bioblitz impact maps and spreadsheet

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Ken McGary

2014年9月4日 中午12:57:112014/9/4
收件者:N4N Bioblitz
Hi bioblitzers,

I was going through my googledocs and came across this spreadsheet analysis I did a few months back tallying the results of various n4n-affiliated bioblitzes. I pulled this together for the Maker Faire presentation I did back in May. Feel free to add recent blitzes to the spreadsheet or otherwise make this info more complete/useful.

Dan, you've mentioned you all looked at this sort of thing already so probably no big surprises here but the data is still sort of interesting. Here are some images I generated on the GBIF map page by filtering for iNat-only entries... One shows McLaren Park and nearby Candlestick area for an up-close view. Another shows all iNat research-grade observations in northern CA up until last May. You can clearly see most of the bioblitz sites. Last map is a global one for the Big Picture.

By my very crude estimation, over 1/3 of all of these are from n4n-affiliated events, maybe another 1/3 or so from CalAcademy/Mt. Tam and other similar conservation activities, and maybe not quite another 1/3 from all the busy folks down in San Mateo Audubon and other motivated individuals here and there.

Of course probably half of them were by Ken-ichi himself but that's another story...



Johnson, Rebecca

2014年9月4日 下午2:30:052014/9/4
收件者:Ken McGary、N4N Bioblitz
Hi all,
Thanks, Ken!  I added Laurelwood and Pillar Point to the table. Are any others missing?
I will dig deeper into this email, ASAP.

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2014年9月8日 晚上9:15:192014/9/8
收件者:Ken McGary、N4N Bioblitz
Neat. Not sure how you were estimating how many iNat or GBIF obs are
from the area, but you could use the iNat identifiers in the GBIF
exports and then crosscheck them against iNat exports, e.g.

An easy way to get to that export is to go to a bioblitz project page,
click "All observations" above the stats, and replace /observations?
with /observations/export?

Ken McGary

2014年9月9日 凌晨12:05:072014/9/9
收件者:Ken-ichi、N4N Bioblitz

Well, I said my estimates were very crude and so they are. I basically went here to the iNat dataset within GBIF, zoomed in to the area of interest, and clicked "view records in viewable area". You'll get a quick top-level total at the top of the screen. So when I did this back in late April to my memory there were something around 25K within the bay area map that I linked to. I knew that we were coming up on 8K bioblitz observations so I called it 1/3. Now all of those aren't research grade so that's the first of many fudges here.

Now when I do the same thing I get about 54K obs for roughly the same map, can it have grown that much in 6 months? Or maybe I got my numbers wrong first time around. But I did zoom in to smaller areas to cross-check. In fact I'm getting generally bigger numbers than seems reasonable when I zoom into smaller sections so maybe I had something filtered differently or something then, not sure. The "bounding box" is casting too wide a net somehow.

Sounds like your method would give much better data but I don't have time to dig any deeper myself, though I would love to see a bigger analysis of all this. Have you considered presenting this sort of stuff (or other iNat/bioblitz topics) at the CSA meeting in San Jose

Amber Hasselbring

2014年9月9日 上午10:52:032014/9/9
收件者:Johnson, Rebecca、Ken McGary、N4N Bioblitz
Hi Everyone,

This is exciting! Ken, thank you for pulling this together. The map showing n4n observations and blitzes is especially cool. Can you send me a link to edit the spreadhseet, and I'll add the Green Hairstreak Blitz there? 

All the best,

Amber Hasselbring

Executive Director, Nature in the City •
Founder, Art Ecology •

Dan Rademacher

2014年9月10日 凌晨1:31:112014/9/10
收件者:Amber Hasselbring、Johnson, Rebecca、Ken McGary、N4N Bioblitz
Hi all,

Ken, this is great! Interesting to see that our most observations (Green Hairstreak) and most species (Pillar Point) were in our two most recent blitzes. 

Amber, isn;t the hairstreak in line 10?


Ken McGary

2014年9月10日 凌晨1:40:182014/9/10
收件者:Dan Rademacher、Amber Hasselbring、Johnson, Rebecca、N4N Bioblitz

most observations (Green Hairstreak) and most species (Pillar Point) were in our two most recent blitzes. 

True! But I also find it interesting that after all of these blitzes McLaren still stands at number 2 in both categories.



Amber Hasselbring

2014年9月10日 下午1:01:052014/9/10
收件者:Ken McGary、Dan Rademacher、Johnson, Rebecca、N4N Bioblitz
Hi All!

I love knowing that during the blitzes we’re collecting much of the data. And sorry for my error! Precision before speed seems to be a lesson for me currently. 

Have a good day everyone. 

Amber Hasselbring

Art Ecology: art, nature, education, gardens

Nature in the City: engaging people and nature in San Francisco

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