is called to IIM and Academy for IAS and applauded – unstopped on his desi style?

It’s so easy to call someone corrupt but have you ever thought; The act of bribe starts by giving not by taking.. it starts from me not from him or her.. so why don’t I look at myself first ?

I strongly believe that the Logic is always for NOT doing something.. Doing does not need logic, doers don’t believe in logics!!

Just a couple of years back some people came and played with us, killed our pride and people. We were angry.. some people thought  that the attack in Mumbai was on rich people and therefore something would change..

Nothing happened.. we all go to gateway of India on every anniversary in November, burn some wax, sing some songs and come back. Nothing changes- the government is back, Z security is back and people are back at the Gateway of India…

It’s time to come out, stand up...move.. do something.. Sitting in drawing rooms or discussing over a mug of beer will not solve anything..

Please remember this country does not need thinkers any more, enough of them.. what you need is an action .. an initiative !!

Even when the government listens to Anna & the team, the voice has to go on… corruption is not limited to the government only !!  we all need to start with ourselves and march..

It’s time for you to join.. Time to create lots of Jantar Mantars- across the country..

Lage raho !!


Anshu Gupta (Ashoka Fellow)
Founder Director

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CS Ramanuj Asawa
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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः, सर्वे सन्तु  निरामयः
सर्वे  भद्राणि  पश्यन्तु, मा कश्चिद दुखभाग भवेत्.
May all be happy. May all enjoy health and freedom from disease.
May all have prosperity and good luck. May none suffer or fall on evil days.

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