SUSY Pheno

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Miguel Crispim Romão

Apr 28, 2014, 10:15:48 AM4/28/14
Hi all!

I think I speak for all when I say that the SUSY course was a bit too short to discuss many pheno implications. Namely to go through the MSSM and to get a feeling on what type of pheno one does in model buildings.

A second course in SUSY centred on pheno would be a great addition to the course list in my opinion.


May 1, 2014, 6:52:15 AM5/1/14
I would also like to attend a course like this.

May 1, 2014, 11:58:56 AM5/1/14
Indeed, a course such as this would be warranted and it was always given in the past, mostly from PDRAs and/or visitors. Last year it was Prof Shaaban Khalil delivering it and it was very much liked. He will be visiting NExT again this year, the next-to-last week of June in Sussex and the last week of June in Soton. I have asked him whether he can do a remake of the course from either place with VC links. It will be a one-week minicourse, I reckon. I keep you informed.

Stefano Moretti

May 2, 2014, 3:27:53 AM5/2/14
I have corresponded with Shaaban and he would be delighted to give again his course. However, he will probably have to cancel his June visit to NExT, so the only possible time for this module is July, maybe very beginning of August. The students interested should get in touch directly with him to fine tune dates and content. As for the latter, notice that there will be a course from Prof Ulrich Elwanger (our Diamond Jubilee Visiting Professor) on "Properties of additional Higgs bosons in supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model (including the NMSSM)" during the period 2-11 June (see corresponding post), which will certainly cover the MSSM Higgs sector, so that Shaaban's module ought to concentrate on the sparticle sector. Shaaban's email is

Stefano Moretti

May 13, 2014, 9:48:10 AM5/13/14
I confirm that Shaaban will be delivering a course on SUSY phenomenolgy, chiefly within the MSSM but possibly also beyond it. As Ulrich will cover SUSY Higgses in general, I expect Shaaban will concentrate mostly on sparticles.
Delivery will occur during the week 23-27 June. Part it will be during the NExT PhD Workshop as invited lectures and part during the remaining days of that week as normal NExT PhD School slots. Watch out the NExT PhD Workshop webpage (once available) and the NExT PhD School Calendar for updates.

Stefano Moretti

Jun 24, 2014, 2:04:41 PM6/24/14
Shabaan's lectures # 3 & 4 (to follow the first two delivered during the NExT PhD Workshop) will be on Thursday 26 June in the Soton VC room from 11:00 to 13:00.
Sasha will circulate the Visimeet virtual room booking shortly. In case the VC rooms at the other nodes are unavailable or one is unable to attend in person, please recall that you can connect to any of the Visimeet virtual rooms from your own PC/laptop by using a free licence obtainable as described at  
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