Memorial Park bioblitz

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Alison Young

Sep 4, 2014, 4:58:41 PM9/4/14
Hey there N4N bioblitzers!

Wanted to post an update on the Memorial Park bioblitz, September 27, 9 am - 1 pm. This is in partnership with the Academy, Save the Redwoods League, Sequoia Audubon, and San Mateo County Parks. It's the 90th anniversary of Memorial Park, and this bioblitz is part of the celebration.

If you've never been, Memorial Park is in the Santa Cruz Mountains, about 10 miles up the road from Pescadero. The part of the park in the valley has Pescadero Creek running through it and is primarily dominated by redwood forest. As you move uphill to the ridges, it turns into Douglas Fir/Madrone dominated forest, with a very diverse understory. Memorial Park also has marbled murrelets, pileated woodpeckers, steelhead trout, and mountain lions (and lots of other interesting fauna). Oh, and it's also home to one of a handful of albino redwoods in California... which I'd be happy to show you if you make it to the bioblitz! :)

Anyway, we'd LOVE to have as many N4N folks there as possible. If any of you are interested in leading a group, please let me know: The bioblitz will be done by dividing the park into sections (NOT done via taxa-specific groups), so as a leader, all you really need to know is where you're going, how to use iNat, and when to return your group. If you'd like to come as an attendee, sign up via our iNat/Eventbrite page:

If you're interested in being a leader, we're doing a walk-through of the park next Wednesday, September 10 at 1 pm, followed by a late lunch at the Pescadero Country Store to test out their wi-fi capabilities (it's where the wrap session will be). Let me know if you're planning on coming to the walk-through - it's NOT mandatory to come to the walk-through if you're interested in being a leader, but might be useful if you're not familiar with the park.

Lastly, camping has been closed at Memorial Park all summer due to the drought. We were thinking it might be fun to camp out nearby the night before the blitz though, so I was thinking of reserving a couple campsites at Butano State Park down in Pescadero. If you're interested in camping at Butano the night before (Friday Sept. 26), please let me know ASAP!


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