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Honda One - Mount Pearl -terrible service

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Dec 16, 2007, 3:10:24 PM12/16/07
Just had to comment on the terrible experience I received while in that
store this week. I've been an occasional visitor browsing the atv's for the
last few years, never taking up anyone's time but just dropping in to have a
5 minute look every 3-4 months. Always noticed no one ever asked if I
needed help but I didn't anyway so it didn't bother me. So they're having a
big sale now and I decided to go ahead and buy one. I did alot of research
on my own and had nothing left but 2 -3 brief questions just to confirm by
choice. So I went in a few mornings ago and after standing around looking
for some help for 20 minutes finally got a guy to 'help' me. First
question, do you have the model I'm interested in stock, the guy
dissappeared for 10 minutes finally came back and said yes. Ok, so I asked
my next question which I thought could be answered on the spot, but the guy
dissappeared for another 10-15 minutes, came back gave me the roughest
answer then before I could ask anything else turned his back and said he'd
get me a quote. So I stood there another 10-15 minutes finally one of the
other guys came along and handed me 'the quote' as he was walking past. So
at first look I could see the quote did not include the Honda Canada
advertised factory discount I was expecting which should have been $3600 but
the guy decided $3200 was enough for me I guess. So I went to find him to
enquire on the difference in factory rebate but he was in an office talking
to another staff member and too busy to help this customer. So I was after
using all my lunch break and more, and couldn't wait any longer for 'help.'
A closer look at my quote revealed the guy wanted to charge me HST on the
prediscount Honda Canada purchase price then reduce my bill by the amount of
his reduced factory discount. A tactic to illegally syphon more cash from
many unawares customers used by many a two-bit used car salesman in their
day. Anyways, so I decided to try calling the other Honda dealers aroung
the province but they are all out of stock and well aware of peoples bad
experiences with the Mount Pearl store. Anyways, so I ended up finding the
atv I want from a dealer in Ontario. Shipped to my door it will still be
about $700 cheaper than Honda One which is a stones throw from my house.
And a pleasurable shopping experience to say the least. This guy in Ontario
told me I'm the third customer he's sending an atv to in St. John's in the
last month because of complaints dealing with the guys at Honda One.
Anyways, I called Honda Canada's customer service and let them know my
experience on the poor service, not honouring the factory discount, and
trying to charge me tax on the prediscounted purchase price.

Vent over, thanks.


Dec 16, 2007, 3:50:22 PM12/16/07
Typical from what I have heard about Honda one.
I must also say that the parts department is the Best!
Now if the parts guys were running the sales department we wouldn't be
having this exchange.

El Diablo

Dec 16, 2007, 6:43:12 PM12/16/07
That's crazy!!

