Vista de usuarios conectados

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Edgar Rojas_INFONA-Paraguay

Oct 26, 2012, 1:24:03 PM10/26/12
Que posibilidad hay de que los usuarios conectados al SNMFP puedan ver quienes están en línea, la cantidad, de que país, etc?. Sería interesante

Oscar Fonts

Oct 29, 2012, 6:39:46 AM10/29/12
Dear Edgar,

[Sorry Edgar, answering in English, so other people in the group can
follow the conversation]

Edgar Rojas wrote:
> Que posibilidad hay de que los usuarios conectados al SNMFP puedan ver quienes
> est�n en l�nea, la cantidad, de que pa�s, etc?. Ser�a interesante

I think the "simultaneous connections" feature makes sense on sites with
a big community of regular daily users, which I'm afraid it's not yet
the case for the Paraguay NFMS portal. I'm afraid the numbers we'd get
wouldn't be much stimulating at this moment.

So, in my humble opinion, the first step would be to attract interest on
the portal, incorporating relevant contents, and keeping them up to
date. Once we have a person taking care of the contents (the data
administrator), we could provide a usage analysis tool so you can have
real time information about the portal usage. As a first step, this
usage information would be for internal use.

In fact, we were considering the use of Google Analytics or an
equivalent tool (as Google Analytics has some side effects on page load
time that have to be studied carefully):


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