Vent over, thanks.
Andrew O'Brien
C.N.A Welding
First Year Apprentice
"yoohoo" <> wrote in message
"mike" <> wrote in message
"El Diablo" <> wrote in message
Well judging from your arrogance displayed by your apparent opinion
of "baymen" as being inferior and less prosperous looking, I can see
why they treated you like a prick.
"Joanne" <> wrote in message
"leafs" <> wrote in message
well why dont you have a look at the house the guy owns from honda
one ,the sports car he drives ,the camper and summer home he
owns ,,,,you will see why he doesnt pour money into customer
service....its because we keep going back there making this idiot
richer each year.
Hers what should happen,HOnda Canada should step up too the plate and
do a few "silent customer "calls with some of there people and see for
themselves how this guy is ruining the reputation on Honda Canada.....
Substitute Honda One with Fun and Fast and Honda with Kawi and maybe
your post makes sense. Not sure where your info about the owner of
Honda One but first off, he is a she and she now lives in Toronto. She
drives a nice Acura but not the Porshe like the guy who owns Fun and
Fast. If you don't know what you are talking about, stop typing. Parts
at H1 rock, not sure about the Sales.....
As rich as they may be, just imagine how much RICHER they would be if
they weren't A-Holes!
If you are dealing in Honda products, try Honda Town in Carbonear.
Bought a generator off them last year and they brought it to my door,
set it up, showed me how to use it.....and thanked me for my business!
I'll be buying a snowblower off them soon....
Exactly. It doesn't take a lot to keep a customer, but it sure as hell
takes a lot to get one back. Should be mandatory reading for business
Just imagine how poor they would be if their was any competition...Most
of these assholes that people regularly complain about here have
practically monopolized markets. O'Neill is the only Nissan dealer -
major asshole. Honda One - only Honda dealer in St. John's areas -
major asshole. Prime reason why competition is so important.
I have never dealt with H1 but given the stories I've heard I will
definitely be going to Carbonear for my snow blower. I've heard nothing
but great things about them. None of the above mentioned assholes will
be getting rich on my account.
"Rick Hollett" <> wrote in message