Andrew O'Brien
C.N.A Welding
First Year Apprentice
"yoohoo" <> wrote in message


Dec 16, 2007, 7:13:40 PM12/16/07
I agree Mike. Couple of years ago I was shopping for a new bike. Through
reading reviews and talking to people and my own little research projects, I
had it narrowed down to two models at HondaY One, one Kawi.model at Fun and
Fast and two Yamahas at Atlantic Rec. Went into Honda One first because I
rode a Honda 20 years ago and I liked the machine from start to finish.
Walked in and stood in front of some young hon on the desk for about 5 mins.
while she yakked into her phone about such and such and when they went to
the movie with the other such and such and he was such a such and such.
Personal calls while customers wait???? Yeah finally honey draws
a deep breath ( a singularly riveting display of the tensile strength of
cotton and buttons ) and asks me what she can do for me. Want to talk to a
salesman says I. Ok just one moment, says sweetums and off I go to wander
and drool in the rows of chrome........for about 10
salesperson.......back I go. Sweetness is now doodling. Not one to stymie
artistic genius in its embryonic phase I stand there, quietly clear my
throat....three or four times. "S'cuz me darlin'" says I again in my most
"I-am-interested-in-buying" voice "but I need to speak with a
sales..........person?" One moment more says sweetness. Finally I spy a
salesman coming into the back of the showroom, heading off somewhere not in
my general direction. I walked up to him and pardoned myself. Asks me what
he can do for me. Says I,. "I'm looking for information and pricing on
______" No problem, the salesfeller says, will get you that right away. He
poofs into an office, and immediately answers a phone, that just started
ringing btw, from another customer. I wait..........I stew........I wonder.
Do these people WANT my money???? I waited another 5 minutes for shit head
to finish his call, and just as he starts out the office door........some
buck-bayman in a pair of green goat boots stops him and asks him for a price
on a "303 rack" for some sort of buck-bayman-ish marsh-mangling-contraption
he "baugt 'ere las' yeer eh?" This wonder of good salesmanship says "yessir
right away" .....goes back into the office with goat-boy on his heels
(intentional visual effects suggested) and starts leafing through another
parts book. I lost it............ swore loud enough to ruin any slight
chance I had of getting past St. Peter and headed for sweet-pea, who was now
looking at me like I had sprung another head out my left ear or something
and "whispered" loud enough for the crowd in Holy Sepulcre to hear, "Tell
that shit-head over there that I hope he made his quota today, because I'm
not spending a freaking dollar in this dump ever again." Out the door I went
and later that day after completing my last round of negotiations, put a
cool $14,000 on the counter at Atlantic Rec.. Since then I've returned
several times with back-up maintenance and parts business, am considering
trading up to a larger bike, and have no intention of ever buying a bike off
any other dealer in this city. HondaY One was the worst buying experience
I've ever had, followed closely by the arrogance and out right lies of the
City Cycle crowd. But thats another story for another day. I mean I could
understand it if I looked like I was on my last buck, or the place was
booming with customers, or even if buddy-green-boots had wall papered
himself in $20.'s, but here I was, a reasonably properous looking feller
with a burning desire to ride again and a pile of wampum to dedicate to just
that purpose. I wasn't in there tire kicking or mid-life crisis dreaming. I
wanted a friggin bike!!!!!!!!!! I moaned about this to a feller I knew who
worked in their parts department about a year after that while he was
admiring my Yammie and wondering why I didn't give them a chance to sell me
a Wing, and his answer was basically the same. Don't blame the parts guys
for the sales guys being arseholes. Wonder if sweetums is still working
there or is she a budding artist or telemarketer? Customer service? Not at
HondaY One my friend.

"mike" <> wrote in message


Dec 16, 2007, 8:25:31 PM12/16/07
You should have given Honda Town in Carbonear a call. We bought a Honda
snow blower from them last year - cheaper than Honda One, delivered to the
door, free pick up and delivery for the winterization - and you actually
talk to a person any time you call. Honda One should take a page out of
their book


"El Diablo" <> wrote in message


Dec 16, 2007, 8:56:51 PM12/16/07
> > having this exchange.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Well judging from your arrogance displayed by your apparent opinion
of "baymen" as being inferior and less prosperous looking, I can see
why they treated you like a prick.


Dec 16, 2007, 11:25:39 PM12/16/07
I actually tried Honda Town after the first few times I was ignored at Honda
One. As courteous as they were at Honda Town unfortunately they had none
left in stock along with every other Honda dealer in the province, hence my
purchase from Ontario rather than Honda One.

"Joanne" <> wrote in message


Dec 17, 2007, 1:21:17 PM12/17/07
Go get stuffed leafs. I AM a bayman, born and bred. Even grew up in a
fishing boat. Wonderful life. Wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. You're
definitely not getting on my nerve with that one. Nice try though trolly.
Now back to the subject at hand, namely lambasting poor customer service.

"leafs" <> wrote in message


Jan 1, 2008, 11:46:50 AM1/1/08
On Dec 17 2007, 5:21 am, "Bunkers" <> wrote:
> Go get stuffed leafs. I AM a bayman, born and bred. Even grew up in a
> fishing boat. Wonderful life. Wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. You're
> definitely not getting on my nerve with that one. Nice try though trolly.
> Now back to the subject at hand, namely lambasting poor customer service.
> "leafs" <> wrote in message
> > why they treated you like a prick.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

well why dont you have a look at the house the guy owns from honda
one ,the sports car he drives ,the camper and summer home he
owns ,,,,you will see why he doesnt pour money into customer
service....its because we keep going back there making this idiot
richer each year.
Hers what should happen,HOnda Canada should step up too the plate and
do a few "silent customer "calls with some of there people and see for
themselves how this guy is ruining the reputation on Honda Canada.....


Jan 26, 2008, 5:40:30 PM1/26/08
On Jan 1, 8:46 am, robinhood <> wrote:
> On Dec 17 2007, 5:21 am, "Bunkers" <> wrote:
> > Go get stuffed leafs. I AM a bayman, born and bred. Even grew up in a
> > fishing boat. Wonderful life. Wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. You're
> > definitely not getting on my nerve with thatone. Nice try though trolly.

> > Now back to the subject at hand, namely lambasting poor customer service.
> > "leafs" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > On Dec 16, 4:13 pm, "Bunkers" <> wrote:
> > >> I agree Mike. Couple of years ago I was shopping for a new bike. Through
> > >> reading reviews and talking to people and my own little research
> > >> projects, I
> > >> had it narrowed down to two models at HondaYOne,oneKawi.model at Fun

> > >> and
> > >> Fast and two Yamahas at Atlantic Rec. Went intoHondaOnefirst because I
> > >> rode aHonda20 years ago and I liked the machine from start to finish.

> > >> Walked in and stood in front of some young hon on the desk for about 5
> > >> mins.
> > >> while she yakked into her phone about such and such and when they went to
> > >> the movie with the other such and such and he was such a such and such.
> > >> Personal calls while customers wait???? Yeah finally honey
> > >> draws
> > >> a deep breath ( a singularly riveting display of the tensile strength of
> > >> cotton and buttons ) and asks me what she can do for me. Want to talk to
> > >> a
> > >> salesman says I. Ok justonemoment, says sweetums and off I go to wander

> > >> and drool in the rows of chrome........for about 10
> > >> salesperson.......back I go. Sweetness is now doodling. Notoneto stymie

> > >> artistic genius in its embryonic phase I stand there, quietly clear my
> > >> throat....three or four times. "S'cuz me darlin'" says I again in my most
> > >> "I-am-interested-in-buying" voice "but I need to speak with a
> > >> sales..........person?"Onemoment more says sweetness. Finally I spy a
> > >> any other dealer in this city. HondaYOnewas the worst buying experience

> > >> I've ever had, followed closely by the arrogance and out right lies of
> > >> the
> > >> City Cycle crowd. But thats another story for another day. I mean I could
> > >> understand it if I looked like I was on my last buck, or the place was
> > >> booming with customers, or even if buddy-green-boots had wall papered
> > >> himself in $20.'s, but here I was, a reasonably properous looking feller
> > >> with a burning desire to ride again and a pile of wampum to dedicate to
> > >> just
> > >> that purpose. I wasn't in there tire kicking or mid-life crisis dreaming.
> > >> I
> > >> wanted a friggin bike!!!!!!!!!! I moaned about this to a feller I knew
> > >> who
> > >> worked in their parts department about a year after that while he was
> > >> admiring my Yammie and wondering why I didn't give them a chance to sell
> > >> me
> > >> a Wing, and his answer was basically the same. Don't blame the parts guys
> > >> for the sales guys being arseholes. Wonder if sweetums is still working
> > >> there or is she a budding artist or telemarketer? Customer service? Not
> > >> at
> > >> HondaYOnemy friend.

> > >> "mike" <> wrote in message
> > >>news:4765493d$0$5259$
> > >> > yoohoo wrote:
> > >> >> Just had to comment on the terrible experience I received while in
> > >> >> that
> > >> >> store this week.  I've been an occasional visitor browsing the atv's
> > >> >> for
> > >> >> the last few years, never taking up anyone's time but just dropping in
> > >> >> to
> > >> >> have a 5 minute look every 3-4 months.  Always noticed nooneever
> > >> >> asked
> > >> >> if I needed help but I didn't anyway so it didn't bother me.  So
> > >> >> they're
> > >> >> having a big sale now and I decided to go ahead and buyone.  I did

> > >> >> alot
> > >> >> of research on my own and had nothing left but 2 -3 brief questions
> > >> >> just
> > >> >> to confirm by choice.  So I went in a few mornings ago and after
> > >> >> standing
> > >> >> around looking for some help for 20 minutes finally got a guy to
> > >> >> 'help'
> > >> >> me.  First question, do you have the model I'm interested in stock,
> > >> >> the
> > >> >> guy dissappeared for 10 minutes finally came back and said yes.  Ok,
> > >> >> so I
> > >> >> asked my next question which I thought could be answered on the spot,
> > >> >> but
> > >> >> the guy dissappeared for another 10-15 minutes, came back gave me the
> > >> >> roughest answer then before I could ask anything else turned his back
> > >> >> and
> > >> >> said he'd get me a quote.  So I stood there another 10-15 minutes
> > >> >> finally
> > >> >>oneof the other guys came along and handed me 'the quote' as he was

> > >> >> walking past.  So at first look I could see the quote did not include
> > >> >> the
> > >> >>HondaCanada advertised factory discount I was expecting which should

> > >> >> have been $3600 but the guy decided $3200 was enough for me I guess.
> > >> >> So
> > >> >> I went to find him to enquire on the difference in factory rebate but
> > >> >> he
> > >> >> was in an office talking to another staff member and too busy to help
> > >> >> this customer.  So I was after using all my lunch break and more, and
> > >> >> couldn't wait any longer for 'help.' A closer look at my quote
> > >> >> revealed
> > >> >> the guy wanted to charge me HST on the prediscountHondaCanada
> > >> >> purchase
> > >> >> price then reduce my bill by the amount of his reduced factory
> > >> >> discount.
> > >> >> A tactic to illegally syphon more cash from many unawares customers
> > >> >> used
> > >> >> by many a two-bit used car salesman in their day.  Anyways, so I
> > >> >> decided
> > >> >> to try calling the otherHondadealers aroung the province but they

> > >> >> are
> > >> >> all out of stock and well aware of peoples bad experiences with the
> > >> >> Mount
> > >> >> Pearl store.  Anyways, so I ended up finding the atv I want from a
> > >> >> dealer
> > >> >> in Ontario.  Shipped to my door it will still be about $700 cheaper
> > >> >> than
> > >> >>HondaOnewhich is a stones throw from my house. And a pleasurable

> > >> >> shopping experience to say the least.  This guy in Ontario told me I'm
> > >> >> the third customer he's sending an atv to in St. John's in the last
> > >> >> month
> > >> >> because of complaints dealing with the guys atHondaOne. Anyways, I
> > >> >> calledHondaCanada's customer service and let them know my experience

> > >> >> on
> > >> >> the poor service, not honouring the factory discount, and trying to
> > >> >> charge me tax on the prediscounted purchase price.
> > >> >> Vent over, thanks.
> > >> > Typical from what I have heard aboutHondaone.
> > >> > I must also say that the parts department is the Best!
> > >> > Now if the parts guys were running the sales department we wouldn't be
> > >> > having this exchange.- Hide quoted text -
> > >> - Show quoted text -
> > > Well judging from your arrogance displayed by your apparent opinion
> > > of "baymen" as being inferior and less prosperous looking, I can see
> > > why they treated you like a prick.- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
> well why dont you have a look at the house the guy owns fromhondaone,the sports car he drives ,the camper and summer home he

> owns ,,,,you will see why he doesnt pour money into customer
> service....its because we keep going back there making this idiot
> richer each year.
> Hers what should happen,HOndaCanada should step up too the plate and

> do a few "silent customer "calls with some of there people and see for
> themselves how this guy is ruining the reputation onHondaCanada.....- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Substitute Honda One with Fun and Fast and Honda with Kawi and maybe
your post makes sense. Not sure where your info about the owner of
Honda One but first off, he is a she and she now lives in Toronto. She
drives a nice Acura but not the Porshe like the guy who owns Fun and
Fast. If you don't know what you are talking about, stop typing. Parts
at H1 rock, not sure about the Sales.....


Jan 26, 2008, 7:44:59 PM1/26/08
y' know, it is becoming more and more evident that a lot of
"successful" businesses in this city have the worst reputations! I
have heard some bad stories about a Chrysler Dealer, Nissan Dealer and
VW Dealer in NL recently, each customer saying they would never buy
from them again. The cheapest thing in the world to do is to RETAIN a
customer - the most expensive thing to do is to is to get a new
customer! (Just read any of Jeffrey Gitomer's books on the subject.)

As rich as they may be, just imagine how much RICHER they would be if
they weren't A-Holes!

If you are dealing in Honda products, try Honda Town in Carbonear.
Bought a generator off them last year and they brought it to my door,
set it up, showed me how to use it.....and thanked me for my business!
I'll be buying a snowblower off them soon....



Jan 26, 2008, 8:02:44 PM1/26/08
Jammers <> wrote in news:37eb79a9-e71d-4576-abb3-

Exactly. It doesn't take a lot to keep a customer, but it sure as hell
takes a lot to get one back. Should be mandatory reading for business


Jan 26, 2008, 9:35:14 PM1/26/08
Jammers wrote:
> y' know, it is becoming more and more evident that a lot of
> "successful" businesses in this city have the worst reputations! I
> have heard some bad stories about a Chrysler Dealer, Nissan Dealer and
> VW Dealer in NL recently, each customer saying they would never buy
> from them again. The cheapest thing in the world to do is to RETAIN a
> customer - the most expensive thing to do is to is to get a new
> customer! (Just read any of Jeffrey Gitomer's books on the subject.)
> As rich as they may be, just imagine how much RICHER they would be if
> they weren't A-Holes!

Just imagine how poor they would be if their was any competition...Most
of these assholes that people regularly complain about here have
practically monopolized markets. O'Neill is the only Nissan dealer -
major asshole. Honda One - only Honda dealer in St. John's areas -
major asshole. Prime reason why competition is so important.

I have never dealt with H1 but given the stories I've heard I will
definitely be going to Carbonear for my snow blower. I've heard nothing
but great things about them. None of the above mentioned assholes will
be getting rich on my account.


Rick Hollett

Jan 26, 2008, 11:11:22 PM1/26/08
As an alternative, I've had good success getting my HS80 done at King's
Bridge. Andy's the guy who does all the small engine repairs_very_reasonable
IMA. Honda One told me I needed a new Carb 5 yrs ago. I passed on it and got
Andy to do the repair-not a carb at all but an adjustment. You really gotta
watch these guys.
"Snipe" <> wrote in message


Jan 27, 2008, 2:54:02 PM1/27/08
Honda Town Carbonear walk the extra mile for it's customers. They pick up
and deliver our machines for service to and from St. John's/Carbonear.

"Rick Hollett" <> wrote in message

Aug 14, 2015, 12:29:58 AM8/14/15
I called Honda One a couple of weeks ago to get an estimate on a GoldWing tuneup, and installation of new tires. They gave me an estimate of hours required, so my next obvious question (duh) was what is the hourly rate? Then I asked if they sold Dunlop Elite 3 tires and he said yes, and guess what - then I had to ask how much. He didn't look it up,e but just said about $xxx.xx - not much good for a shopping exercise. I eventually purchase my Dunlop Elites for about $150 less than his "about" price. Unfortunately, two weeks later when I call to make an appointment for my tuneup and tire installation, the guy asks if I brought the tires at Honda One. When I said no, he said he would not install my tires, but had the face to say they would do my tuneup. I emailed the general managers but did not receive a reply. I then called Honda Canada Customer Service and relayed my story. He put me on hold saying he would call Honda One while I stayed online. When he came back online he said Honda One told him it was there local policy to support their own sales department (meaning if you don't buy from us we don't help you). Talk about arrogant. I will NEVER PURCHASE AGAIN FROM HONDA ONE, and I will tell as many people as will listen my story. The only way to get Honda One to be concerned about their customers is to starve them - boycott their sales. Use the other Honda dealers around the island, of buy from the mainland.
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